This guide is intended to be a "living document" which will be reviewed, amended, and revised as needed to remain accurate, current, and useful. Click on the tabs for resources related to these . Jan 13, 2022. There are undoubtedly many questions you still have about the bestHymns For Ordination. Common Ground includes the following brief note for "A Touching Place": Perhaps the tune angus was never meant to be harmonized. Grace and peace to you from him who is, who was, and who is to come. We lift them up to the Lord. We bring our prayers to you. 1 had the opportunity to meet him in Southern California and hear him lead singing with his strong and clear voice. 2. By his grace, we have been clothed with Christ. Terms of Use Privacy Policy PC(USA) Donor Privacy Policy GDPR Privacy Notice Contact, Suggested hymns for ordination of a teachingelder. Here are several worship service plans for ordination and installation services. Used with permission. In baptism, David Vroege was clothed with Christ, and is now called by God through the voice of the church to enter into the ministry of Word and Sacrament, announcing in word and deed the good news of Jesus Christ. Got a question to ask? It includes these biblical connections: Stanza 2 addresses Christ, the second person of the Trinity, with several references to the work of Christ, especially as shepherd (1 Peter 2:25), including the word "pastor" (which means shepherd). Hymn: "Let Us Break . For all other uses, please contact the copyright holder. We consider a variety of factors when building our list, including: We have data that identifies what content users want and need. First Line. The Most Valued Hymns For Ordination allows you to easily evaluate and compare the value you receive from each product. Service It is important to be aware of the quality and durability before making any purchases. A Service of Ordination. The Vows: Minister: David, to show that you promise to fulfill the tasks of this office, you are requested, in the presence of God and his church, to answer the following questions: Do you believe that in the call of this congregation, God alone calls you to this holy ministry ? Be merciful also to us, who offer these prayers, so that we might enter the sufferings of others and become agents of your healing love. It just seems gloomy for an ordination. We use user behavior analytics to understand how users interact with our platforms so that we can make smarter design decisions for our site or app in the future. We use trending technologies to create our guides, so you can be sure of what youre getting, regardless of whether its a bestseller or not! "Life-bestower" is used to address the Father, since until the nineteenth century it was assumed that the male provided all the life-bearing substance needed for procreation. Christ appointed some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers. You will find many ideas here that will aid you in making this worship event inspiring and challenging as well as one that will reflect the honor of Christian ministry and bring glory to God. 5:19-20), *"Here I Am, Lord" PH 525:1-2, RN 149:1-2, SFL 243:1-2, SNC 268:1-2, WOV 752:1-2, UMH 593:1-2, The Offertory: "If With All Your Hearts", from Elijah, Mendelssohn. Eerdmans Publishing Company) RN Renew! + Dialog of Thanksgiving: A common pattern for an ordination service includes: hymns, scriptures, a sermon (or series of shorter meditations), litanies, and prayer. Pray for all diose beaten down by society, by family members, and by self. At this time, settings intended for choral use (such as hymns, litanies, and antiphons with psalm texts) could be used immediately, but chants intended for the ordaining bishop(prayers of ordination and texts before and after the litanies) can be used only after the printed ritual edition becomes available,expected in October or November 2021. Installation of Deacons To the Congregation Leader: In the presence of God, we solemnly recognize the crucial role of deacons. All rightsreserved. We are pleased to present the following as our first set of deacons: Hymn #374 Your Supper, Lord, Before Us Spread, Benediction: Hymn #375 A Parting Hymn We Sing. Dear Lord and Father of mankind. In the blessing, God puts his name on us and blesses us. Therefore, from the beginning of my ministry, I have always been satisfied with the path God has laid before me. "On Eagle's Wings" (1979) Composed by Michael . Do you promise to do the work of your office faithfully, in a way worthy of your calling and in submission to the government and discipline of the church? You will need to register to get access to all the features that our community has to offer. And the Blessings would follow the Post-Communion Prayer. The Best Calls to Worship When an Ordination orInstallation Is Included in a Worship Service. This is a great ordination prayer for your reference. The Examination. The service shall focus upon Christ and the joy and responsibility of the mission and ministry of the Church, and shall include a sermon appropriate to the occasion. David: When Philip drew near, he said to the man, "Do you understand what you are reading?" *Hymn: "Hark! Hymns for Sunday encourages and uplifts, through music, in your Sunday services. The setting of Psalm 29 here comes from the Presbyterian version of the new bilingual Korean/English hymnal and service book (see p. 28). Moses symbolically represented God' s will for Aaron to serve as high priest by the laying on or . All rights reserved. "Ordination to the Ministry of Word and Service" is adapted from Evangelical Lutheran Worship Occasional Services for the Assembly and has been authorized for use as the appropriate form to be used in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America beginning in January, 2020. (Ephesians 4:4-5, NRSV) Each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ's gifts. "Christ, whom the Father has sanctified and sent into the world(cf. (Hope Publishing Company) SFL Songs for LiFE (children's songbook; Faith Alive Christian Resources) SNC Sing! Weekly song, hymn and recorded music suggestions and resources for worship - based on the Revised Common Lectionary, with an eye to inclusive and gender-expansive language. 1 Praise the LORD. We follow a different pattern this week. My favorite song:wavey: Besides that.. accepting the call of God is not one of happiness all the time, and we have to be content with what God gives us. In the last two lines the oversee/overseer pun is a play on the Greek word for bishop, episcopos (literally "overseer"). And also with you. The text of "A Touching Place" was written by John Bell and Graham Maule, two members of the lona Community in Scotland. ). 29, quoted inOBPD, no. Follow with the Service of the Word (i.e., Holy Scripture). They in turn have lawfullyhanded on the office of their ministry in several degrees to differentindividuals in the Church. It may be presented as read prose, reformulated in responsive fashion, or reshaped as questions for response. Now he is called by God through the voice of the church to the ministry of the Word and Sacraments to the particular task of teaching a Calvin Theological Seminary. In place of the above, from Easter day through the day of Pentecost: Bishop: Alleluia, Christ is risen. 28, quoted inOrdination of a Bishop, of Priests, and of Deacons(OBPD), no. Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, do you turn from the ways of sin and renounce evil and its power in the world? Before making a purchase decision, we strongly recommend reading through the features of each Hymns For Ordination and picking one that will work best for you. Suggested hymns for an ordination service. All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. A sample service for ordination of a teaching elder or pastor in the PC (USA), from charge to the final hymn. What are the key factors you look for when purchasing a high-qualityHymns For Ordination? This order is appropriate for installing a pastor who has been previously ordained. Which factors should be considered when selecting the best products. An ordination is not "your" ordination; it is the church's ordination of you through the work of the Holy Spirit. 4 Holy Holy Holy. The following spoken prayers expand this sung prayer of intercession. 6 Be Thou My Vision. (from Ordination/Installation of Ministers of the Word, PsH p. 996) People of God, you have heard the commitment made by David. Prelude: "Create in Me a Clean Heart", Anonymous "I Know that My Redeemer Liveth", from the Messiah, Handel. However, you need it at an affordable price point, so you dont have to break your bank account or break your spirituality! Kathy Smith as Director of Continuing Education for the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Calvin Theological Seminary. Alleluia! *Greetings: Brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord be with you. Reformed Worship 2023 by Worship Ministries of the Christian Reformed Church. Reformed Worship 2023 by Worship Ministries of the Christian Reformed Church. Amen. Our library provides objective, accurate information about the topHymns For Ordinations. Thanks be to God! The feminine pronoun for the church as the bride of Christ is taken from Revelation 21:2. by Wolaver, *Closing Hymn: "O Master Let Me Walk With Thee" PH 357, PsH 573, TWC 651, UMH 430 [vs. 3 - a cappella]. It is also important to consider how long your purchase or replacement parts will last, as this will affect whether it was worth the purchase in the first place. I even heard this once at a wedding. There is one body and one Spirit, just as we were called to the one hope of our calling. The following is a list of mostly musical resources for services of ordination, commissioning, and consecration from The United Methodist Hymnal, The United Methodist Book of Worship, and The Faith We Sing, intended to supplement the listing of hymns in Services for the Ordering of Ministry in The United Methodist Church."Some of these titles, Do you believe that the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and life; and do you subscribe to the doctrinal standards of this church, rejecting all teachings which contradict them? Our hymns, hymnals and musical settings are God's gifts to be used in God's service, not merely our own aesthetic edification: "Art and music, gifts you lend us, we return to you today." 24 "Holy Woman, Graceful Giver." Cherwien wrote this text for the 25th anniversary of the ordination of women in the ELCA. The model for this service is found in Acts 6:1-7. Pastors' first names are included to make it read better. God being my helper, I will. The Ordination and/or Installation Service An Ordination and/or Installation service is celebrated in the context of a worship service. Shepherd Me, O God by Marty Haugen - a growing . Because so many people search our website for ordination resources, we consulted five experts from five denominations. Resources for planning and leading worship, Songs for Lent, Healing, Palm Sunday, and Easter, "Guide and guardian"paraphrase of Paraklets (John 14:26), "wind-sped flame"recalls the first Christian Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), "hovering dove"alludes to the baptism of Christ (all four gospels), "breath of life"refers to creation (Gen. 2:7), "voice of the prophets"echoes the Nicene Creed, "sign of blessing"refers to the gift of the Holy Spirit at baptism, "power of love"Jesus' words to the apostles (Acts 1:8), plus an allusion to the hymn "Come Down, O Love Divine". People: The Lord is risen indeed. However, we have done all of this research and put together lists that should help narrow down your choices. It is also important to look at the brand name to see if it is well-known and established. Before making a purchase, you should ask yourself if the purchase is really necessary. "Sing! The Thanksgiving Lift up your hearts. The great consistory may join in the laying on of hands during the prayer. We do. Pues si vivimos, para El vivimos (When we are living, it is in Christ Jesus) Discipleship and Service. Lord, you have come to the lakeshore (T has venido a la orilla) Discipleship and Service. with a concentration in liturgy. Here is a summary of what he wrote: Stanza 1 is addressed to the third person of the Trinity, following the tradition of singing "Veni Creator Spiritus" (Come, Holy Spirit) in the prayers and hymns of the Episcopal ordination rites. Kim has a Korean background in opera and choral music. Sample Elder Ordination Service Program is available in our book collection an online access to it is set as public so you can get it instantly. These songs work well for mission services, services about choosing to follow Jesus, and in any other worship set as well. When purchasing a high-qualityHymns For Ordination, it is important to consider more than the price. Support our siblings affected by disaster, hunger and oppression through One Great Hour of Sharing. The Communion During the passing of the bread, "Eat This Bread" PsH 312, RN 228, SNC 254, UMH 628 During the passing of the cup, "Let Us Break Bread Together" PH 513, PsH 304, RL 304, RL 545, TWC 776, Offertory: "Take My Life, and Let It Be", arr. It is our joy and our salvation that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to you, Holy Father, Almighty Everlasting God, through Christ our Lord. 4 litany for ordination Sung responsively. When all have come forward and are in place, the presiding minister shall say: Let us pray. The Sacraments and Rites of the Church. Second Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the ChurchLumen gentium, no. It is right for us to give thanks. Note: LUYH = Lift Up Your Hearts hymnal Hymns The Church of Christ Cannot Be Bound (LUYH #266) I Love To Tell the Story (LUYH #262) *'Tell Out My Soul" PsH 478, RL 182, RN 130, TH 26, TWC 350, GOD CALLS A MINISTER OF THE WORD AND SACRAMENTS, Minister: The voice of the Lord pierced the darkness of Israel 's night, calling, "Samuel, Samuel." #358. Whether or not the products will work for you depends on their durability and how long they will last. An Entrance Rite Discernment Group, formed at the request of the Church Council, will recommend an entrance rite - consecration or ordination - for the new roster. Processional Hymn: Church of God, Elect and Glorious Hyfrydol Introit: Sacerdotes Dei (chant) Kyrie & Gloria Mass VIII (Missa de angelis) Responsorial Psalm Psalm 110 (Spanish/English) Rudy de Vos Gospel Acclamation Alleluia O Fillii et filiae Litany of Saints chant (ICEL) Laying on of hands silence and organ improv Pope Benedict XVI 1927-2022 tribute page and access to resources here. These people equip all of us for works of ministry. Ordination. The 50 Most Loved hymn collection is listed in order of popularity. Amen. but have the same intent of making God central to the ordination service. Biblical Characteristics of Wisdom, 7 Meaningful Ways to Have Quiet Time with God (with Free Printable), 20 Powerful Bible Verses About Boldness when you Need Confidence, 21 Short Morning Prayers to Brighten your Day (with Free Printable). Online Resource Called and gifted for Christ's service (David Bjorlin) Excellent words sung to ODE TO JOY so easy for everyone to sing with passion! A New Creation" SNC 241 Let us affirm our vows to serve God by renouncing all that opposes God and by affirming the faith of the holy catholic church. It was a joyous and celebratory day for Sally, her family and friends, and the entire Vermont Conference. Our goal is to provide you with reliable information from a trusted source. Bell arranged a traditional Scottish tune to carry these words, in which we call to mind that Christ is the one who calls us to worship. (John 4:36-38), Hymn of Dedication: "Here J Am, Lord" SNC 268. Whether you meet in a small or large group, or whether remotely or in-person, Hymns for Sunday supplements the music of your services. *God's Greeting and Call to Worship Grace and peace to you for him who is, and who was, and who is to come. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. And so we come together in oneness of faith and in certain knowledge of the Son of God. Unless otherwise specified, content on this website is licensed as Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0. OBPD, no. Log in. All for Jesus Great Redeemer (Beecher, Organ, 2 Verses) Brother Sister Let Me Serve You (The Servant Song, Piano & Flutes, 6 Verses) Father Hear Me As I Pray (Jesus Loves Me, Organ, 4 Verses) I Bind Unto Myself Today (St Patrick's Breastplate, Organ, 5 Verses) In Lent, omit the Alleluias of the opening dialog. Sally PH May was recognized and authorized by prayer and the laying on of hands as an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. Used with permission. We also remember with joy our common calling to serve Christ. Other resources for ordination and installation include suggested services for installation and ordination , installation only, suggested hymns, suggested scriptures and general guidelines on this web site. You can also check to see if the seller offers returns on wrong orders or faulty products. The presiding officer of the classis shall begin, following the proclamation of the Word. The list changes frequently as technology advances and new proofreading methods are developed. 3 Jerusalem. This will help you understand what they think of it. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This service of worship and liturgy of ordination and installation are acts of The John Knox Presbytery. Christ appointed some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers. Birthday: (optional) NOTE: Use current year. It will always be a work in progress as new and better ways are found to form deacons liturgically. To assist choirs and in the preparation of worship aids, the various chants are made available here. David: "Here I am, send me.". The appearance of the worship space can meaningfully contribute to the occasion with appropriate banners or other liturgical art. Other resources for ordination and installation include suggested services for installation and ordination , installation only, ordination only, suggested scriptures and general guidelines on this web site. If you have any of the following conditions, this product is for you: You need a durable, high-quality item that will last long enough to be used every day. Sources of information for you could include buying guides, word-of-mouth, rating websites, testimonials from previous customers who have purchased these products; and online forums devoted solely to discussing topics related to BestHymns For Ordination. Look, the fields are ripe for harvest. Do you turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Lord and Savior, trusting in his grace and love? Scripture Reading Many passages of Scripture are appropriate for an ordination service, such as 2 Corinthians 4; 1 Timothy 3:1 7, 14 16; 1 Timothy 6:3 16; and 1 Peter 4:1 5:11. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. Their best practices will help you understand the significance of ordaining people as bishops, priests, ministers, elders, and deacons. Amen. The service usually concludes with a final blessing. Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, do you turn from the ways of sin and renounce evil and its power in the world? (Rev. Ordination of a Bishop, of Priests, and of Deacons, being implemented in the United States in the late fall of 2021, is enriched with many chant settings for the actions connected with the rites of ordination. Praise His name for His gracious gifts to all of us. Begin the pastor ordination service with an opening hymn and a prayer, both of which should be centered on such themes as calling, service mission and the pastor ordination gifts of the Spirit.. Moses 'ordained (ml yd, "filled the hand of") Aaron and his sons to the priesthood of Israel. Please consult the Directory for Worship (W-4.04) and the 2018 edition Book of Common Worship PCUSA, pages 455 ff). Others will lead to introducing a congregation hymn of praise. This is a collection of songs that focus on being dedicated to following God, no matter what. If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! Our first roundup of ordination resources was so popular that we have now consulted five more experts from five more denominations. English Psalm Tones 2014 Adam Bartlett. LCMS Worship provides hymn suggestions for Three-Year Series A and the One-Year Series to use during the 2022-23 church year. The previous three lay rosters became the new Roster of Ministers of Word and Service on Jan. 1, 2017. Stanza 3 addresses the first person of the Trinity. liverpool headlines from 1906 a newspaper history ryan conner bts; london new years eve fireworks 2023 tickets aunt jemima sales drop after name change; young victoria secret models old men white pussy; dynapac dfc 8 And also with you. These services have been planned and carried out recently to mark the ordination or installation of clergy to various callings. I've led worship using these songs, or know someone who has. 3 From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised. It is important to ask yourself if a big purchase will fulfill your long-term needs before making it. Thanks be to God. The ruling elders and teaching elders who are participating comprise an . Come, then, to the joyful feast of our Lord. Ordination Prayer, followed by "Take, O Take Me As I Am", *Hymn: "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" PH 376, PsH 568, RN 196, RL 464, TH 529, TWC 558, UMH 384, *Benediction Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things. Hymns allow modern worshipers to explore spiritual and musical roots of the past. The ordination and induction takes place during a public service of worship, at an appropriate point, preferably after the sermon. *Songs of Praise: "O Sing to the Lord" SNC 224 "We Are One in Christ" SNC 179, Old Testament Reading: Deuteronomy 18:14-22, New Testament Reading: Ephesians 4:7, 11-16, Sermon: "The Biblical Understanding of Ordination". 2 Let the name of the LORD be praised, both now and forevermore. Hymn No. Indeed, ordination calls the whole church to renewed commitment and reminds all of us to bear gladly the yoke of Christ given in the covenant of baptism. Acts 2:38 ESV - And Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Want to talk to others about songs based on the lectionary? Greeting The presiding minister says: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. This service took place on June 9, 2002, for the installation of Rev. Seung-Nam Kim composed most of the psalm settings in the tradition of Korean modal melodies, His melody for Psalm 29 is vigorous, strong, and very accessible for Western ears. Suggested hymns for an ordination service. I renounce them. 3. We research articles like articles aboutHymns For Ordinationand use online resources to ensure that our information is accurate. The Worship Sourcebook (TWS) The materials included here from The Worship Sourcebook are used by permission from The Worship Sourcebook, 2004, CRC Publications. NIV Bible Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION . Rather, when we come to lay hands upon the ordained, the presiding minister involves others in the praying. You will enjoy it! The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. There may also be scripture readings and an invocation given by a guest pastor. ENTRANCE . The member named to preside shall state briefly God has called us to a new life, a life of ministry in a broken world. The Call to the Table Sisters and brothers in Christ, the gospels tell us that on the first day of the week, the day on which our Lord rose from the dead, he appeared to some of his disciples and was made known to them in the breaking of bread. You may want to consider other suggestions as well. The Service A hymn, psalm, or anthem may be sung. The Abbey Psalms and Canticles, prepared by the monks of Conception Abbey 2010,2018 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. Praise and thanksgiving be to God our maker. "Giving and forgiving" is a phrase lifted from Henry Van Dyke's hymn "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee." 5 Battle Hymn Of The Republic. 7 Popular Hymns For A Baptism Service. For this ministry, Christ has given gifts to all of us. Sometime s it may be more appropriate to develop ", In the waters of baptism, God claims us and we are united with Christ in his death and resurrection. The 50 Most Loved Hymns are listed in their order of popularity. The bishop, When looking to buy aHymns For Ordination, be sure to compare prices between sellers to get the best deal. Christ did this to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, and for serving a broken world. If special music is used, its content, style, and performance should be consistent with the purposes of the occasion. The Sacraments and Rites of the Church. Alleluia! Some will be just a statement. All: We remember with joy our common calling to serve Christ, and we celebrate God's particular call to our brother in Christ. Our Baptism, Our Calling In baptism, Craig Broek, was clothed with Christ, and is now called by God through the voice of the church to enter into the ministry of word and deed the good news of Jesus Christ. 1. Contact Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, Racial Equity & Women's Intercultural Ministries. Baptism, Confirmation, Reaffirmation. After the opening, there is often a guest sermon reviewing the importance of the ordination and affirmation of faith. to the tune "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God", a this hymn with words by Dr. Louie Crew. Hymns suitable for Ordination and the Taking of Vows. OBPD, nos. Some Important Things to Keep in Mind . But, on his own, he is not equal to this holy ministry. The Gospel Lesson: Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20 The Word of the Lord. God's Call to Service: Brothers and sisters, in the water of our baptism, we were baptized into the death of Christ Jesus. The service normally opens with music, such as a call to worship or hymns sung by the congregation. May I ask why this song was sung? speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Support our siblings affected by disaster, hunger and oppression through One Great Hour of Sharing. The Breaking of the Bread by Michael Ward - one of the most beautiful, deeply personal Eucharistic hymns. Feel free to copy/paste and edit to make the material appropriate to your setting. *Opening Hymn: "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" PH 478, PsH 475, RL 144, RN 53, TH 76/77, TWC 25/26, UMH 66, Unison Prayer of Confession 1 SNC 52 Sung response: "Kyrie eleison (Lord, have mercy)" (repeat 4x), Assurance of Pardon: "Psalm 103: Bless the Lord, My Soul" RN 114, SNC 256 (All sing refrain following readings from the psalm), *Song of Response: "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light" RN 152, SNC 77, TWC 539, UMH 206, WOV 649, Laying on of Hands (Those invited to participate will come forward), Anthem: "I Will Serve the Lord All My Days," Price and Besig, *Hymn of Response: "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" PH 376, PsH 568, RN 196, RL 464, TH 529, TWC 558, UMH 384. 174. We understand that it can be challenging to decide which one is right for your needs when there are so many options available. All rights reserved. Other resources for ordination and installation include suggested services for installation and ordination,installationonly, ordination only, suggested scriptures and general guidelines on this web site. For easier reference anduse, thetitles of some chant settings on this webpagevary slightly from those found in the ritual book. The Lord's Supper / Communion Gathering Music Reformation period chorales for Thanksgiving and Advent, with variations by Ch. (1 Samuel 3:10), Minister: The voice of the Lord said to Isaiah, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for me?" What are the advantages to buying BestHymns For Ordinations? The voice of the Lord said to Isaiah: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for me? . Discipleship and Service. We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless! A brief sermon suitable to the occasion shall be preached. 2. Litanist For Katharine our Presiding Bishop, for Mariann our Bishop, and for all bishops, priests, and deacons, that they may be filled with your love, may hunger for truth, and . Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ. *Opening Sentences: Psalm 103:1-4, NIV Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Litanist For all members of your Church in their vocation and ministry, that they may serve you in a true and godly life, we pray to you, O Lord. May I ask why this song was sung? ORDINATION OF PRIESTS Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas / Most Rev. Contact Us. It just seems gloomy for an ordination. This will give you peace of mind knowing that you are protected no matter what happens. Festive music may be offered while the people gather. Recognizing the grace of God in these gifts, and affirming the importance of each office, the church . 1 Peter 3:21 ESV - Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt . #502. Used by permission of Zondervan.