Notably, Zelenskyy's domestic approval rating had dropped in the leadup to Russia's invasion, but a poll from inside Ukraine shows it has risen sharply in recent weeks. And yet, he says, everyone realizes that Russia wants to take advantage of Zelenskyy's lower approval ratings right now to weaken him with this threat of an invasion. Mr. Zelensky, stung by the fallout, came to largely rely on the loyal rather than the qualified. By Alexander Query. At that point, Zelensky enjoyed a 70 percent approval rating and Ukraine had the youngest president in its history (41-years-old), the youngest parliament (average age of 41), the youngest prime minister (35) and the youngest cabinet in Europe (average age of 39). Furthermore, questions about his Jewishness have exploded into the international consciousness: Has his Jewish background put him or his fellow Ukrainian Jews in more danger? In the midst of the nationwide lockdown in Ukraine, Zelensky openly confronted Anatoly Bondarenko, the mayor of Cherkasy, who defied orders and re-opened restaurants and ships in the town. His supporters thought that he would break away from the old ways and end corruption. . Zelensky. The churn eventually stopped, but at a cost. Response to Allison and Blackwill, Portugal faces an impossible task, expect a second bailout, Malaysias looming general election: what it means for the economy, Omans future: What goes up must come down, Margaret Thatchers prophetic prediction of the Euros sorry state. Zelensky, an entertainer-turned-politician, saw his approval ratings steadily decline since his election in 2019, continuing a string of displeasure with leadership within Ukraine over issues like . More than half of Americans have confidence in Macron and Scholz, while ratings for the Chinese leader remain unchanged from the past year at 15%. And his party - get this - is called Servant of the People. Halfway through his presidential term, the popularity of Volodymyr Zelenskyy has substantially declined as, having won 70 per cent of the vote when elected, he now only commands 25 per cent support at the ballot box. Who should I appoint for roles like the head of the Ukrainian FBI? But Ukrainians have little confidence that Zelenskyy can ensure that stability. She recalled Henry Kissinger, President Richard Nixons secretary of state, who faced pressure from some Republicans who wondered if he could be impartial during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, and from some American Jews who feared Kissinger was distancing himself from Israel because of those pressures. our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has turned around his domestic political fortunes with his leadership over the past few weeks, earning the support of an overwhelming majority of the country . These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. ESTRIN: When he was running for president, he said he would fight nepotism. March 17, 2022. who have a 91 per cent approval rating for Zelensky - want to be "liberated" by Russia. On Friday, he was equally blunt about his situation as Russian troops attacked the capital Kyiv: the the enemy has identified me as the No. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 2000 - Graduated from Kyiv National Economic University, with a law degree. The sentiment is shared nearly equally by Democrats and Republicans, even though Republicans have been much more likely to express confidence in Putin's leadership in recent years. His approval rating is in the low 40s. WION: "Approval ratings of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky fall amid Russia conflict" Paul Provenza, author of Satiristas! There were constant reshuffles. Ukraines next parliamentary election will be held in 2023 and all opinion polls show that the ruling pro-presidential Servant of the People party may lose control of parliament. Total population of the Ukraine 1992-2021, Number of live births in Ukraine 2000-2021, Life expectancy at birth in Ukraine 2020, by gender, Median age of the population in Ukraine 1950-2100, Gross domestic product (GDP) of Ukraine 2021, Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of Ukraine 2021, Labor force participation rate in Ukraine 2019, Youth unemployment rate in Ukraine in 2021, Value of imports of goods to Ukraine 2011 to 2021, National debt of Ukraine in relation to gross domestic product 2005-2021, Ratio of military expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Ukraine 2021, New cases of COVID-19 worldwide from January 23, 2020 to February 26, 2023, by day, Public opinion on Volodymyr Zelensky in Russia in 2019, by age group, Public opinion of Russians on the future of relations with Ukraine 2019, Public trust in Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine 2020-2021, Poll on respect for Trump from other world leaders 2019, Share of adults who think president Donald Trump embodies American values U.S. 2020, Public approval rating of Nigel Farage in the UK 2016, Opinion on delaying Electoral College vote due to Russian hack December 2016, Politics and political participation in Italy, Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports. That didn't happen. Richard Belzer was a Jewish comedian. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram. By YURAS KARMANAU February 13, 2022. Volodymyr Zelensky has become the epitome of an unlikely hero . Zelensky won the election in a landslide. So KELLY: I ask his thoughts about Zelenskyy, and Max says he likes him. By Charlie Smith 05:51, Fri, May 13 . BBC News Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a comedian who had no experience of politics when elected less than three years ago, has suddenly emerged as a convincing war leader. The understanding that social networks are not propaganda tools but a tool for direct communication has given Zelensky a 90% approval rating. The current conflict is more than one country taking over another; it is in the words of one U.S. official a shift in "the world order. Details: For the survey, Pew asked 3,581 U.S. adults from March 21 to 27 about their confidence level in world leaders. President Volodymyr Zelensky listens during a joint press conference with the Lithuanian president (unseen) after talks at the presidential palace in Vilnius, Lithuania on Nov. 27, 2019. But this understandable effort to project calm and steady skittish markets was undermined by his showy style. The newly formed government, meanwhile, restored anti-corruption institutions. The study also found that 71.1% of Ukrainians believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, an increase from the 68.7% in July. In the middle is Ukraine, led by former stand-up comedian and actor Volodymyr Zelenskyy. I'm now getting lapped by 5-year-olds (laughter). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Lord Ashcroft Polls published approval ratings in Ukraine with President Zelensky, unsurprisingly, the most popular with 93% approval. Yet the truth is more prosaic. Since the war began, he has been appealing to world leaders for more support for Ukraine and sanctions on Russia. Zelensky's approval rating falls below 50%. It may have proven too difficult to pull off after winning the 2019 election with over 70% of the vote, his approval rating had plummeted to close to 30%. COVID-19 deaths worldwide as of February 28, 2023, by country and territory, COVID-19 cases worldwide as of February 28, 2023, by country or territory, Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, recoveries, and deaths worldwide as of Feb. 28, 2023, Cumulative cases of COVID-19 worldwide from Jan. 22, 2020 to Feb. 26, 2023, by day. That topic is acutely relevant in Ukraine, a post-Soviet republic with a large population of hypernationalists. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. "Ugh a sign at a construction site in downtown Ottawa," reads the tweet's caption. This is a striking turnaround for a leader who was previously seen as inexperienced and ineffective. Now it is 91 per cent. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a comedian who had no experience of politics when elected less than three years ago, has suddenly emerged as a convincing war leader. NBC News reports a senior Department of State official said the U.S. will reopen. (2022). Some 92% of Americans have little or no confidence in the Russian leader's handling of world affairs, while 77% have none at all. The statistic has been compiled from several reports by the source. But then he did just that. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy speaks to the U.S. Congress on March 16. Zelensky has toed a line between, projecting a strong patriotic front against Russia, and working to delicately stand up to the nationalists. And he falls, I think, in the second category, but its not such a long list, and its certainly not that not long in Eastern Europe, he said. He says you can hear people criticizing the president in the streets, you know, even sometimes in the skating rink. . Now, a new survey puts a finer point on just how much support he has from the American public. So did Leon Blum, who faced antisemitic animus in his pre-World War II stints as French prime minister, and whose brief term post-war was seen as a step forward for Frances coming to terms with its Nazi collaborationism. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A former movie producer and longtime friend was made chief of staff, joining other friends and confidants of Mr. Zelensky in wielding outsize power. and whose brief term post-war was seen as a step forward for Frances coming to terms with its Nazi collaborationism. The survey also took Americans' temperatures on other world leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. But once. This might be the last time you see me alive, he reportedly told European Union leaders on a call about steps the bloc was considering to try to stop Russias advances throughout Ukraine. Driving the news: Zelensky has become a very vocal leader for his country after the latest unprovoked attack by Russia. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky holds a press conference on Russia's military operation in Ukraine, Feb. 25, 2022. He started brightly. President Zelenskys Servant of the People party suffered significant setbacks in the 2020 Ukrainian local elections, manifesting the decline of Zelenskys popularity and the nations waning trust in the ruling government. His approval rating, despite starting at a high of 55 percent in January 2021, spent the year in freefall. Use Ask Statista Research Service, Computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI). February 28, 2022 / 2:06 PM / CBS News. Others, like some of the ones skating in front of the office of the president, say they still support him. NATALIA SLASTINA: (Non-English language spoken). We are here. Volodymyr Zelenskyy was elected President of Ukraine on April 21, 2019. After high school, Zelensky earned a scholarship to study in Israel on the strength of his English scores but turned it down because his father did not want him to go, according to an interview he gave in 2018. Along the way, he married a high school classmate, with whom he has two children, a 17-year-old daughter and a 9-year-old son. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". A highlights reel of a 28-year-old Zelensky twisting and dipping in a series of outlandish outfits, including a pink . After taking the Ukrainian political stage by storm, President Volodymyr Zelensky and his Servant of the People party faced off and lost to mayoral parties in the October 2020 local elections. And that Jewish identity has been repeatedly seized on by enemies and rivals, and celebrated by Jewish supporters around the world. (August 11, 2022). While Bondarenko received the support of his regional counterparts, Zelensky gave the impression of disregarding local government authority, which has been strengthening since decentralisation reforms began in 2014. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Afiq Fitri is a data journalist at New Statesman Media Group. We are defending Ukraine., Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) February 25, 2022. Any decisive move against Russia, on the other hand, risks giving the Kremlin a pretext for a deadly invasion. First, President Volodymyr Zelensky commands a 94% approval rating. The claim: '15-minute city' planned in Ottawa will confine residents. Mr. Zelenskys other major project, a campaign he calls deoligarchization thats aimed at capping the influence of the very wealthy, looks more like a P.R. We walk into a small, heated tent, and they hand us skates. It was typical of the same tensions, she said, that a decade or so earlier had assailed John F. Kennedy, the first Roman Catholic president.