Their fickle emotions are always blinking from one to the next, without any permanency, but the one thing you can always count on is a smart remark. They can't wait to get their hands on new experiences and knowledge. However, their sensitivity and compassion are often deliberately tucked away and hidden from view--unless you're a trusted friend, lover, or family member. They never fully accept that this is a natural process and battle against the odds at all times. Grounding is important for all earth signs, and a helpful way to get them back into their nature would be to spend time in it. A depressed Capricorn moon is unmotivated and irritable. Many have attributed it to being ones true nature, you at the core. A depressed Capricorn moon is unmotivated and irritable. They can be pretty pent up and not nearly as go with the flow as you. Grounding is important for all earth signs, and a helpful way to get them back into their nature would be to spend time in it. Valentines Day Rebels Join me in a love revolution. Its a hidden planet thats characteristics are typically only known to people you have intimate relationships with family, friends, partners, etc. Aries Moons react impulsively and explosively, because they are self-centered and just want attention. Instead of accepting the insecurity, the Leo Moon gets haughty and holier-than-thou, acting as if the world isnt good enough for the greatness of the Lion. Often those with Moon in Capricorn have had some kind of emotional trauma in childhood and have learned to protect themselves emotionally. This Moon is senseless, restless and addicted to risk. A fixed Aquarius Moon gives its native two options: destroy or power down. To her credit, others likely thought it, while she said it! However, I seem to have Capricorns strategically placed in my life, as my sister is a cap sun, my son is a sun & moon cap, I have a friend who is a cap moon, her boyfriend is a cap sun & a special someone who is a libra sun, cap moon & happens to be related to my friends boyfriend. Vtg Covered Cheese/butter dish.Green Depression Era Glass L. E. Smith Moon&Stars. Vtg Covered Cheese/butter dish.Green Depression Era Glass L. E. Smith Moon&Stars. Sure, this is depressing as hell, but we all need someone to ground us into reality. Capricorn is the female cardinal Earth element sign. Unmoved by the feelings of others, unless they are drenched in chocolate, the Taurus Moon acts on its own accord, and obstinately refuses to admit they are wrong. So, stubbornness is a given, but there is also the habit of using people for Taurus entertainment. Having a Capricorn moon sign means that the moon was in the astrological sign of Capricorn when you were born. I can sense and feel he has emotions even if his expression dont show I have an intuition he does. But Capricorn moons aren't entitled-- they're just willing to work extra hard to receive recognition. Astrology, The Planets
Is there an article that you wrote about Aquarius Moon and gemini moon? However, the Taurus Moon is in exaltation, it is tender and warm-hearted, full of positive emotions, and is able to show affectionate love. Its modality is cardinal, meaning it takes on leadership roles and its comfortable as a self-starter. It is very likely that such an individual will be successful in material issues such as working in the financial sector or any work with hands thanks to the attention to detail. The Earth element is at its strongest here. The Full Moon in CapricornIs a SUPER MOON and it's right here to mild up, expose, dredge and forged a Full Moon in Capricorn - Depression All about Astrology: Love Horoscope, Horoscopes, Definition, History, Symbols, Signs, & Facts. ", Sagittarius and Capricorn Love Compatibility, Capricorn and Aquarius Love Compatibility, Pluto in Capricorn Transiting the Houses: Your Forecast. Handmade rugs, architecture, literature, painting etc. From a spiritual perspective, Ive come to a conclusion of sorts, & a feeling, like certain aspects of our natal chart placements are actually meant to help us on our life path. Passionate and full on, they respond well to people who have Moon in a water sign so that they can be a hero. The dark side of the Aquarian Moon is the inability to handle emotions rationally. They are born with an innate sense of responsibility and find it very hard to let go. So if they are worried about getting hired for a new job, instead of admitting that they actually feel human emotions like worry or anxiety, the Moon in Aquarius will instead irrationally, and sometimes violently, complain about plastic bottles being stored in the garage, while making sure to destroy every plastic bottle that comes in their line of vision. gotta love that and never breaking out of it so i never get anything done. Psychic readings are at the usual premium rate please see terms and conditions for details. Great Capricorn Moon qualities such as stability and loyalty to loved ones may also have downsides of remembering bad things for too long and being clingy to others. Its not logical, its feeling. They will never judge you and will always believe in you but they also need to be able to express exactly who they are. They are also always attributed to very egotistic , superficial traits . They are soft-hearted sweeties who live on their feelings. Aging depresses Capricorn, as they never quite accept that this is a natural process and are always fighting against the odds. I can write many poems about love but I cannot show off my love. Capricorn is associated with depression. 6:31 pm
omg sophia!! And they fear abandonment. A bit of sadness is good for everybody. Raise your emotional IQ Dealing with powerful emotions, Meeting Your Angel Guides Psychic Alesso, Talking to your Angel with Our Psychic Rosemary, Wide Awake & Dreaming Using Lucid Dreaming to Problem Solve, Your Dreams Interpreted Afraid Of The Depths, Your Dreams Interpreted: The universe at your feet, Spirit Guides Make The Most Of Your Own Spiritual Google, Guide To Connecting With Your Spirit Guide, Meeting your Spirit Guide and Guardian Angel, Animals and the Soul-Emotional Connection, Brad Pitt rumoured to be seeing a psychic. Dont expect instant intimacy as they wont reveal themselves totally unless they trust you. Im usually too impulsive to think things through. They are amazing on act of service and they also rent to be super honest loyal and thats very rare. The most unsettling aspect of this lunar placement is the control. She also gives you a heads up about how a lover is likely to relate emotionally. A Capricorn friend once couldn't get why I didn't want to write for a regional Magazine, as it was "THE best one I could be associated with." I enjoyed this article haha! Taking on the role of both mother and child, Cancer Moons scolds you, holds you, and never lets you go. Confronted with spectral visions of what he is, what he has been, and what he will be if he keeps going int he same direction, Scrooge sees the light - it is, after all, a solstice tale - and opens his heart to the true wealth of friends.". Every mistake that he makes compounds in his mind, and eventually he may stop attempting to work toward his goals. Nevertheless, there are definitely positive sides to this Natal position in many aspects. Even as a kid they felt they had to behave in a certain way. being emotional and workaholic is sided on the Venus and Mars, stupid author, and Im a cap moon. Electric and intense and passionate. It was honestly awful and he was mean! A negative trait of Capricorn is seeing rank or standing as an established, solid thing. A moon in one of the airy zodiac signs attempts to overpower feelings with logic. The aims in this Natal position tend to be directed in one or a couple of key directions due to the strong sense of responsibility a lot of Lunar Capricorns leave a significant trace in this world. He can look strong but can be a sensitive person. His Venus is in Leo and mine is in Scorpio, btw. Their productivity plummets and their desire to accomplish tasks is no longer driving them. If they dont do this (or something similarly strange and destructive), Aquarian Moon will power down, and the only reactions you receive will be lifeless small talk unrelated to any subject or silence (because they retreated back into their brain). other then that, not much. They often have difficulty coping with change and are therefore great at creating comfort zones for themselves. She also judged my then-boyfriend-now-husband as not up to par, because, well, he lived in a storage unit. I think we definitely are attracted to each other..but at the same time help each other open up in terms of frustration and deep emotions.. my capricorn moon man is very cold and detachedas a cancer female I have this deep sense of urge to protect him and care for him..mother him basically. Aqua Sun/Pisces Moon. Cancer rising people love to be surrounded with every comfort imaginable. I think many people believe Capricorn moons are heartless and cold because thats what tends to be projected onto the world. There's a touch of the survivalist in Capricorn, who works hard to make it through tough times. This would be considered more of the lower functioning nature of a Capricorn moon that still is in a stage of evolution. Positive Deep, psychic, sexual, intense, Shadow Possessive, paranoid, unfaithful, obsessive. It often seems like their energy is never ending. Winter is a time when our ancestors dealt with the harsh realities of survival. A Uranian temperament is not a sensitive or selfless one, and the emotional storms are unexpected and erratic. Poor Capricorn can become grim and grave-faced, and suffer with depression in a big way. But they are not. December 4: New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. How do we respond to feelings? The Capricorn Moon personalities are extremely concrete and planned-out people. Theyre not foolish enough to expect the harsh world to make them feel better, but instead, deal with their surliness, just like the Goat does every day. The Cancer child can become the holder of the emotional baggage somehow, with their own identity submerged. More, more, more, this moon must have more! Im a sun & moon Taurus, cap rising. Pisces Moons love excuses and dishonesty, only they dont see white lies as being dishonest, and they dont believe their excuse are, actually excuses. If you were . "Relentlessly ambitious" accurately describes a Capricorn moon sign. Show her that you care about her, by reaching out to her with these professional tools. It's harder for some to find the lightness in Capricorns they know, or for Cappy's to find their own light. I felt suppressed being around him. Moon in Pisces likes to see themselves as helpless little creatures. When Taurus Moon has been slighted, they refuse to budge until the affected party pleads forgiveness. This is, after all, a cardinal Moon, so the instinct is to take charge and lead. Somewhat of a somber state is what I would consider a Capricorn moons natural mood. They are great at organizing things but above all, they have an idealistic and enthusiastic personality. Confronting a Pisces Moon can feel like trying to catch a slippery eel. These individuals are modest and dont usually like to show off their qualities, others will notice them with time anyway. He is my boss where I temporarily work so I quit that job already so we r done . Instead of direct confrontation, this misleading moon will use subtle manipulation and victimization. Though seeming sometimes emotionless and gloomy, deep inside Lunar Capricorns are very loyal and caring people. Theres a restriction of emotional expression and affection that come with this placement. I have a lot of emotions and depth and empathy towards many things even while watching a movie. These Virgin Moon folk can also go from adoring you to becoming very critical as a way of hiding from intimacy. Whether this was often being placed in charge of siblings or helping to raise them or being expected to contribute financially to the family. Soul Mate Tarot Spread: Discover Your Lover! Even though they often feign confidence, the appearance is a sore spot for every Leo moon, and they often feel insecure about not living up to some grand standard. The Capricorn-moon child tends to be older than his years, and as an adult, becomes more youthful as he grows older. The Libra sun with cap moon my be political and workaholic ambitions emotional constipated and even cold for a moon Scorpio. I was so struck by it, I need a new post! Their childhood should have been quite stable but either way they will on some level crave stability now. The Moon is an unconscious planet based on instinct. Moon in Taurus are almost excessively lucky in that they never have to work too hard, but are attractive, and usually manage to get someone to look after them. I disagree with the capricorn moon and cancer moon relationship bit. I didnt personally write this article. The depression settles in when they feel heavy and weighed down. Im a Gemini Sun with a Capricorn Moon. When thwarted, scorned, or hurt, the Scorpio Moon acts as judge, jury, and executioner, punishing like Old Testament God. Virgo Moon would prefer you keep sappy sentiments and emotional extremes to yourself. If Moon in Libra are in a bad relationship, they can swing into depression. He would likely be a faithful and reliable partner in a love relationship. His moon in Cap is helping us both untangle this beautiful, vulnerable mess were in by being cautious and reserved. Illusions make them feel safe. . Because the full moon is also. Then he pulled away a bit. However him controlling and not even communicate an I love u or I care for u drives me crazy! Having a Capricorn moon is definitely an interesting experience. Libra Lunars need to be thought of as the level-headed baby face. The Moon in Pisces is intuitive and emotional, impulsive and imaginative, empathetic and other-worldly. Awesome post: what do you think about square moon signs? Air sign Moons, because they dont know how to handle emotional waves overcoming them, and want to handle things rationally, try their hardest to talk their way out of things. The Moon, being the planet of emotion; representing the mind and the mother, is in detriment in the sign of Capricorn. Now u know thats the worst for a Leo Scorpio we basically have a high sex drive Leos are very apasinate like Aries and Scorpios we tend to have a reputation for that. Heres the thing: Pisces loves pain they just refuse to admit it. It is very likely that one of the key life themes of individuals with the Capricorn Moon could be becoming successful in a career. A Capricorn that's denied herself the comforts of private life, in pursuit of that career peak, can lash out, until they realize what's missing. Fire and Air element Moons could make good friends and colleagues to the person with Capricorn Moon. Thanks for your comment. A man with the discussed planetary position could look for a serious and conservative woman to become his wife or a life partner. We were thinking of divorce so bad we had a lot of problems. The normally outgoing sign can become isolated, and may binge-eat or become too lethargic to do anything. You can learn more about me and this website here. In short, this moon can have difficulty resisting temptation. To know for sure youd want to get your full synastry chart read. My partner has Taurus moon and I have Aquarius? Photo: Unsplash / YourTango. Theres a lot of misdirection in astrology, particularly when it comes to the negative expressions of the Moon in the zodiac signs. They are imaginative visionaries who can build castles in the air, their energy levels are high, and their ambitions are deep. The Moon is the astrological planet of the emotions, habits, instincts and imagination. 220 Likes, 3 Comments - Intuitive Goddess Bre (@__intuitive_goddess_bre_) on Instagram: "Mini Zodiac Messages General Messages PT 2: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn," Why? An Aries Moon is satisfied when they have your attention, but the Firestarter comes out when they get bored. Poor Capricorn can become grim and grave-faced, and suffer with depression in a big way. Sizzling Moon in Scorpio people are intense and secretive. a lazy capricorn is a DEPRESSED capricorn . I loved this. Are you a depressed Capricorn? People born with Moon in Capricorn are usually an old soul. My dad had Cap moon. as a pisces moon, hey hello master of evasion here. These Goddesses of love can bring beauty and harmony to all emotional situations. Gemini Moon folk will make every effort to connect to what youre saying, but might be totally miffed by your emotions. Sometimes they are a little too agreeable and do whatever it takes to keep the peace. Having feelings and emotions under control could certainly benefit in multiple ways these individuals will never be hysterical and hot-headed; systemizing thoughts, values, and attitudes to events and other people will reflect better objective outer life situations. The dark side of the Aries moon sign is its self-absorption. If we look at a fearful Saturn as wanting to control, keep order, we see all the ways the dark side can play out. Your feeling of safety is now related to your home, family and related activities such as cooking and gardening. The moon is one of the most important placements in astrology and even though its in detriment here, Saturn offers an abundance of opportunities to grow. Sometimes it may feel hard to get close to someone with Moon in Capricorn (unless they have Pisces or water in their chart to compensate) as they prefer to give than to receive. This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from Its almost as if they are in love with a feeling of melancholy. Michele Knight - all rights reserved Terms and Artistic and creative, they also make very good counsellors. Hes flirty and funny and jovial on the outside, and underneath it all is a very deep, brooding, sensitive man who has a hard time believing in his worth. Goddess Tanit Ibiza In Search Of The Goddess, Celebrating All Hallows Eve on October 31, Autumn Equinox a time of balance and harvest. What they lack on passion sex and emotions men they compensate with loyalty (Scorpio moons always have fear of abandon or being betrayal so this is a mayor plus) they also very honest which a Scorpio moon can value and even learn from. Thanks. With a strong sense of family and a great love of all things sensual, they love indulgence. These love puppies have a strong sense of justice and find it difficult to deal with loudness or aggression. The mother is likely to be slightly eccentric/wild or excessively religious. As he is workaholic, he rarely online and I have no idea how to get this guy . Very sensitive, fiery and go getting, because they are a fire sign when they want your attention they want it now. Time left: 20h 44m | Current bid: US $20.50 [ 11 bids] Bid Amount - Enter US $21.00 or more. Moon is the symbolic ruler of the 4th house (it is also called, the Immum Coeli or IC) the house of childhood, home, parents, and family. They dont care how they get it, or why, as long as all eyes are on them. Moon in Aquarius probably accepts their mother unconditionally but possibly never had traditional closeness or nurturing. Capricorn Moon is never afraid to usurp anyones throne, and will do whatever it takes to dominate their outer environment via their emotions. These frisky creatures can change their mind or emotional state in a split second. Everything is done with tact and beauty, however. Your Free Tarot Reading Cracking the week ahead! They spot faults effortlessly, and get obsessed with details to the point of insanity. However, I take into consideration that if he didnt care at all, he wont even bother asking me or texting me to begin with. Such people may suffer from compulsive thoughts and ideas, like constantly thinking of revenge or just feeling hurt about some insignificant situation for ages. I am falling for a Sag Sun/ Cap Moon man. Gemini sun & Sagittarius sun go well, as does Capricorn moon and Cancer moon! They are too busy flitting about and tend to get turned on by ideas and intellect rather than emotions.