In a connected world, collaboration can be the key to success. ", "Section 1 of the FOIA refers to any person making a request for information being entitled to a response. you have no valid reason to refuse it: you have the name of the New fathers are also entitled to take up to two weeks off work. 1 CPMI - Proteger e servir. In 1974 it merged with part of Durham Constabulary to form Northumbria Police. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps. Donate and support our work. that the identity of the requester should be ignored, but it is the Applicants must be employed in a relevant role, with the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts directly to their personal and professional work experience. Full details are available on the IFATE website. Info, 2023 Northumbria Police & Crime Commissioner. but section 1 does not limit in any way 2023 BBC. Jo Farrell joined Northumbria Police in 2002 as a Chief Inspector, having previously served within Cambridgeshire Constabulary. such a request which- Read about our approach to external linking. International applicants should have a minimum overall IELTS (Academic) score of 6.0 with 5.5 in each component (or an approved equivalent*). Northumberland County Constabulary absorbed Berwick-upon-Tweed Borough Police in 1921 and On the programme, they will address critical questions that span a range of areas, to explore problems from multiple perspectives relating to the role, function, and delivery of 21st century policing, including expertise in: At the end of the programme, apprentice officers will undertake an individual project based around evidence-based policing and the specialist area they have undertaken in year three. It is about disclosure to the public, and public interests. That guidance covers the principle that requests for OPENING 2. In this section you will find information relating to the staff who work within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The future is there to be won by organisations who find ways to turn todays possibilities into tomorrows competitive edge. Together, well look to build on the Forces strengths while tackling areas for improvement head on. Before joining West Midlands Police she worked at Greater Manchester Police where she served as a detective at every rank and the head of Public Protection. Rising levels of hate crimes are due to be among the issues on the desk of the new chief constable for Northumbria Police. and a limited company (03277032). Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. out how we can help you! . The Police and Crime Panel (PCP) scrutinise and support the PCC. and exceptions should be on the basis that the application could have been and FOIA is, however, applicant and motive blind. You can also have a read of our recent Newsletters. With the exception of Christmas Day, you may request to substitute the standard public holidays for a day of your choice. What science tells us about the afterlife. We use cookies to give you the best browsing experience. 08/09/2014 16:38, To: [Northumbria Police request email] She was the force lead for domestic abuse, child protection and child sexual exploitation. We will always try to take your individual, religious and cultural needs into account so you can fit your work around your personal commitments. Joscelin Lawson- Assistant Chief Officer (Corporate Services) Joscelin joined Northumbria Police in 1990 and is the strategic lead for departments such as People Services, People Development, Communication & Engagement, Business Services, Finance, Estates and Fleet. Get in touch today to find
an internal review, please confirm this by reply. Visit the Northumbria Police Federation website for further information. There was an encouraging response in the region of twenty representatives nominated providing a wide and diverse representation. ". manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page. We are an emergency service however with a 24/7 responsibility to the people of Northumbria and requests will always be considered in this context. ". undermine public confidence or adversely affect the reputation of a Special Constable or Northumbria Police. The role of Chief Constable is an important role, which has a wider impact beyond the direct delivery of policing services. Amy Lyons made this Freedom of Information request to Northumbria Police It is an approach endorsed by the Information Tribunal. As your Police and Crime Commissioner I am elected by you the public to hold the Chief Constable and the force to account I am your voice in the force, making the police answerable to the communities they serve. Following the recruitment process as discussed above, the Commissioner proposed the appointment of Mr Winton Keenen as Chief Constable of Northumbria Police to the Police and Crime Panel on 26 th March 2018. You have no right to demand a full name or a forename - if you think otherwise, please point me to the relevant legislation, guidance or case law. You can find details of acceptable tests and the required grades in our English Language Information requests to Northumbria Police? Provided you have 63 weeks continuous service you are entitled to full pay and allowances for the first 18 weeks of maternity leave. Vanessa impressed us with her forthright commitment to public service and delivering for local people., Councillor Douglas added: Vanessa has a wealth of experience and knows the challenges ahead for us including finance and increasing demand. As a general summary of advice from the ICO, the correct approach in considering requests for information and the application of the exemptions and exceptions should be on the basis that the application could have been made by anyone, anywhere in the world, for any (non Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuinness, said:I congratulate Vanessa on her appointment as Chief Constable. She not only brings with her a wealth of experience from a successful and varied career in policing, but she is determined to push Northumbria to be the very best it can be. We require your consent to store cookies for certain categories of functionality. Students from all over the world choose Northumbria University for many reasons; our academic excellence, and that they will benefit from a fantastic student experience. why you might be reluctant to disclose it on first asking). A request therefore has to be considered on the basis that it could have been made by any person; the identity of that person is not a material consideration when deciding whether or not to release information. She was also the force lead for domestic abuse, child protection and child sexual exploitation. Kim McGuinness (left) said Vanessa Jardine (right) brought a wealth of experience. Explore our full range of Higher and Degree Apprenticeships within the following sectors: Architecture, Built Environment and Construction. The Police and Crime Panel (PCP) scrutinise . * At Northumbria we are strongly committed to protecting the privacy of personal data. This is part of the Universitys regulatory funding obligations. Marketing Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness said Ms Jardine was "highly regarded". He signs off as Chief leaving Northumbria on a positive path, for which I am grateful. We, Yahoo, are part of the Yahoo family of brands. my name is D Cox. Tel 0191 221 9800. "The North East is one of the most vibrant places to live, work and visit and has a great police force.". constables and acting chief constables at Northumbria Police, together Page 7 Northumberland County Constabulary Centenary 1857 - 1957 Handbook published by Northumberland County Constabulary Headquarters, Morpeth, Page 7, Chief Constables of the Northumberland County Constabulary 1857-1957 Centenary Book Printed at Police Headquarters Morpeth 1957, Book; Constable. The rooms in the crime scene house are also fitted with recording software which can be played live to another room or recorded later for analysis. We also have support available for adopting parents too. Ms Jardine, who has been a police officer for 28 years, said she was "delighted" with the opportunity to join Northumbria permanently, saying: "What I remember most is how fantastic the people were. Please note all applications are made directly through Durham Constabulary. The event allowed the panel to interact with the candidate and assess their understanding of the issues and questions posed. Together we have delivered on strong ambitions for the Force and I am proud of everything that has been achieved in fighting and preventing crime in our region. Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on Following the recruitment process as discussed above, the Commissioner proposed the appointment of Mr Winton Keenen as Chief Constable of Northumbria Police to the Police and Crime Panel on 26th March 2018. MARKED]. We need to keep working to intervene and to stop crime in its tracks. Our work is characterised as informing policy and practice, providing wide-ranging, cutting-edge science and applied research, which is developed in partnership with the Police and agencies regionally, nationally, within European networks and internationally. Members also benefit from discounts on financial, health, travel, legal, home, and vehicle products. This annual report of the Chief Constable of the Northumbria Police Department in England details the activities and accomplishments of the department during 1980. <[Northumbria Police request email]> This programme is for officers of Durham Constabulary only. Influence internal and external decision makers at local and national levels on matters affecting its members. material consideration for you. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. The recruitment process for the new Chief Constable will be led by Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness. In 2002, she joined Northumbria Police, initially as a Chief Inspector, and was promoted to Assistant Chief Constable, with responsibility for response and neighbourhood policing as well as the communications department. WhatDoTheyKnow also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information. normally be considered, unless there is reason to think that any of the Following the stakeholder panels feedback and observations on the candidates performance this was then provided to the Police and Crime Commissioner for consideration. Northumbria University is renowned for the calibre of its business-ready graduates. Northumbria University is the UK University of the Year 2022. Apprentices will also develop transferable key skills throughout the apprenticeship, including: he Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (2020) state that - Rigorous, robust and independent End Point Assessment (EPA) gives employers confidence that apprentices can actually perform in the occupation they have been trained in and can demonstrate the duties, and knowledge, skills and behaviours set out in the occupational standard. (b) states the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence, When you start as a new officer, youll automatically become a member of the New Police Pension Scheme 2015. As only one application for the role was received who met the criteria, this application went forward. applicant, and an address for communication. impossible) to imagine a scenario where it could be justifiable for you to refuse to provide a list of past Chief Constables. The purpose of an apprenticeship is to provide new learning and the skills assessment will be used to establish whether we need to tailor your programme in any way to account for your previous qualifications or experience. These services are: A Service Level Agreement provides the statement of intent between the Police and Police and Crime Commissioner to work in partnership and to define an effective working relationship. The Panel used the following criteria to assess Mr Keenen at each stage of the process: The selection criterion used to assess the suitability of candidates for the role of Chief Constable is summarised below: The candidate was scored at the end of the formal interview on a scale of 0 (no evidence) through to 4 (very strong) against each of the structured questions and presentation. It is about disclosure to Admission onto a higher or degree apprenticeship can only take place if applicants are currently employed and their employer has a training agreement in place with Northumbria University. This apprenticeship normally takes 3 years full-time, followed by the endpoint assessment which will typically be completed within 3-12 months. Everyone was very friendly and made me feel so welcome. Find out about projects near you that are strengthening local communities and cutting crime. Apprentices will be trained in the use of personal radios and body worn video devices, giving them the ability to become accustomed to this vital technology. Over 7 years, subject to a simple performance review, you can earn up to 43,032. 11/09/2014 12:55, To: [Northumbria Police request email] Police and Crime Panel Confirmation Hearing. You are therefore under a duty to communicate the information requested. The stakeholder event took place on Monday 5th March 2018 followed by the panel interview. requester or the reasons behind the request. In 1965, before the Newcastle and Tynemouth forces merged, the force had an establishment of 754 officers and an actual strength of 697.[1]. Theres no denying we face difficult times ahead but I am confident she is up to the challenge. Benton Lane. As you are promoted through the ranks, you can expect to receive an increase in salary, as follows: Constable 24,780 - 41,130 Sergeants 43,965 - 46,227 Inspectors 52,698 - 57,162 Chief Inspectors 58,332 - 60,732 Superintendents 70,173 - 82,881 Chief Superintendents 86,970 - 91,749 Pension Each police force in the country has seen the introduction of a publically elected Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). Ms McGuinness said: "She not only brings with her a wealth of experience from a successful and varied career in policing, but she is determined to push Northumbria to be the very best it can be. to think of any circumstances in which it would be reasonable or legal for information being entitled to a response. This website uses cookies and third party services. statement of the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence, NE12 8EWOr email: "There is no specific reference in the FOIA or the EIR to the principle To start your application, simply select the month you would like to start your course. Also apprentices will be individually issued all the relevant uniform and personal protection equipment at the start of the apprenticeship. Required Northumberland Constabulary was created with the amalgamation of Northumberland County Constabulary with Newcastle upon Tyne Borough Police and Tynemouth Borough Police in 1969, more than doubling its strength. Crime, and the fear of crime, can cause far-reaching damage both to individuals and local communities. Harry: I always felt different to rest of family, Everything Everywhere wins big ahead of Oscars, Street fighting in Bakhmut but Russia not in control, US-made cheese can be called 'gruyere' - court, PM to end asylum claims from small boat arrivals, Mbappe breaks PSG goal record in win over Nantes, Alex Murdaugh's legal troubles are far from over. my name is D Cox. Chief Inspectors 60,234 62,634 Northumbria Police in Boydton, VA Expand search. Two stakeholder groups were formed, representing the public sector, and Community and Voluntary communities. Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - List of chief The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) consists of a small team that provides support to the Commissioner and Interim Chief of Staff in their duties. As a general summary of advice from the ICO, the correct approach in From: Amy Lyons <[FOI #228104 email]> on Youth work driving down bus stop ASB in Witherwack, praised by PCC, PCC Kim McGuinness precept plan will put more officers in the heart of local communities, Short films take a stand on violence towards women and girls, PCC Kim McGuinness sets out her priorities to fight knife crime across the North East, Bring back Sure Starts thats how we rescue our region from the impacts of poverty urges Kim McGuinness, Northumbria Police lands first of its kind funding to prioritise fighting rural crime, You can also have a read of our recent Newsletters. These include (but are not limited to): Successful completion of all three years of the programme, including completion of the integrated End Point Assessment, will result in the achievement of full competency to operate safely and lawfully as a Police Constable in the workplace (public arena) and achieving aDegree in Professional Policing Practice. cc: Your Learning Experience Find out about our distinctive approach at, Admissions Terms and Conditions Fees and Funding Admissions Policy Admissions Complaints Policy Subject: Freedom of Information request - List of chief constables from which the general principle is drawn. If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click 'Reject all'. Thats why my number one priority is fighting crime in our region. D Cox is my real name, I am clearly a "person" who has made a request and you have a way of contacting me. Although I appreciate your possible confusion on names (which I have now disambiguated), my identity should not in any case be a material consideration for you. 3 Years Full-Time | Professional Policing Practice BSc (Hons), International & EU Fees, Funding & Scholarships, Applicant Terms and Conditions and Policies, Academic Language Skills Programmes (ALS), EU/International Postgraduate Research Fees, EU/International Postgraduate Research Funding, Computerised Society and Digital Citizens, Volunteering, Humanitarian Crises and Development, Northumbria named best University in the UK, Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship | Durham Constabulary,, modern policing trends such as digital policing. We work with organisations to create courses that meet the demands of businesses. In delaying the release of this information, you appear to be acting contrary to the spirit of the legislation (as well as the letter) which is for you to be frank and helpful. with their dates of service, between 1990 and 2010 [NOT PROTECTIVELY absence of references in the legislation to the identity of the applicant Vanessa has been a police officer for over 28 years. Northumbria Police has confirmed Vanessa Jardine as the force's next chief constable. The North East is one of the most vibrant places to live, work and visit and has a great police force. Leaders of local authorities, Fire and Rescue and CPS across Northumbria area, community and voluntary sector leads were approached and asked to nominate suitable representation to participate in a stakeholder event. enhanced research skills enabling apprentices to progress, if desired, to postgraduate study, or a research orientated career; communicating ideas in written and oral forms; independent learning skills enabling students to take responsibility for their own continued and sustainable professional development. As an officer, you can become a member of the Police Federation. Officers in their probationary period are able to submit a flexible working request. 2017/18. If approved, this should not commence before the three year probation is observed, in order to fully support the induction and learning of student officers and minimise any risks to the force, the officer, colleagues and the public. We conduct ground-breaking research that is responsive to the science & technology, health & well being, economic and social and arts & cultural needs for the communities. Northumberland County Constabulary absorbed Berwick-upon-Tweed Borough Police in 1921 and Northumberland Constabulary was created with the amalgamation of Northumberland County Constabulary with Newcastle upon Tyne Borough Police and Tynemouth Borough Police in 1969, more than doubling its strength. and acting chief constables at Northumbria Police, together with their Vanessa Jardine was formally appointed at the Police and Crime Panel after being selected as the preferred candidate by Police & Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness last week. Together, we will work at fighting crime, preventing crime and improving lives in our region.. "She is a well-liked and highly regarded officer and as a leader she will be ambitious, inspiring and inclusive.". (05798215). Ms Jardine, who is currently deputy chief constable at West Midlands Police, will replace Winton Keenen in March. Chief Superintendents 86,970 91,749. Chief Constable Winton Keenen QPM, who is now in his 38 th year of policing service - all of which has been served as a Northumbria officer - will leave next March. It can be seen that all were created in . I would not want to live in a country where that information is kept secret by the authorities, and didn't think that the UK was one of them! Northumberland Constabulary was the Home Office police force for the county of Northumberland, England, from 1969 until 1974. Sergeants 45,867 48,129 In 1758 it becomes the first village in Paraba, being only installed in 1765. If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web If you cannot grant my request, then please launch an internal review, as you have no valid reason to refuse it: you have the name of the applicant, and an address for communication. I will continue to fight for a well-resourced police force to ensure public safety, but we cannot simply arrest our way out of crime. This will include a work-based project, presentation and discussion around personal OCP. HR advice for the panel was provided by Lesley Anne Knowles, Head of HR for Northumbria Police.