Story Prologue It was a typical Saturday morning in the Loud House, the Loud siblings were causing lot of noise by doing what they enjoy doing the most. I'm glad I'm friends with Clyde, Zach, Liam, Stella and Rusty, and I'm happy to have to have friends who are also friends with my sisters, but you on the other hand are the only exception. ", Lincoln took the envelope, opened it, and took out the letter. "Mmm-mmm," said Lincoln, "this is the best maple taffy I've ever tasted! Luna: I know thing hadn't gone off on a good start, but I think we should end our--. "Phew," said Lincoln, "that was a close call! 0 hours, 17 minutes 17m. Most of the smiles turned into frowns when she said that. . My 6th fanfiction. The link didn't work. The problem was, he don't know how to. 1,245 1.2K. Leni: First, I called Ms. Carmichael, Fiona and Miguel to help me advertise to get your attention, we talked to the manager at "Gamestop" and "Fro-Yo n' Go" for a discount message, then we had to lure all of you right here, and Fro-Yo's are on Ms. Carmichael by the way, and now here you guys are! Simon: Playstation is boring, I don't see anything special about it, it's a stupid console with poor graphics and clunky controls. (Lola kicks Simon and Lincoln out of their room, Luna and Sam walked out as well). "It's good to hear you're OK, son," said Rita, "you really had us worried! After Lincoln used the bathroom, he, Mark, and Butch went to the roundhouse, got Chuggie, hooked him up to a boxcar for Lincoln's bike, and, after Lincoln and Mark got in the cab, began the journey back to Royal Woods. CircularBoat742 19 March 2017 User blog:CircularBoat742. ", "And James," said Rita, "we're sorry for all the yelling.". ", "Please," said Lori, "I didn't do anything! Apathy: Lincoln's feelings to Lori and Lisa. Luna: Well, I hope you boys are proud of yourselves, not only that you boys keep disrespect each others opinions aside from the chicken coop chore, but you also destroyed Liam's farm. Luna: Yeah bro, you and me are closer siblings, while you are also closer to both Lori and Leni, and I know you used to be closer too Lynn before she became more aggressive due to how much of a sports brat she is. Leni says that the games are on her as well. "Sheshe," stammered Lincoln, "shedoesn't love me anymore.". Sam: I'm fine thanks, >annoyed< But what are you doing here? "Is everything OK here," asked another voice. "I'm ashamed to admit Lincoln ran away," said James. Language: English Words: 6,157 Chapters: 1/1 4 Kudos: 8 Bookmarks: Hits: 605 by ", "Oh, yes," said Albert, "your friend Steve told me everything," said Pop-Pop, "and thatwaspretty low, even for you. "Oh, honey," said Lynn Sr., "it's gonna be OK. We'll find him.". ", "OK," said Fred, "I admit that Lisa asked me to help her fix your phone. "No problem," said Lisa, "of course, I had some help. ", "OK," said Lana, "I'll leave you alone then.". 87,364 87.3K. All except for Lincoln and Lucy who were sitting in their rooms and reading comic book and poetry dairy respectively. ", "WELL," said Lori, "HOW WOULDYOUFEEL OF LANA BROKE SOMETHING THAT MEANT A LOT TO YOU?! In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by. I thought I told you I want nothing to do with you as long as our brothers keep arguing. loudhouse # 11 The Fastest Man Alive - A Loud Hou. Lincoln: >to Luna< I think we should do it tomorrow? ", "In the meantime," said Lynn Sr., "your mother and I have agreed to reduce your grounding just for until tomorrow morning because of how you baked this cake. ", "Oh yeah," said Lana, "not even refusing to accept Lincoln's apology about breaking your phone and calling him a mistake?". However, Lori wasn't as excited as the rest of her sisters and her parents were and went back to her room. Of course he has Clyde, but he's not with him 24/7. Luna: >to Lincoln and Simon< Now shake hands! Sam: Ohhhhhh, I loved that movie with Jack Black. Is he here? Luna tried her very best not to cry, but lost the fight to do so and burst into tears. These episodes can be fanmade mode and my version mode. Elsewhere, Lincoln was still riding the freight train to Piperville when all of a sudden, he felt the train stop. Anyways, Luke was adopted by A couple at A nearby town. Luna: >tsk tsk tsk, to Lincoln and Simon< You two are at it again. "Mom, Dad," Lynn shouted as she grabbed the paper and bounded down the stairs. "I swear she scares us everytime.Luke: "Nope. "What," gasped Ronnie Anne, "say this isn't so!". Simon >annoyed<: I'm not changing my opinion because I have my right to express my opinion better than his >points to Lincoln<. Luna: HmmI think I have a better idea (The girls have taken Lincoln and Simon up to Lincolns room to check out some comics). Sam: Count me out, I'm done with the "Moon Goats" if you're still in it, go get someone else to harass will you? Fanfic #4. Lincoln: It's not really that bad once you get used to it. Lincoln was reading an Ace Savvy comic when Lori burst into the room. (Lincoln and Simon shook hands at each other, they both let go of their hands). When that was finished, she rode her bike to the post office. Simon: I thought that Luna had sisters and no brothers. "Hey, Lincoln," said Butch, "this one's for you. by MagentaMisery 620 15 4 Sam: Well it hasn't, my passion with you is gone, if these two want to end up arguing and not bother to respect one's opinion, then I don't want to associate with you anymore. Phone," repeated Lori, "just a phone?! # lincoln # loud # loudhouse 5: School 1.9K 30 by crazyinnitfam Lincoln's POV: I woke up to the sound of my alarm. He managed to, but with a twist. Simon: How do I feel about Scooby Doo? Back in Royal Woods, Lynn, Luan, and Luna were watching a movie. He was about to open the door when Lana spotted him. "Luna: "I'm way to confused brah. !" Sam: Like you care, because if your brother doesn't want to be friends with my brother, than both of you can butt out of our lives. Of course, she didn't know it was just pillows stuffed under the blanket and she thought it was Lincoln. ", "Get the rest of your family downstairs," said Butch, "I have some excellent news!". This is for Lincoln)" on it. But when Lynn pulled off the blanket, what she saw wasn't Lincoln at all. When she was just two years old, Chiara Rose Bernardi was taken away from her family by her mother [Mafia Fiction] Lincoln: In my opinion, they taste flat and don't have that rich flavor than chocolate. (Sam was adored by this and left a small tear on her eye by his comment). Lincoln's POV:The first thing asked was "What do you like, Luke?" Clyde: >to Simon, wagging finger< Uh-uh-uh, no talking unless if you have the talking stick, >to Lincoln< let's continue Lincoln, favorite videogame console? (Luna hung up and it goes back to Luna in full screen, it later cuts to Lincoln playing "Godzilla Unleashed" on the Wii, Lincoln was playing as Godzilla 90's fighting King Ghidorah in Seattle, Luna then tapped on his shoulder, and got Lincoln's attention). "Yum," said Lincoln, "this is the best meatball sub I've ever had! Maybe you could find something to watch together for a change. Lincoln: What about Playstation? (Lincoln, Luna and Sam all gasped as Simon made a comment about Lincoln). I'll be needing my good friend "Luna and Sam 1515" for help. Loud Lost Memory View source My twenty-first fanfic. And you're right, it's just a phone. Enjoy! Mr. Bolhofner: Now class, I would like for you all to meet Ronnie Anne Santiago, please give her a little time for her to tell us her backstory, and then it's time for class, >to Ronnie Anne< Ronnie Anne? With that, Fred, Lori, and Lincoln bounded down the stairs while Steve turned to the viewers. Lori then charged over to Lana and slapped the former across the face while everyone else gasped. Luna: Lincoln is on his game, Lucy is doing some creepy thing with her club members, the twins are having a tea party, Lisa is experimenting with something---, (An explosion occurs as Luna peeked out of her doorway as it is coming from Lisa and Lily's bedroom). (Hops starts popping up from the tea cup scaring Simon). (Luna, Sam and Simon went to the living room and Lincoln then paused the game and introduces himself). Luna: If you boys need us, we will be in my room. She's been gifted for as long as any of her family members could remember, she won every science fair, made ground braking discoveries, she was basically the female Einstein. The letter read"Dear Lincoln, I take a pen in hand to write this letter to you to express my feelings of sorrow for what I did to you. Literature Text--Prologue--It was a typical Saturday morning in the Loud House, the Loud siblings were causing lot of noise by doing what they enjoy doing the . Sam: Wait, what is Simon doing with Lincoln? Simon: Chocolate is not even that good you know, besides, I think any food with fruit or nuts taste better than chocolate. After 5 minutes, he heard another knock at the door, this time it was Rita. As a side note, this fanfic was authored by MrTyeDye, a prominent Loud House fanfiction writer who also wrote Peeking Through the Fourth Wall, but he has confirmed that the two fanfics don't take place in the same universe, so you don't need to reimagine Lana when reading Peeking. ", "Yeah," said Mark, "the best in the Northeast!". Lincoln: >to Liam< Sorry you had to see that and sorry about your farm. "Would you like to explain this," asked Lori. Commentary is acceptable, The Story (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories) LINCOLN: There we are, Leni. ", "Exactly," said Lori, "I do have something wrong with me. Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< Argh, Why do you have to criticize our own show, this will drive audiences away from us. ", "Lana," said Lincoln, "don't tell anyone, but I'm running away.". ", "Geez," said Lincoln, "calm down. ", "I just wanted to know if you'd all like to go to the mall tomorrow," said Lori, "I wanna show you this really cool store I found. (Simon then sees Lincoln as he was about to dig into his Fro-Yo, he sat next to Lincoln). Leni: Just because you are mad at Lincoln doesn't mean you should hate him for like ever, even Lori knows that! Again, thank you and have a good night!". "I'll never see his precious white hair ever again," cried Leni. "All: "AHHH! Simon: You could teahc me a few trick can't you? Sam: Maybe TV isn't such a good idea after all. "Lori: "Do you like anything else?? We somehow got the chance of meeting him again. Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< Uh, you do know he has bad episodes as well. Lincoln: I've eaten chocolate since I was little, and clearly, nothing has happened to me, I mean sure it has sugar and it does give you cavities if you don't brush your teeth, but the thing is, I take care of my teeth. Published: Jun 22, 2018. Reads 87,364. Luna: I don't know, they probably may not have in common like us during the quest. ", "Hey, Lincoln," asked Mark, "when do you plan on going back to Royal Woods? Lincoln: I wouldn't think about that if I were you, having a brother is worse than a sister. Lincoln: Listen Simon, I want to say I'm sorry for disrespecting your opinions and about calling you off because of what you said about me. What do you mean us?!?! AshesYT. "My baby," Rita shouted at the top of her lungs before breaking down. ", "If only I was a better sister," cried Lori, "and he wouldn't even be having these kind of problems!". And uha word of warning: This MIGHT be a LITTLE sad, but hey, if other people do stories like this, why not let me join the fun? Luna: Guys, this is ridiculous, stop fighting and put aside your differences. (It then cuts to Lincoln's room where he is reading his Ace Savvy comic, until Luna peeks her head through his open door). "But anyways," said Lincoln, "please calm down. "You don't sound OK," said Lana, "are you sure you're OK? "Lola & Leni: "Yes! Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< How dare you mention that mere name that we have been rivals with. Sam: Look Luna, we can still be a couple, but sometimes a relationship isn't going to last forever, but I would like for ours to--. "I shouldn't be talking to you," said Lincoln, "not after what you put us through.". "Thanks," said James, "never leave home without 'em!". Lincoln: >to Luna< So Luna, after a Fro-Yo, wanna hit the Arcade? Luna: Say, after Fro-Yo, would you like to hit the video arcade? (The two boys starting fighting again and they both form a fight cloud, the fight cloud than forms into a tornado like structure now called a "fight-nado", the fight-nado then goes into the cow pasture and sheep pasture smashing the fence, then it creates a hole into the barn and then it smashes a fence into the pig pen and scares off the pigs, then the fight-nado gets bigger as it goes to the strawfields, Liam now riding Ellie Mae grabs his lasso and wrangles both of the boys and stop the fight-nado, it then cuts to both of the boys and Luna and Sam as they left Liam's farm, both of the girls scolded their respected brothers). Not even Leni. 12 12. ", "Indeed," said Mark, "all their sandwiches are good. (And this is what the boys actually did, they fed the chickens and collected the eggs from the chicken coop not soon after an angry rooster scares them off, then they went to the pig pen and fed the pigs, then they took a ride on Ellie Mae the Moose to collect some straw from the straw fields and store them on the antlers as they make good shovels or buckets, then they store the straw onto the hayloft, then they had to herd the cows and goats into the barn and each of the boys had to milk the Cows and dairy Goats and then release them back to their respected pasture, once they were done with the chores the both washed up, once they got all washed up, they were ready to sell produce at Liam's farm, they both sold milk and eggs and each earned at least twenty dollars and twenty one cents, Liam then approaches them). Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln Loves his younger sisters and the feeling is mutual so much so that they'll do anything to see their big brother happy even if it means making his Harem even bigger. lincolnloud. This one shot is set in the future where Lincoln ran away after having enough of his family's insane superstitions. ticket, or she gives Lincoln a Rip Hardcore backpack for Christmas even though he gave it to Chandler, then Luna snaps back into reality and realized that she had no right to be mad at Lincoln for the rest of her life). Back in Royal Woods, the other Loud sisters still weren't talking to Lori because of what she did to Lincoln as well as feeling sad that their brother ran away. Sam: Andit looks like they aren't arguing. Guess we have to share Luke, hope it doesn't go chaotic like most of our plans do. Lincoln: I remember when me, Ronnie Anne and Sid tried to fix up Lori and Bobby's relationship after their breakup. (Sam facepalms again as Simon was being sarcastic). Because we are closer you know. Leni: You know, I wish there was something I could make it up to both of you to make you feel much better. * "I made this to show how sorry I am," said Lori. "For the last time," said Lincoln, "it was an accident! Lynn Sr. called Lori and Rita downstairs and put Butch on speaker. "Lincoln," screams Luan "Guys, he's . Lisa Loud was a young girl who had an intellect higher than anyone else her age, it surpasses even the most brilliant minds in history. It's been a day since Lincoln tried to convinced them that he wasn't bad luck. (They both looked at each other and blushed, it then cuts to Simon and Lincoln as they both seen their sisters talking to each other calmly). Leni: I'm so sorry to hear that, you didn't deserve that, and neither does Lincoln. Later I realized they're not. Add to Favourites. Lincoln: >to Luna< First of all, I'm the one should be sorry, I never should have disrespected Simon's opinions and I'm sorry for your breakup with Sam, and secondly, I forgive you. After grabbing all his things and putting on his protective gear, Lincoln got back on his bike and rode to Piperville, but not before going to the bathroom in a nearby outhouse. "Steve, chill," said James, "we're not escalating this any farther. However, he then spotted a sign that read "1 Mile to Piperville", "Not bad," said Lincoln, "I can take over from here.". "Oh, what the heck," cried Luna, "I guess big girls docry after all! She is still the greatest super heroine out there, better than stupid Ace Savvy. Liam: that's okay, we'll pretend we didn't see that. I'll see if I will get you the best dress to wear on your date with Sam and--, (Luna cries harder when she hears the name "Sam" and plants her face on her pillow). Finally another boy in this house! Lincoln jumped out of the cab and rushed to his family, hugging them all. It's just a phone. It can be fixed! Lincoln: >to Simon< Is there any reason why you don't like chocolate? She went downstairs and saw that Lynn Sr. had made pancakes. Luna: I know you don't like me anymore but I don't want the "Moon Goats" to split up forever. ", "Are you kidding," asked Lincoln, "and continue to live under the reign of The Queen Of No after what she did to me?! In Royal Woods, the rest of the Loud family, as well as James, Steve, Joe, Fred, Frank, Joey, CJ, the McBrides, and the Santiagos were waiting at the rail depot. Sam: That's nice, what are you're siblings doing? I enjoy using my phone and going on social media apps. (Just as Sam was about to walk up to the counter to place an order, Sam spotted Luna in shock, she even tohught to herself). Thankfully, Lincoln had remembered to bring a bike tire repair kit. Oh! But I'm more comfortable with the Playstation controls than Xbox, besides, these controls aren't that good anyway. Simon: >to Lincoln< It's not that I hate it, in general, I don't have a thing against chocolate, I'm allergic to it. Back in Royal Woods, the Loud family minus Lori was in the living room, waiting for James and his friends to come back and report if they've found Lincoln or not. In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his paren. Luna: >to Lincoln< Sorry bro, can you please stop your game? Link: "OK," said Lori, "but do you know about what happened? Liam: So, you two haven't been getting along huh? S.M.O.O.C.H. "Hey, lil bro," said Lynn, "up and at 'em!". "I don't think I have enough wood to get us back home," said Chuggie. Parts 12. Simon: Well I think you guys should lay off the chocolate for a while! Chris will be planning another season 3 finale at the moment. Uh-uh! Remake of the 1992 film adaptation of Tom and Jerry, titled "Tom and. Clyde: Okay Lincoln, you're up first, Who is your favorite Super hero? "We all sat down and greeted Luke.Rita: "Luke was born just after Luan. This one shot is set in the future where Lincoln ran away after having enough of his family's insane superstitions. Fro-Yo cashier: Here you go, that's one chocolate vanilla swirl and one Strawberry Banana, feel free to toppings, the total of two Fro-Yo's cost to $2.50. Sam: >to Simon, angered< How can you talk to someone who has a sibling you can't get along with, as of now I forbid you to talk to Luna or any of her siblings, >to Luna< Goodbye Luna, see you never! Simon: Speak for yourself Lincoln, Why can't you watch boy stuff? ", "And here's the best part," said Lori, "I'm gonna letyou pick what we should do! Simon: Oh cool, I love Arcade games, much better than those mobile games on phone these days. Simon: >annoyed< What do you mean "never heard of her"? Liam: Tarnation, now this is even more cheesier than the time Lynn tried to get me into Baseball, but it was fun while it lasted. "Don't you guys think we're being a little too hard on Lori," asked Lynn. Leni remembered how most of her siblings had all laughed upon hearing the lyrics.