For more information and resourcesvisit the CalWORKs Program website. American Rescue Plan Act Of 2021 Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Supplemental Grant Program Instructions And County Opt-In Process, ACL 21-143 (November 16, 2021) HCD can revoke housing element compliance if a local governments actions do not align with state law, which limits access to state housing resources. Sacramento, CA 95814, Summaries of select CalWORKs, CalFresh, Health and Housing Regulations, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Appointing Authorized Representatives (AR) in the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI). 21-50 CalFresh Water Pilot Implementation Date And Final Zip Code Selection, ACL 21-50 (April 28, 2021) ROAD CLOSURES REPORT STORM DAMAGE. endobj . Caregivers Right To Access Current And Most Recent Education Records, ACL 21-85 (August 5, 2021) Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program. The application must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, November 19, 2021. Homelessness Assessment and Data System. CalWORKs Provides Cash . Most of the centers include apartments of between two and four bedrooms per household. Requires HCFC to allocate no more that 45percent of this allocation to a single city. In 201920, the budget provided $300million General Fund for the IIG Program. Updated COVID-19 Related Exceptions To In-Person Monthly Caseworker Visitation Requirements For Dependent Children, Nonminor Dependents, And Wards, ACL 21-07 (January 14, 2021) Errata To All County Letter (ACL) NO. using evidence-based practices for homeless assistance and prevention. Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Financing Program. When SB 1065 is implemented, the family will be eligible for the second 16-day period even if CalWORKs is granted during the first 16-day period. ), Foreclosure Prevention and Preservation Program, Homebuyer Assistance, Economic Impact Relief, Accessory Dwelling Unit Financing Program, Office of Migrant ServicesDeferred Maintenance, Dolores Huerta Peace and Justice Cultural Center, Commercial Property Conversion Pilot Program. California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Program: COVID-19 Good Cause Time Limit Exemption, ACL 21-81 (July 28, 2021) CalWORKs applicants will talk with an applicant worker after they have completed and submitted their application forms. Temporary Requirements For Title IV-E Agencies To Provide Young Adults In Extended Foster Care Continued Assistance And The Suspension Of The Age, Education, And Employment Requirements For The Extended Foster Care Program As A Result Of The Supporting Foster Youth And Families Through The Pandemic Act, ACL 21-50E (March 4, 2022) To be eligible for CalWORKs Home Visiting Program (HVP), an individual must a) be a member of the CalWORKs assistance unit b) The individual is pregnant, or c) the individual is a parent/caretaker relative of a child less than 24 months of age at the time the individual enrolls in the program. All CalWORKs recipient families are eligible for the HSP. 16 days of temporary homeless assistance no longer needs to be used consecutively. HSP eligibility now includes families in CalWORKs who are at-risk of homelessness including recipients who have not yet received an eviction notice, and for whom housing instability would be a barrier to self-sufficiency or child well-being. Infill Infrastructure Grant (IIG) Program. The budget provides $3million one-time General Fund to the State Treasurer to provide a report on the feasibility of establishing a self-sustaining state program that can help first-time homebuyers purchase a home. In general, homeless for purposes of HSP means either 1) an individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, 2) An individual or family who will imminently lose their primary nighttime residence, 3) Any individual or family who is fleeing, or is attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous or life-threatening conditions that relate to violence against the individual or a family member, has no other housing and lacks resources to obtain other housing. This is the third consecutive year in which the Governor has proposed a one-time expansion of the states housing tax credit, for a total of $1.5billion in tax credits. The 202122 budget includes $4.7million General Fund to provide continued technical assistance to local governments in meeting Regional Housing Needs Allocations, comply with new state housing laws, and help facilitate housing production. HOMELESS PROGRAMS AND SERVICES . In order to conform with the administrations categorization of spending actions, we discuss this proposal in the homelessness section below.). National Youth In Transition Database (NYTD) Survey: 21-Year-Old Follow-Up Population Of The Third Cohort, ACL 21-09 (February 18, 2021) Documentation Of Diagnosed Conditions In The Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS) For Adoption And Foster Care Analysis And Reporting System (AFCARS) Data Entry And Reporting Purposes, ACL 21-11E (March 3, 2021) Population will be based on the 2019 homeless point-in-time count for Round 3 and the most recent homeless point-in-time count for Round 4. The 202122 budget also provides HCD $30million one-time General Fund for critical deferred maintenance needs at the OMS centers for migrant farmworkers. CalWORKs HA can provide payments for temporary shelter for CalWORKs Program Guide CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) Number Page 10-008.A 1 of 3 Revision Date: August 1, 2021 Background: Per the All County Welfare Directors Letter dated July 18, 2014 the CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) provides assistance to CalWORKs families experiencing barriers to self-sufficiency due to homelessness or . 136 0 obj If a family has little or no cash and needs housing, food, utilities, clothing or medical care, they may be eligible to receive immediate short-term help. Applications must be submitted by email only. Full-Time. In California, cash aid is restricted to a five-year lifetime limit for most aided adults, which includes aid received in other . Release Of Psychotropic Medication Information For Children In Foster Care To The Medical Board Of California (MBC), ACL 21-58(May 21, 2021) Family First Transition Act (FFTA) Transition Grant And Funding Certainty Grant For The Family First Prevention Act (FFPSA), ACL 21-45II (July 20, 2022) agency. Temporary Change To Payment Verification System (PVS) Match Processing For CalFresh, ACL 21-08 (January 15, 2021) The program is administered by the Homelessness Coordinating and Financing Council (HCFC). Online Mandated Reporting Program, ACL 21-70(June 21, 2021) Instructions For Mandatory Termination Of In-Home Supportive Services For Medi-Cal Beneficiaries Enrolled In The Program Of All-Inclusive Care For The Elderly, ACL 21-67 (June 15, 2021) Family And Sibling Visitation For Children Involved In The Child Welfare And Probation System During COVID-19, ACL 21-17E (April 7, 2021) (HSP). Diversion The Diversion program was implemented in California to offer an alternative (diversion) from CalWORKs, and divert the CalWORKs applicant from cash aid and avoid the need for extended assistance if provided access . Show/Hide. We'll walk you through which one you'll need. Extension Of The Suspended Education And Employment Requirements Within The Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program And Continued Assistance For Young Adults In EFC Upon Turning 21 Years Of Age On Or After January 27, 2020 Through December 31, 2021, ACL 21-95 (August 16, 2021) For the purposes of HSP, a person is defined as at-risk of homelessness when they are experiencing housing instability, including recipients who have not yet received an eviction notice, and for whom housing instability would be a barrier to self-sufficiency or child well-being; have no subsequent permanent residence secured; and lack resources to secure subsequent permanent housing. Specifically, the spending plan includes budget-related legislation that requires the State Treasurer, in consultation with CalHFA, HCD, and other relevant stakeholders to develop a framework for the California Dream for All First Time Homebuyers Program to reduce barriers to homeownership, and submit a report to the Legislature as soon as April 1, 2022, and no later than one year from the effective date of the legislation. endstream Investigating Requirements Of Child Maltreatment Related Fatalities When No Other Children Are Reported In The Home, ACL 21-97 (August 30, 2021) Sharing Ratios For Foster Family Agencies, Intensive Services Foster Care, Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs, Community Treatment Facilities, And Transitional Housing Placement Nonminor Dependent Programs For Fiscal Year 2021-22, ACL 21-107 (September 15, 2021) Assistance Below we provide a brief summary of the major housing related proposals. California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Program: Revised And Obsolete Forms, Notices Of Action (NOA), And NOAMessages Regarding The CalWORKs 60-Month Time-On-Aid Limit, The Repeal Of The Welfare-To-Work (WTW) 24-Month Time Clock (MTC) And Establishment Of The CalWORKs Hourly Participation Requirements, ACL 21-44(April 26, 2021) Provides temporary shelter & programs for men or families with children. Chapter 36: Homeless Assistance Chapter 37: Native TANF Program Chapter 38: Reserved for Future Use Chapter 39: Time Limits Chapter 40: Family Conferencing Chapter 41: Family Reunification Program Overview Chapter 42: Domestic Abuse Chapter 43: Aid Payment Principles Chapter 44: Budgeting [EAS 44-313] Chapter 45: Reserved for Future Use The vast majority of funding is one time or temporary. Impacts Of SB 1232 On CalWORKs Welfare To Work Postsecondary Education Activity Participation Requirements And Associated Ancillary Services, ACL 21-03 (January 19, 2021) Erratum to Implementation Of The California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Increase To The Applicant Earned Income Disregard Authorized By Assembly Bill (AB) 135 (Chapter 85, Statutes Of 2021); And New And Revised Forms To Reflect The Recipient Income Disregard Increase To $600 In Accordance With Senate Bill (SB) 80 (Chapter 27, Statutes Of 2019), ACL 21-130 (November 29, 2021) Community Care Expansion Program. Posted: February 28, 2023. Families with a child(ren) when both parents are in the home but the principal earner is unemployed. The 202122 budget provides $100million one-time General Fund to CalHFAs First Time Homebuyer Assistance Program to help prospective homebuyers, particularly in disadvantaged areas, make a down payment, secure a loan, and pay closing costs on a home. New Process For Child-Specific Certification Of Out-Of-State Residential Facilities, ACL 21-145(November 22, 2021) < Older entry. The vast majority of funding is one time or temporary. (559) 264-4714. The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program is the state implementation of the Federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program (TANF). Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Program Fiscal Year 2021-22 Allocation Methodology and Program Information, ACL 21-141E (February 1, 2022) Summary. Some of the major uses of housing and homelessness funding in the state budget support the Homekey Program's acquisition of properties for use as permanent housing, provide flexible aid to local governments to address homelessness in their . FFPSA Part IV Aftercare Requirements, ACL 21-115 (September 29, 2021) In addition, families have to show !nancial diculties. This should take about 10 minutes. CalWORKs PROGRAM FACT SHEET . (HDAP). The administration indicates that the existing Homekey funding will create over 6,000 housing units for individuals and families. Counties can refer families to their early fraud prevention and detection unit if they believe the applicant is questionably homeless. Funds should be expended by June 30, 2024. Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Program Fiscal Year 2020-21 Allocation Methodology And Program Instructions, ACL 21-38 (April 2, 2021) While planning is generally a local responsibility, the state has previously provided resources to aid local governments planning efforts. CalFresh Revisions Made To The Notice Of Denial Or Pending Status (CF 377.1A), ACL 21-92 (August 18, 2021) Assessments By A Qualified Individual (QI) For Placements In Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTPs) Under The Requirements Of The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) And Assembly Bill (AB) 153 (CHAPTER 86, STATUTES OF 2021), ACL 21-112(September 29, 2021) Termination Of Temporary Policy Flexibilities Related To COVID-19 Impacts, ACL 21-76(June 26, 2021) CalFresh, California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids, Refugee Cash Assistance/Entrant Cash Assistance, And Trafficking And Crime Victims Assistance Program Implementation Of Assembly Bill 79 Sections 36, 37 And 86, ACL 21-23 (March 25, 2021) Specifically, the program would require the preservation of units acquired through this funding for use as affordable housing. In addition to reporting on the feasibility of establishing such a program, the legislation directs the report to address, the costs and risks to society of continuing current barriers to homeownership for working families and not combating systemic racism and inequities that have kept generations from building wealth and thriving in the middle class.. Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) Rates, ACL 21-96 (August 19, 2021) Errata To All County Letter (ACL) 21-24CalFresh, California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids, Refugee Cash Assistance/Entrant Cash Assistance, And Trafficking And Crime Victims Assistance Program Implementation Of Assembly Bill 79 Sections 36, 37 And 86, ACL 21-24 (March 4, 2021) California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Homeless Assistance Program: Implementation Of Senate Bill 1065 . CalFresh Clarification On Student Eligibility: COVID-19 Relief Package, ACL 21-11 (January 22, 2021) Funding levels will determine what type of temporary assistance is available. (559) 268-0839. CalWORKs Housing 2021 and September 30, 2023 (an extension of the original cutoff date first from September 30, 2022 and then from December 16, 2022). For families affected by disaster, SB 1065 will remove the requirement for eligibility for disaster homeless assistance that the state or federally declared disaster be a natural disaster. The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has issued guidance regarding changes to the CalWORKs Homeless Assistance program in SB 1065. In addition, the legislation makes several changes to the existing emergency rental assistance program, including providing 100percent reimbursement (up from 80percent) for both arrearage and prospective rent payments. Specifically, the funding would support Adult Residential Facilities and Residential Care Facilities for the Elderlyoften jointly referred to as board and care facilities or assisted living facilities. The 202122 budget provides HCFC $40million one-time General Fund to provide cities, counties, and CoCs grants and technical help to develop action plans that will address family homelessness and accelerate local rehousing efforts. The maximum Homeless assistance payment is based on the size of the number of persons eligible in the CalWORKs family. HCD is responsible for reviewing every local governments housing element to determine whether it complies with state housing law. Policy Guidance For Ensuring Equal And Meaningful Access For Individuals With Disabilities In CalFresh, ACL 21-77 (June 28, 2021) Golden State Acquisition Fund. Of the newly appropriated $250million General Fund, the budget provides $160million for selected capital improvement projects for large jurisdictions and makes $90million available for projects in counties with populations under 250,000 and the cities located within those counties. Affordable Housing Backlog. calworks permanent housing assistance calworks permanent housing assistance. Housing and In 201920, the budget provided $250million one-time General Fund for this purpose. Approved Relative Caregiver (ARC) Program For Out-Of-State Children And Nonminor Dependents (NMD) Errata, ACL 21-141 (December 3, 2021) New Third Party Workers Compensation Claims Administrator And Claims Reporting Procedures For California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids CalWORKs And CalFresh Employment And Training Participants, ACL 21-147(December 10, 2021) CalWORKs, California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids, is a public assistance program that provides temporary assistance to families with children and expectant mothers. The CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) is intended to foster housing stability for families experiencing or at-risk of homelessness in the CalWORKs program. Support Program This means that individuals should be connected to housing or housing support without preconditions, services must be voluntary, client choice must be respected, and client cannot be rejected on the basis of income, past evictions, substance abuse, or any other behavior that might indicate a lack of housing readiness. As of January 1 . HSP can also provide homelessness prevention assistance, which includes payment rent or utility arrears, late fee payments, first month rent and/or security deposit, landlord mediation, repairs, habitability/accessibility improvements, and housing navigation. Errata To All County Letter (ACL) No. Overall, the goal of this effort was to provide non-congregate shelter options for people experiencing homelessness, to protect human life, and to minimize strain on the states health care system. The Bringing Families Home (BFH) program serves homeless families involved with the child welfare system and is . Specifically, to expedite construction of projects that have successfully acquired some state funding, this program provides accelerated funding in lieu of waiting for state tax credits. These changes will become effective when CDSS notifies the legislature that the statewide computer system can perform necessary automation to implement them, which is estimated to be in 9 to 12 months. Shelter Assistance for Single women and women with children (boys under age 9) accepted. The 202122 budget provides $500million for affordable student housing with an additional $1.5billion provided over the subsequent two fiscal years. CalFresh Guidance On New Definition Of Public Assistance CalFresh (PACF), ACL 21-24E (December 30, 2022) Protective Services (APS) who are experiencing, or at imminent risk of experiencing, homelessness due to elder or CalWORKs recipients or apparently eligible CalWORKs applicants, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Senate Bill (SB) 907: Child Abuse Or Neglect Investigations Involving Military Families, ACL 21-52 (April 30, 2021) The CalWORKs Homeless Assistance (HA) Program serves eligible CalWORKs recipients, or apparently eligible CalWORKs applicants, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The purpose of this letter is to notify All County Welfare Directors of funds available for counties to establish, continue, and expand housing and homelessness assistance through the CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP). The Round 3 and Round 4 funding is allocated as follows. (This data does not reflect awards in jurisdictions operating their own local rental assistance programs.). MMC also has other housing options that provide assistance . Level Of Care Rate Determination Protocol (LOCP) Implementation Updates For Foster Family Agencies (FFAS), Home-Based Family Care (HBFC) Placements And The Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC) Rate, ACL 21-17 (February 19, 2021) Bringing Families Home Chapter27 of 2021 (AB832, Chiu) extended existing eviction protections provided to tenants that owe rent due to a COVID-19-related hardship experienced through September 20, 2021 and provides additional protections through March31, 2022 for households applying for emergency rental assistance. CalWORKs provides temporary financial support, as well as job training, education, child care, and counseling, to pregnant women and eligible families. California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs): Implementation Of A New Notice Of Action (NOA) Message For Redetermination, ACL 21-103E (November 15, 2022) Treatment Of Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (PUC) Payments In The California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CALWORKS), Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Entrant Cash Assistance (ECA), And The Trafficking And Crime Victims Assistance Programs (TCVAP) Pursuant To AB Bill 81 (Chapter 5, Statutes Of 2021), ACL 21-21 (March 16, 2021) SB 1065 defines questionable homeless as when there is a reason to suspect the family has permanent housing. The county must have evidence to suspect that the family has safe and stable permanent housing in which the family can continue to reside without support for a referral of the family as questionably homeless. Figure3 provides an inventory of housing related spending actions. Required Documentation Of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity And Expression (SOGIE) Information In The Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS), ACL 21-148 (December 6, 2021) Ortega V. Johnson (2020) - Statewide Policy Regarding CalFresh Benefit Replacement Due To Electronic Theft, ACL 21-132 (October 26, 2021) Prioritization for funding will be given to applicants with encampments of 50 or more individuals. $240million to CoCs based on each COCs share of the states total 2019 point-in-time homelessness count. 103 0 obj In 2017, several bills were enacted that increased HCDs accountability and enforcement authority to review any action or inaction by a local government that HCD determines is inconsistent with state housing element laws or the local jurisdictions own adopted housing element. CalFresh Water Pilot Implementation Date And Final Zip Code Selection, ACL 21-48 (April 23, 2021) They can be reached by calling (530) 225-5285 or emailing Changes To California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CALWORKS) Pregnancy Verification, Signature, And In-Person Photo Identification Requirements, ACL 21-133 (October 29, 2021) Allocates 2percent ($20million per round) of funding to tribes. Payment for temporary homeless assistance is limited to 16 days. Revised Discontinuance/Change Notice Of Action Message For The California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) 60-Month Time Limit, ACL 21-45(April 26, 2021) The 202122 budget provides additional state housing tax credits. California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Homeless Assistance Program:Implementation Of Senate Bill 1065, ACL 21-120 (October 1, 2021) The ongoing funding largely supports expanded bed capacity at state hospitals, as well as assistance for foster youth and former foster youth, and resources to enhance local governments compliance with state housing laws. The 202122 budget provides $10.7billion ($5billion General Fund) to 50 housing and homelessness-related programs across 15 state entities. $224million to counties based on each countys share of the 2019 point-in-time homelessness count for the CoC in their region. A county will be required to accept a sworn statement to verify homelessness. Before entering United Friends of the Children 's housing program in May of 2021, Brittianna was homeless. Families that apply and qualify for ongoing assistance receive money each month to help pay for housing, food and other necessary expenses. The Employment & Human Services Department (EHSD) operates a housing supportive services program that helps CalWORKs participants with housing-related problems they have by providing stable living arrangements and enhancing their work toward self-sufficiency. applicants, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Welfare Intercept System Record Type Updates, ACL 21-41 (April 22, 2021)