Don't be surprised though if the sticker is missing. Find a great piece of art for the far wall beyond the Kitchen. Vermont Castings Resolute Vigilant Defiant wood stove installation planning, Vermont Castings Intrepid II Cast Iron Woodstove Used, Vermont Castings Wood Burning Stove Original Leg With Screw And Washer, Vermont Castings Cast Iron Woodstove window front Used, Heat Shields for Vermont Castings Reliant Stove Vintage 1979, one Dutchwest 2460 2461 2462 wood stove leg 7000016 Vermont Castings. Now you guys are gonna make me look at a new modern stove:jawdrop: Logbutcher, in your first post above you stated how much better your JOEL was than VC. so be very careful. . I do not want to use my stove with a damaged fire back, as I believe it is dangerous period what are your opinions? Never fired it after some time though, not sure why (probably the fact that he kept using the hearth as storage space for his junk. lol). Please MEASURE YOUR OLD COMBUSTOR . Don't think I want to shell out the cash for that right now. and it only took a matter of 3 weeks of running it the wrong way for me to have a chimney fire. Only 13 left in stock - order soon. Review the Vermont Castings Complete Model Listing of all of their brand products like tile gas stoves and wood burning fireplaces. BEST INSERT: Ashley Hearth 1,200-Square-Foot Wood Stove Insert . yeah I've got that impression--need to run the beast hot. We purchased a Vermont Castings Defiant Catalytic stove 20 years ago. BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK: StarBlue Circular Camping Rocket Stove. $24988. But if not, hell, might as well roast the living room! Now start the fire using good quality hardwood and allow a nice bed of coals to form. Northampton. This post may contain affiliate links so I earn a. Accessories Fan Kits Gasket Kits Glass Door Assembly Grill Manuals Other Accessories Remotes/Thermostats Touch - Up Enamel Warming Shelves Coal Stove Parts Electric Burning Gas Burning . Monday thru Friday Thanks for the reply! Before you light any fire in the Vigilant, make sure you have about an inch of play sand in the bottom of the stove. JavaScript is disabled. Pyroceram-A4 Arched Top. :agree2: .. "whale" is right on Doc. Thanks for watching! I know stoves very well. installation, venting, finishing, accessories, and taxes are not included in At 600 on the stovetop, some stoves are just cruising. Vintage Early Vermont Castings Vigilant Wood Stove Top Griddle. One small drawback of the stove is that it can be somewhat temperamental to achieve the "perfect" burn where it's burning efficiently withoutfiring too hot. 1993), Vermont Castings & CDW Dutchwest older Models. $2,095. when you start off your fire the manual says it's ok to run at 750, but not for extended times so 600 is med hi heat. Yes, the Defiant Encore is a wonderful stove. it is also very easy to creosote up a chimney fast with the stove. 18,000 BTU Direct vent Stove Heater Fireplace Propane or Nat. I don't know what kind of stove my dad had but growing up when I was a kid he used to do that and it was a lot of fun. The second version was identical except it had a two piece fireback. A dealer in your local area can help you with sales, service and support. First version of the Defiant had a one piece fireback that was prone to cracking. Price" is for estimation purposes only. The Defiant was pre-EPA: not catalytic or non-cat, just a good burner with a heat saving flame path with the damper closed down. I understand the company had difficulty and they turned out some bad product. as a general rule buying an old wood stove does not make a lot of sense. Ricardo Leon says it's not news to the . Most surface thermometers are designed to go on the stove pipe. You are using an out of date browser. 3/8" Diameter Rope Stove Gasket. I'm trying to do things low-budget this year since my savings was depleted quite well from the house purchase, so I was thinking more along the lines of taking apart the Defiant and thoroughly cleaning it inside. Is the Stihl Wood Boss chainsaw a good saw for cutting firewood and felling trees? This post may contain affiliate links so I earn a commission. Pricing is subject to change. . Catalytic Combustor. The stovepipe is bent thanks to a mishap involving the mantlepiece (a big slab of wood, which isn't secured to the masonry or wall in any way, fell onto the stovepipe when I leaned on it once) but I have a chimney sweep coming by next week to check that out and sweep the chimney, not to mention give me the low-down on what kind of chimney I have (no idea of its size, don't care to climb up on the roof either) and its condition. Vermont Castings Vigilant Coal Stove. Firewood, Heating and Wood Burning Equipment,,, Well, I bought this house about 3 months ago and I'm looking into my woodstove options here, and it looks like the 'ole lady who owned this house previously had a Vermont Castings Defiant (that's all it says, "Defiant", says 1975 on the back of the firebox, and the placard on the backside mentions it was safety-tested in 1980; house was built in 1981) upstairs with a horizontal 8" pipe going straight into the chimney (looks like the chimney collar was designed with the height of the stovepipe in mind). rocket mass heater risers: materials and design eBook, current server time (not your local time) is, 22 year old Vermont Castings Defiant Encore model 2140 performance questions,,, Rocket Masonry Heater Example (Dragon Heater "Castle" Build). We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! ash pan: yes colors: bordeaux, majolica brown, twilight, classic black *on display in showroom in classic black {"rawurl":"/Browse/Wood-Stoves","sitecode":"VCG","site":"VermontCastings","sitebrandname":"Vermont Castings","siterootpath":"/sitecore/content/vermontcastings home/","environment":"ProdLive","sessionid":"15hnij02clzp11oviavcpp5k","viewedcoupon":false,"lastlocatorsearch":"","debugtracking":false,"ip":"","brandfilter":"VCG","visitedproducts":[],"visitedcategories":[{"Sitecode":"VCG","CategoryID":"{A330754A-1BEC-4877-8924-51DD3CA0906F}","CategoryName":"","ViewCount":1}],"ppccampaignid":"","utmParameters":"","visitor":{"Country":"US","PostalCode":"N/A"}}. a plug is not expensive buy one to try running with the other stove plugged. It's easy to find information about anything piquing my curiosity just by searching. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I have a horizontal crack and deformity on the fireback of my 1979 resolute. Need help? Wood stove; Resolute; Vermont Castings Resolute Manuals Manuals and User Guides for Vermont Castings Resolute. After about 30 minutes, top off the stove with good seasoned firewood and allow the wood to burn for a few minutes making sure not to fire the stove over 600 degrees. I found a refurbished resolute for $1,200. I just disconnected my 80s era Defiant for a modern Jotel that someone "lent" me (long story) the Jotel is way more efficient and gives off way more heat with the same amount of wood. Views: 75,334. You must log in or register to reply here. 3000-0362. Can't really do that with a modern EPA stove--they tend to let smoke in the room if you leave the door open because the opening for the smoke is at the front of the baffle. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. 8 3/8" x 9 1/8" Part No. For wood-burning stoves, it is typically attached to the rear casting . A local dealer will contact you, we look forward to helping you. I do not want to use my stove with a damaged fire back, as I believe it is dangerous period what are your opinions? Since the stoves were produced for several years, this doesn't necessarily mean your particular stove was made in 1977, it's simply the date built into the cast. and a good one at that. spirilis. Need a Quote
Back down the primary air until you maintain a griddle temperature of about 550 degrees but not exceeding 600 degrees. The Defiant . I hated to part with it, but I lived in Connecticut at the time and had to move away because of a job transfer. how tall is the chimney? Also, sincethe Vigilant likes to burn hot it's tuff to use during the shoulder months when the outside temperatures are mild since it supplies so much heat. The stove sits to one corner of that level. For Vermont Castings wood stoves (Models Defiant, Encore, Large Winter Warm Insert). The guys said they could put a SS liner in there but it'd cost some cash. Efficient (saves wood ), cleaner burning, longer burns for the same BTU's. Stay away from the VC stoves post 1995: the build quality dropped, maintenance for replaced parts is pricey, too many serious problems for an appliance for wood . Replaced on 9-14-09 with Jotul F 600 Firelight CB. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I think it was rated at 60,000 BTU/hr, and it accepted a 24" long. Vermont Castings Resolute Acclaim Woodburning Stove Model 2490. you need to know what the stove is running at more so than the pipe. The Vigilant wood stove was produced by Vermont Castings in 1977. The sponsor of the gathering, the Vermont Castings Company, has grown from a two-man business in 1975 to an operation that employs 450 people and produces 40,000 to 50,000 cast-iron wood-burning . Wet wood just won't burn hot enough and the stove will produce a lot of smoke and potential creosote. Generally you'll have the primary air open about 1/4 inch. Vermont Castings Stoves. My girlfriend will love it--she absolutely loves the heat. The chimney is a clay 12"x12" and the guys said it's definitely oversized--both thimbles are 8" and the downstairs stove is 6". Dimensions. I have a 12-year old Vermont Castings wood stove (Resolute Acclaim Model #0041), and, even though I've not disassembled any parts (how difficult IS it? my experience with those chimney pipe thermometers is to use it on the stove top. That's why the scales list 600 as overfire territory. Each of our units has a rating plate attached to it that lists both the model and serial number. All rights reserved. ECO8kW78.5%. Alright, got the chimney sweep in here. The Defiant and Encore are now two separate models (in the new flyer). Don't be surprised though if the sticker is missing. Saturday Mar 4, 2023 ASK AN EXPERT (888) 333-0339 . See an authorized retailer for The Resolute Acclaim from Vermont Castings offers convenient top loading or conventional front loading capabilities and a traditional pull-out ash pan. it is a great stove. 5 foot flames roaring out of a 8 x 12 chimney. Most of us here will recommend ( if you can swing the $$$ ) that you get an EPA cat or non-cat wood stove. This board is an absolutely incredible goldmine of information and I love forums like this. Plus you'll have enough coals to relight the fire about 7-8 hours later. Local Pickup. If you look at the stove you'll notice the year 1977 in the front casting. The Resolute Acclaim is the perfect choice for a cozy and stylish heat source with optional sparkscreen, warming shelves, and a choice of traditional colors.