Editors usually are looking for some holiday photo ops in December. How to Summer Prune an Apple Espalier. Experiment Station, Lexington, KY Donovan, Dave D., Seedling Availability, Planting, Initial Care, Oklahoma State Univ. ( Extn., Orono, ME 04469. While there are many different methods, the basic principles are similar. Sow a cover crop and let it become established prior to planting any trees. Christmas trees are 6 feet apart within that row. As the industry evolved, commercial Christmas tree growers have developed techniques to reduce or eliminate these problems. This year we paid $100 for a month of insurance. Apply a fine mist of water to avoid washing the soil away from the tree roots, and apply at least 1/2 inch each time you water so that the moisture gets deep enough in the soil to reach the roots. You can run ads in newspapers using a photo of your family with the trees is a good eye-catcher on the radio or on signs or posters; send post cards or other direct mail; and/or be included in a state list of producers. The later you prune, the later your first bloom flush will occur. ( Depending on the extent of basal pruning, the tree tries to replace the lost foliage by increasing the density of the remaining branches. say that in the Northeast, nitrogen is the element most commonly required for optimal Christmas tree growth. The best time to prune your Christmas tree is outside of its growing season, from January through March. A small flock of sheep in a UK planting during the fall and winter did not browse on the trees. Thank you! Our trees may take a couple of years longer to mature than those that are grown in herbicide-denuded areas, but the wait is worthwhile for us. ( At $15 per tree, we made two or three hundred dollars each of the first two years of sales, and $705 this past year. TTY Users: 7-1-1 or 800-735-2964 (Relay NH) You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( This is usually done just in the first year of shearing, when the tree is about waist-high. ), 4 balanced N,P,K 3 to 4 oz./tree (handful), 6 to 8 high N, low P,K 6 to 8 oz./tree (1 cup). Quality shearing produces quality trees and is one of the most important cultural practices in the production of Christmas trees; it is also the most labor intensive cultural treatment. ( We have had a few customers come after dark and happily cut trees that they could barely see, or shine their headlights on the trees until they find the right one. Grazing sheep on your Christmas tree land is another way to cycle nutrients organically and keep weeds down at the same time. ( ( ( First, remove any broken or dead branches. Chase, Nan, Growing a Healthy Crop for Christmas, National Wildlife, Dec.-Jan 1995, p. 24. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. ( ( This prevents one or more of the top whorl branches from taking over as a leader and forming a crooked or multiple top. ( ( If so, the needles should fall off easily. We planted 1 acre that first year, another the second and a third the third year. ( Cherim, Michael S., The Green Methods Manual The Original Bio-Control Primer, 1988. ( lions of trees are sold each year, but wholesale competi-tion will continue to be fierce, even with high quality trees. Balsams are more forgiving of such neglect; Scotch pines arent. Beyond the six to eight year commitment it takes to produce a usable-sized tree, properly shaping Christmas tree prospects will produce trees worthy of displaying in your home. Sow seed into a freely draining seed-mix during spring and summer. ( ( Proper pruning requires a basic understanding of how plants respond to various pruning cuts. J Di01c The wreath-making season begins in early November, after cold weather has hardened the needles (after 20 days, beginning in September, during which the temperature has dropped below 40 degrees or after three consecutive nights after Nov. 1 of 20 degrees or colder); by making wreaths in November and selling wreaths and trees in December, you can add two months of production and sales to your farming system. As the trees get larger, they shade out more weeds, too. Remove weeds from the beds as soon as they appear. Double leaders are removed, and deformities corrected. ( Dusty conditions often lead to mite outbreaks. Any dead or damaged shoots should also be removed. Z J ( ( ( ( If trees are volunteering in your field, you might decide to simply go along with nature and start mowing around those trees, pruning them, and removing competing woody plants. Plan on spending between 90 and 150 hours per acre per year maintaining your plantation mowing, pruning, replanting and harvesting. Delay basal pruning until no more than 1/3 of the total foliage on the tree will be cut off to prevent excessive shock. The soil should be deep enough to allow for good root development and moisture retention. It houses one of the world's largest and most accessible agricultural information collections and serves as the nexus for a national network of state land-grant and U.S. Department of Agriculture field libraries. ( 2. When you lay out your planting, leave room for access roads. ( ( Consider the size of your plant: use pruning shears for cuts up to 3/4-inch in diameter, lopping shears for branches up to 1 1/2 inches in diameter and hand and pole saws for branches up to 4 inches in diameter. ( ( ( ( :LYkQ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@u/4P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ % P@ - PP@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@5/T5 P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ % - P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ % - % - P@ P@ P@ P@ PP@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ % P@ P@@ @ P@ - P@ @@ P@ @ - P@ P@ % PP@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ @ - P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P5P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ PP@ P@ P@ % P@ P@ P@ P@ % - P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ PPP@@ % P@ @@ P@ P@ P@ % - P@ - % P@ P@ P@ % - P@ PP@ P@ @ PP@@ @@ P@ P@ PP@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ % Rt Kym Pokorny | After two years in the transplant bed at a density of 30 to 50 plants per square foot the firs are transplanted to the field. Water-stressed plants are less tolerant of spider mite damage. If you require a slimmer tree or prefer a wider one, shaping can do that too. ( ( Extension Facts No. ( Proper and Timely shearing or clipping of branches stimulates new buds to form, puts additional growth on the remaining desirable branches and, in general, controls the foliage and shape so that a more dense tree results. ( ( ( Because we sell on a cut-your-own basis, we get to see many of our friends and neighbors when they come for trees. ( A bud or turned up branch is then cultured into a second tree by removing all of the branches except one in June. Rouse Simmons. Another good use is fuel for a backyard bonfire. Shape by pruning (selective removal or cutting . from 0.5 lbs. ( You can refer to USDA grade standards for Christmas trees. You should also measure the size of the tree stand. ( ( ( It is difficult to extrapolate from these recommendations to organic culture, and in fact the plethora of chemicals recommended especially the herbicides can dissuade a potential grower from trying organic methods. He would go to an open spot in the woods, grab a 6- to 12-inch-tall seedling, yank it from the ground, and put it in a sheetrock bucket of damp peat moss. By now these trees will be becoming home to various insects, hopefully our beneficial insects like lady birds will be keeping the pest populations to a minimum. ( Shearing during extremely cold periods in winter should be avoided because of twig dieback on the cut branch. ( This will be the direction of the new growth. ( ( If you think you can find the time to plant, prune and sell Christmas trees, and if you have the patience to wait about 10 years for a plantation to generate income, this might be a good crop to add to your farming system. In Alabama, researchers found that Christmas trees could add $176 per acre net profit on cattle grazing land if the trees (Virginia pines) were grown 8 feet apart in rows 33 feet apart (165 trees per acre) and if the trees were protected by a single strand of electric fence on each side of the row. ( Year harvestedY 1995 1995 1993 1993 1993 1994; of 3 /3. Z ((h(h(h Last year we planted 100 Concolor firs where balsams had been harvested because a few people in our area are starting to recognize and ask for this tree. ( Treetopia. Leaving open wounds from pruning can expose the tree to frost and diseases. Avoid shaving the bark off of a tree trunk to get it to fit into a smaller tree stand opening. We have established a pleasant summer routine in which I write and edit for a couple of hours in the morning, prune trees for an hour or two, then take the kids to the beach. ( ( He hasnt used any pesticides on his Christmas trees and is happy with the way theyve grown. ( ( ( Extn. This step will prevent a lateral branch from taking over as the leader. (9dHc2HUz XJ}sHzh P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ @ - % P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ PPPP@ P@@ P@ % P@ % P@ PP@ PP@ P@ % P@ - PP@ P@ P@@ @@ @@ % P@ @@ P@ P@ P@ PP@ P@ P@ P@ P@ PP=GAYkQ % - P@ P@ q6i-sN~j]A:&_$o+b7|7_IP University of Kentucky forester Dr. Deborah Hill estimated that, figuring a 20% loss of a plantation over a seven-year rotation, the plantation should yield about a 14% return on investment. ( ( ( (( For an excellent discussion about collecting balsam fir seeds and growing seedlings, see Balsam Fir Seed Collection and Storage, by M.L. ( ( ( If you cut too much off the tree, youll end up with open wounds that will attract bacteria. Once the decision is made to shear a tree for the first time I recommend removing the bottom branches from the ground up to at least 8 inches (20 cm). Thinning cuts remove branches back to their points . A well-shaped, dense tree has a fairly uniform spacing of 8 to 10 inches between whorls. Before cutting the tree, its essential that you check whether any permits are required. ( ( opacity: 1;
If you want to save some money but still buy plants, you could buy 2-0 seedlings and grow them in your own transplant bed for a year or two. ( ( ( ( ( Landgren is the former OSU Extension Christmas Tree Specialist. ( ( Pruning in the winter, however, can leave a big wound that can be damaged by frost or infection. As an alternative to mowing and herbicides, you could try using a mulch of several sheets of newspaper held down with about 4 inches of sawdust, straw, bark chips or wood chips and applied in a 2- to 3-foot-diameter circle around each tree. Transplanting is done, ideally, on a cloudy, windless day. Two hundred feet should be a maximum: These trees are pretty tough to drag out of the plantation when theyre 6 or 7 feet tall, weighed down with ice and/or snow, and you have to walk through a foot or two of snow. First, I think the shears are more ergonomic, because you use both arms to the same extent to do the pruning. ( Shearing a tree properly will stimulate new buds, put additional growth on the desirable branches, and control foliage and shape. ( ( ( ( ( Trees can be cut right to the ground to produce a tree of maximum height and to leave no stumps over which you might trip. ( ( ( ( ( ( News story. While the income from Christmas trees comes during the off season, much of the work involved in growing them does not. ( Mon-Sat: 08:30 19:00 (540)231-6192. Here in Maine, Austin Moore is growing Christmas trees among his apple trees to get some income while he waits for the apples to mature. ( The researchers did not recommend adding cattle to existing Christmas tree operations because of the expense of starting a cattle operation. ( ( Service, Univ. The most important thing to remember is that you should not prune back further . It will be much easier on your heart and less sticky on your hands. ( His Christmas trees balsam and Fraser firs are about eight years old now and he just started cutting a few last Christmas. Leave the shade on until late September. Four types of pruning cuts are made: basal pruning; central leader pruning; lateral branch pruning; and corrective . Basal Pruning Fraser Fir Christmas Trees. It is better to cut the ends of long roots than to have them double up. Home Resources Christmas Trees Growing Christmas Trees Organically. This method is known as basal pruning. We have experts in family and health, community development, food and agriculture, coastal issues, forestry, programs for young people, and gardening. For more information about growing a Christmas tree, visit the Michigan State University Extension site. There are some tips you need to follow when cutting your own Christmas tree. Service, Univ. x+234R0 Bk hd ( ( ( Z J Z (( ( ( Christmas trees are ready to harvest when theyre 6 to 8 feet tall. Corrective work may have to be done for two or more seasons before the tree is shaped properly and is saleable. ( ( Our soil was very high in phosphorus to begin with and still is (probably the result of annual fertilizing with complete fertilizers in decades past, when the land was in continuous corn), and the pH of 5.5 was okay for growing Christmas trees. He has beenworking in the Christmas tree service industry since 2005. Although August planting is sometimes recommended, our summers have been so dry lately that I would not take the risk of planting then. Z ( ( I'm recommending the practice to others, and thought it a good idea to have a list of recommended varieties. ( ( Image: Abies Nordmanniana from Thompson & Morgan. Those of you who grow fresh vegetables or other warm-season crops might be interested in generating such additional income in the off season. Shearing and shaping is the most important activity of Christmas tree farming because the results of the time and labor will determine the marketability of the trees. So says a North Carolina extension publication, and this is where we have put most of our time. Lamont, W.J., D.L. Several species of birds have taken up residence in our trees and in the grasses that grow between the trees one of the many benefits of growing trees organically. After two years in the seedling bed, move the plants to a transplant bed, where they can be grown about 2 inches apart or at a density of 30 to 50 trees per square foot for two more years. by wpx_cairns | Sep 19, 2022 | Tree Prunning. ( The smallest chap I could find was still too large and stiff for me. of Maine Coop. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br This process should be completed at least two years before the tree is harvested. When trees have more than one central leader, choose the healthiest looking one and remove the others where they join the main stem. We planted our first crop in a mowed field and mulched with 1-square-foot pieces of black roofing paper to keep the grass down. ( We have had to cull some trees that succumbed to a disease that has sensitive fern as the alternate host; eliminating the fern by mowing or grazing or improving drainage in those areas might help. ((h ( padding: 0;
( ( In addition, real trees are recyclable, so when youre done using them, you can reuse them as mulch. When the cone scales are beginning to separate, its time to collect. He has been working in the Christmas tree service industry since 2005. A spade full of compost or well rotted manure could substitute for this chemical fertilizer; or you could save your familys urine all winter and use that on some of your trees! You might consider selling live trees in addition to cut trees, although the market for them may be limited in our rural areas. ( ( If you do apply chemical fertilizers or urine, distribute them evenly around the base of each tree in a donut shape, from 8 inches out from the base of the tree and extending somewhat beyond the outermost branches. Its like any crop, he says: If your soil is good, your trees are good.. ( $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz
? From huge bare spots to oversized trunks that dont fit in the tree stand, a multitude of problems that didnt seem apparent at the sale lot can become glaringly obvious in the living room. ( How to Cut Large Branches. ((h While pruning an evergreen tree is possible at any time of year, it is recommended to prune in the early spring and summer. For example, if a tree is lopsided, it can be brought back into balance by clipping the longest lateral branches on the heavy side of the tree. You want to leave on the outer layers of wood, which are the most efficient in taking up water. When Ive tried this, though, they continued to grow after I sheared them, and I ended up having to go through the plantation a second time to shorten leaders that had grown too long. ( Extn. Despite the losses, she believes grazing her plantation is worthwhile, because she has never had to mow between the trees, and she gets milk and beef from the animals. One publication recommends using a deflection shield so that you can mow close to trees without damaging lower branches. (Gloat!). ( ( ((h 8 0 obj<>stream ( Other terms are also used to more specifically define the shaping process. Stourport- 9 minutes drive Service, Orono, ME 04469. ( We hope you manage to keep your Christmas tree looking fantastic through the festive season. ( Generally, most farms will provide a saw for customers to use. Grasses and weeds can also fuel fires and provide cover for mice, rabbits and other small animals that can damage young trees. ( ( adequate taper -- width of base of tree should be about 2/3 height (6 ft tree should be approximately 4 ft wide at base) (Figure 1). I read about one grower who calls artificial trees the main competitor of natural trees toilet-brush trees. There are many ways to make your trees sound appealing. ( ( ( ( So now our 500-tree Scotch pine plantation is a bird sanctuary, picnic area, and tree-climbing area. Assess the tree. ( ( (h(h( ( Bewdley 15 minutes drive Shearing and shaping can be done with hand clippers or shears or a specially-designed, long-bladed shearing knife. Here is a list of Florida Christmas tree growers who are members of the Florida Christmas Tree Association. ( Oregon Title 29. If you read the list of problems that can plague Christmas trees, youd probably never try to grow them. Kentucky Christmas Tree Production Workbook, 1991, Coop. ( (h Ask an Expert is a way for you to get answers from the Oregon State University Extension Service. ( Worcester 19 minutes drive ( When the weight of the unsupported branch causes it to fall, the initial cut keeps the bark from peeling down the side of the trunk. There are many ways to prune your trees in order to keep the right proportions. Late October is a good time to do this in Maine. .ashs_container {
Alternatively, you can hire a tree surgeon to trim your tree for you. For a couple of years, vetch and bedstraw, two climbing weeds, were problematic. ( ( Description of stands used in evaluation of basal pruning on Fraser fir Christmas trees. The advantages of obtaining trees this way are that theyre free and you know theyre adapted to your local area. Ive considered using junk mail catalogs to kill the sod the year before planting. If evergreens are beginning to grow in a field on their own, the site will probably support cultivated evergreens. First of all, never cut directly into the collar or trunk of the tree. ( ( Unlike forest trees, landscape trees need a higher level of care to maintain structural integrity and aesthetics. J Z ( If you dont feel comfortable with pruning, you can hire a professional to help you. ( ( J ( ( Shearing refers to cutting new growth to improve form and density. ( ( Gaussoin, Relay Intercropping Muskmelons with Scotch Pine Christmas Trees Using Plastic Mulch and Drip Irrigation, HortScience 28(3):177-178, 1993. Damage assessments after the historic heat wave of June 2021 in Oregon provided lessons for the state's Christmas tree growers. Sale. Earlier pruning (before last hard frost or forecasted bad weather) may cause die-back that necessitates repruning. The first step in pruning a Christmas tree is to ensure that it is still young. ( ( ( ( Meanwhile, prepare a seed bed in the garden, ideally, so that you can keep a good eye on it by turning over the soil, removing weeds thoroughly, adding peat moss and some forest soil from beneath the type of tree you intend to grow, and whatever nutrients are recommended by a soil test. ( In this Episode we basal prune some Balsam Fir Trees, do a little weed whacking, and then check in on the Ass Over Tree Kettle field.There's also a little ha. During this time, the trees growth rate will slow down. ( On spruce and fir it is not as essential to shear all lateral branches as they have a more desirable and natural growth. The central leader the top, vertically growing stem of the tree, the place where the angel or star will sit is cut back to 8 to 10 inches in order to make a well-shaped, dense tree with a uniform spacing between whorls. Cutting your own tree can also help the tree last longer and stay green. ( The needles of this tree are very sharp they are awful to prune and the tree doesnt have the fragrance of balsam. ( ( Christmas Trees From Seed to Sale, 1992, Tree Publishers, Inc., Lecompton, Kansas. If youre not sure, try shaking the tree to see if any of the branches are dry. }5d3D P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ % P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ PP@ P@@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ @ P@ P@ P@ PP@ @@ P@ PP@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ PP@@ PP@ PP@ PP@ P@ P@ P@@ @ - % P@@ % P@ - PP@ PP@ P@ P@ P@ P@ V RY+Q - P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ @@ P@ P@ PP@ P@ P@ P@ P@ PP@ P@ P@ @@ P@ PP@ PP@ - P@ P@ P@ % PP@ PPP@@ P@ % P@ P@ P@ - P@ P@ P@ PPPP@ @ P@ P@ P@ P@@ @ P@ PPP@ - % P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ P@ ^Q:gIZZ ( Second, you should cut the tree at a 45-degree angle. ( Also, if youre adding nitrogen, you want to be sure you supply (or your soil supplies) enough potassium to enable the plant to use that nitrogen. ( J (h(h Pines are pruned from the time they are 2 to 3 feet tall (about two years after they are planted out), while spruces and firs can usually wait until they are about 4 feet tall. ( ( The recommended length ranges from two-thirds to the full length of the leader. For subscribers: Oregon's drought killed many young Christmas trees, spared mature trees to be sold this year 'Really beautiful work' Last year, Oregon Christmas tree sales totaled $107 million, with workers harvesting 3.44 million trees, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service.Clackamas County leads Oregon in Christmas tree acreage with 9,472 acres, and Marion County is next . ( ( This prevents these top-most laterals from competing with the central leader and becoming multiple leaders themselves. I find that if I dont ask her to help and just let her do what she wants when she shows up in the trees, she is very helpful and is good company, to boot. 7013, Univ. Ever since I saw a smallish (about 3-feet-high) one sitting on a table in Kentucky, its dense greenery decorated with lace and delicate ornaments, Ive wanted to grow these as Christmas trees (and landscape ornamentals). We in Maine are fortunate to have Western Maine Nursery as a resource. ( If you are thinking of growing Christmas trees, Id suggest starting small that is, planting 10 acres or less, 2 acres each year for five years. Proper pruning cuts are made at a node, the point at which one branch or twig attaches to another. Once shearing has been started, it must be done every year to maintain uniform density. At the Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center in Booneville, Arkansas, agronomist Robert D. Webster is studying alternative crops to plant in agroforestry plantations. ( As you dig the transplants from the bed, set them in a bucket of moist peat moss. Late spring frosts can kill new growth; dry summers can stunt growth; wet summers can cause foliage to turn yellow; deer can feed on the succulent green branches while mice and rabbits can gnaw the trunks; perching birds can break growing tips. You can also collect seeds and start your own plants in a seedling bed, grow them there for two years, then move them to a transplant bed, where theyll grow for two more years before heading for the plantation.