This entity enables your authorized third-party apps or modules to query the categories that can be associated with an opportunity in Autotask. Both the integration user and the API-only user must have security level permission to add or edit the entity. Autotask currently provides five contract types: Time and Materials, Fixed Price, Block Hours, Retainer, and Recurring Service. var uri = '' + document.location.href; This entity's purpose is to describe a Contact associated with a ContactGroup. Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? If a form template uses a value or provides content that is not allowed in a field by the category or the user's security settings, the field will not be updated. How to handle a hobby that makes income in US. [CDATA[*/ Ticket.Source is not required; however, in the UI the Source field defaults to 'Other', so for tickets created through the UI, the value for Ticket.Source is never Null. Selecting a Note Type populates the Publish To field of the note, but this default can be overridden. Step 1: Creating an API User and Getting API Keys from Autotask (REST API) Why are we doing this? The Country entity is referenced by other entities and specifies the display name, address format, two-letter county code, and ISO standard name associated with the country. The DomainRegistrars entity contains WHOISdetails for Domain assets. Thanks for your feedback. Have an idea for a new feature? Autotask API Ticket Creation with PowerShell Does anyone have sample code for how to create a ticket using the REST API. When a SubIssueType value is provided, the associated IssueType value must also be provided. The ticket category controls which fields appear here and in what order. The time zone and holiday set of the associated location are applied to the resource's time entries and schedules. The function of this entity is to describe the link between co-managed accounts and the resources with a co-managed security level who have access to them. For more information, refer to. /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? Complete the New Attachment dialog box. The entity provides an efficient way to access the details, via the API, to assist with the customer's Autotask implementation. rev2023.3.3.43278. Edit: oh and for the REST API, the ID field isn't needed, just so you are aware. This entity takes on the UDFs that hold the site setup information for the Company represented by companyID. User-defined fields are custom fields that each Autotask customer can add to their Company, Contact, Opportunity, Sales Order, Projects, Products, Assets, Ticket, and Tasktables. If the ticket has no associated posted items and Ticket.AccountID is changed, any associated (non-posted) Contract, TimeEntries, or TicketCosts are set to Null, along with any Service or ServiceBundle items associated with the TimeEntries or TicketCosts. Autotask users manage Tickets through a number of modules including Service Desk, Home, CRM, and Contracts. This entity's role is to describe any sort of note created by an Autotask user and associated with a Company entity as opposed to a Ticket Note. To obtain complete field information specific to your Autotask implementation, use theGETAPIcalls described in the resource and child collection access URLs section of this document. Which actions can be performed on the entity. via the API and attached to the OnPlus Service Desk queue. Click New; Tip - click the images to make them larger var uri = '' + document.location.href; ExpenseItem.AccountID is updated and ExpenseItem.ProjectID, ExpenseItem.TaskID, or ExpenseItem.TicketID is set to Null. For more information, check out the Datto/Autotask page about this module too. function SendLinkByMail(href) { Refer to the previous bullet point. Refer to Finding resource and child access URLs of REST API entities to learn how to locate these paths. Create Quote. Open the Datto Help Center. Want to talk about it? We recommend that you create a new resource (Autotask user account) for the integration, so that it is separate from other user accounts. Action. 'Mine + Accounts' will be treated as 'None.'; What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? Some fields on Entities require an id to a parent Entity. Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, Read the instructions and follow the path. DocumentConfigurationItemCategoryAssociations. If the Can edit Status of Complete tickets (does not apply to Autotask Web Services/API) permission is cleared for your security level, you can update the status of incomplete incidents. This entity contains the records for the Deleted Ticket Activity journal located in the Autotaskapplication at >Admin > Features and Settings > Projects & Tasks >Deleted Ticket Activity Log. According to their documentation it requires the URI and then the body contains the JSON formatted data: But this doesn't seem to work either and Datto are taking forever to respond to support tickets these days. If you edit a note or time entry that is associated with existing attachments, they appear in a separate Attachments section. It was a requirement for soap though as the other reply says. 4. Thanks for your feedback. This entity's purpose is to describe a Vendor type Company with an association to an Autotask Product. In Picklist, an inactive TicketCategory displays in italic text. The function of this entity is to describe the Webhook error log where errors are kept by the application for 30 days. Refer to Adding and managing attachments. Update Status on {#} incident(s) (tickets only). The value you select will be set as the status of the parent entity when the dialog box or page is saved. This object describes Expense Reports created in Autotask; its purpose is for the submission of expense line items for approval and reimbursement. A time entry allows an Autotask resource to enter ticket and task time (Labor) and general or regular time (non-customer facing time). ConfigurationItemSslSubjectAlternativeName. function SendLinkByMail(href) { This selection opens a page that contains a subset of the fields documented above. Currently, the API provides the following actions: GET, PUT, PATCH, POST, and DELETE. If a ticket is created or updated with a sub-issue type that is excluded from the associated contract, the ticket's ContractID will be updated to that of the exclusion contract, if it exists. This object associates a Product entity with a PurchaseOrder entity. If an unsupported entity receives a request to update a field that contains Rich Text, the API will update the text-only version of the field and overwrite the data in the Rich Text field with plain text. This entity contains attachments for documents in Autotask. If the ticket catgeory = 'RMA', the TicketType is set to 'Change Request', regardless of the value that is supplied. For a list of all currently available entities, refer to the , or check the Online Help's table of contents. /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? An inventory product represents a set of stocked items that share a product and a location. How do I connect these two faces together? We're using Power Apps to capture information and then Flow passes it to Autotask, i can pull information using GET but unable to create anything. Here is the code I tried (after authenticating). If recipients are added or removed from the To: field on the Notification panel, the matching role-based check boxes will become selected or cleared. REST API supportability and query thresholds If you find a defect in the API. Refer to WebhookFields (REST API). The application records an error when the maximum number of retries (5) have occurred for an event, but the payload could not be delivered. The entity header identifies the parent entity the note or time entry is associated with. This entity's purpose is to describe a modular component that can be added to any ticket or task. This entity records existing associations between tags and Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. To verify and configure these settings perform the following steps. They are saved as replies to the note or time entry they are added to. For information about dialog boxes and how they differ from browser pages, refer to Minimizing Dialog Boxes. If selected, only internal Autotask resources will be able to view the note, and the, you opened the Time Entry or Note page from the Edit Ticket page, you don't have permission to edit tickets. What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery?; /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? This entity describes an Action Type assigned to a CRM Note or To-Do. This entity contains ticket associations for documents in Autotask. Wherever it is available, it tracks essential information about the record. It allows you to compensate for the Block Hour fixed rate by applying a multiplier to specific role rates. The function of this entity is to describe the resources associated with a Company Team. Visit the Ideas forum! This entity contains attachments for Knowledgebase articles in Autotask. The check boxes are shortcuts to manually selecting or clearing role-based recipients on the Notification panel. If the current priority is inactive, update() is allowed if the Priority value is not changed, or if Priority is changed to an active value. Incidents on Change Request tickets will not be updated. Access deactivation for version 1.5 began in Q1 2022 and will enter its concluding phases in October 2022. This entity's purpose is to describe a resource assigned to a task but not as the primary resource. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Set up a mailbox in Autotask. This entity describes an instance of hardware, software, or a material item in Autotask that a company sells or supports for customers. Configure your support email address. The name of the user who is filling the role is added to the role name. Tickets where Type = Service Request cannot be associated with a ProblemTicket ID. You use it to override your company's standard role rate for labor tracked against the contract. If setting equals 'Never' then the API will not require the QueueID value. Tracks updates to any field except changes to the LastActivityDate, LastCustomerNotificationDateTime, LastCustomerVisibleActivityDateTime. Such ticket categories are hidden everywhere you select a ticket category when you create or edit a ticket; they are only used when tickets are created via the API. To learn more, refer to The Rich Text editor. A new inactive attribute value cannot be assigned. Tickets and project tasks share the same list of statuses. This entity describes an Autotask To-Do, a scheduled item associated with a Company that appears on the user's Autotask calendar. If you select a different note type, keep in mind that it might be set to a different Publish option. The stopwatch starts running as soon as you open the task, ticket or time entry page. For more information, refer to Notification panel. It describes whether a ServiceBundle on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency.; It determines a customer's total taxes on billing items. Need troubleshooting help? Want to learn about upcoming enhancements? For String datatypes, the number in parentheses ( ) indicates the maximum number of characters allowed. This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. For more information, refer to Time Entry/Note Quick Edit Fields. You cannot use the API to create items that contain Rich Text, but you can add Rich Text later via a supported method. To learn more, refer to our AutotaskRESTAPIcalls >Timestamp format article. This entity's purpose is to describe a grouped set of Holiday entities assigned to an Autotask Internal location and used in tracking internal time off. Enter the recipient email address in the Email API Token to (optional) field and click Email Token (Optional) The sent email includes the API Key and the server URL to query. IMPORTANT Except in the case of certain entities, when the APIreceives a request to update a field that contains Rich Text, the APIwill update the text-only version of the field and overwrite the data in the Rich Text field with plain text. Gettings 721 tickets based on a title filter: "Title eq hello!" Resources receive assignment to one or more roles through their department and queue associations. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? This article provides a general technical overview and index of the resources (entities)that you can access via the AutotaskRESTAPI. If cleared (default setting), all Autotask resources, Outsourcing partners, and customers with access to the item in the Client Portal can view the note. } IMPORTANT Selecting a form template is the equivalent of manually populating the form. Need troubleshooting help? This entity describes detailed information about on-hand. You cannot use the API to create items that contain Rich Text, but you can add Rich Text later via a supported method. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? The Ticket entity can have no more than 300 UDFs. IMPORTANT The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. The API-only user's security level must allow impersonation on the entity type. NOTE If the Ticket Note or Ticket Time Entry page is opened from the Edit Ticket page, Forward/Modify is disabled. function SendLinkByMail(href) { To retrieve more detailed information specific to a particular Autotask implementation, use the Web Services API call. [CDATA[*/ Ticket cannot be created with an inactive TicketCategory. Entity details You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo () SOAP API call. The selected recipients are added to the To: field; CC: and BCC: fields are not populated. For additional information, refer to. A Subscription creates recurring billing items for Assets when there is no need to track labor costs against subscription revenue; for example, when billing in installments. This entity's purpose is to describe a multi-level approval record for an Autotask time entry. The New and Edit pages for each entity feature a notification panel that is accessed from a persistent handle at the bottom of the page. If you set the status of selected tickets to Complete, and one or more tickets have incomplete to-dos, a confirmation message will ask if you want to complete associated to-dos. This check box appears on task notes, ticket notes and both task and ticket quick notes and quick replies. Assets are Products with an association to a Company entity. It shows the Task Number or Ticket Number, Task Title or Ticket Title, and Company fields, plus the quick copy icons. This entity's purpose is to describe a billing Role that has been excluded from a Contract. Head on over to our Community Forum! The Note Type field defaults to Task Summary. 3. The assets associated with Knowledgebase articles are recorded in this entity. It mirrors the fields found on the. Access to version 1.6 will deactivate in Q4 2024. The fields that do appear show the following differences: A Keep Current option is available and is the default. From the pull-down menu, [CDATA[*/ /*