In addition, combat width, reliability and support companies are discussed in detail. Enabling pilot exercises will disable all other missions.
Is getting strategic bombers worth it? : r/hoi4 - reddit Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Different missions are available for different plane types. Read our Hearts of Iron 4 DLC guide. in the air region without regard to the number of air wings present. Example: A battle takes place in a forest province (-10% enemy air superiority). This might cause enough damage to their air bases to "even the odds" by reducing enemy mission efficiency. Interactive corporate website, Lidiya 'White Rose of Stalingrad' Litvyak, a port strike cannot be performed unless the enemy has less than 30% air superiority, a nuke cannot be dropped with a Strategic Bomber or Jet Strategic Bomber unless you have at least 75% air superiority, paratroopers cannot be dropped unless you have at least 70% air superiority, bombers deal more points of damage to a ship than they lose in the attack. Send an attach to countries that are at war to receive 10% War Support, and 20% of their army xp gain. I don't actually think there is a real defence against them, given that any player that seriously uses them will throw 20k+ at you at once - enough to destroy every building in the entire continental USA in a week or so. Please see the. Night only bombings are actually useful if you dont have many bombers to lose - one of the few obscure features that's worth anything. It still gives +20% strat bombing compared to day bombing's +30%, which isn't that much less if you factor in the additional +20% from the final doctrine tech (so you're looking at +40% vs. +50%), while also giving you a -50% modifier to strat bombing during the night which should result in overall higher damage when bombing full-time (and especially when only bombing during the night, obviously). In this section, well list the most-used types. But this is one of the primary uses of strategic bombers. Trying to get air superiority over the UK but can't beat their vast numbers of aircraft? The effects increase with weather severity, with sandstorms and blizzards being particularly bad.
Air technology - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. After multiple request ive made a how to strat bomb in hoi4 tutorial, mostly as germany and england uk im showing how to use and counter strategic bombers in. Naval strike. on average half as much) but at least one plane always gets shot down. The effective and hard cap that scout planes can contribute to intel are. Part of a dual series on strategic bombers, we are trying to go all in on Strats in Hearts of Iron 4, playing as the United Kingdom. These planes will continue to air drop mines to the assigned strategic region until 1000 mines have been laid in the region, at which point the region is considered to be fully saturated with mines. Bombers are much slower and less agile than fighters, so players designing defensive fighters will find guns are most effective. The recon company provides simpler benefits: speed and reconnaissance. military factories. Honestly, I want those factories when I conquer the territory, and I have no interest in having to repair them when I do. The effects are scaled inversely by the size of the wing relative to 100 planes, to a maximum of 10x at 10 planes. These variants are able to launch from and land on aircraft carriers. This needs to be verified). Admittedly I haven't played MP since the air designer was released, but I don't imagine tactical bomber strategic bombing is a very good strategy in vanilla. Normally aircraft on carriers only participate in naval battles, but carrier task forces on hold outside of ports can launch missions in a strategic area. Medium tanks have good armor and low cost. Ok so I keeep having this discussion with my friend about the value of strategic bombing and he keeps pointing out in our example that he has a 90% reduction from strategic bombing. Make sure your tanks have at least 80% reliability, preferably 90%. Various countries have focuses that grant research bonuses for e.g. However I don't know how exactly strategic bombing works, and the wiki doesn't help much. Very cost-effective way of killing the enemy navy. All air stuff is worthless except heavy fighters. Too little offensive power is bad, but too low Org/HP is also bad. This damage appears to be distributed among all the targeted buildings (forts, industry, etc.)
Is strategic bombing worth anything? : r/hoi4 - From Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki. Command points are automatically used for these missions and and costs permanent 0.3 command power while mission is active. You do need to throw a few fighters over the island to help prevent excessive disruption, but once you get to the point that you're bombing their airfields faster than they can repair them, their entire air force will unravel. No, they're worthless. so night bombing is definitely the way to go.
Strategic bombing - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis 2% comes from radar. It is not just a problem of strategic bombers as a whole but there are also no specific missions for tactical air, which is a lot more accurate. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In my experience they're a bit pointless. Its also silly to have to whittle down Britain's nearly 20k plane reserves by 1940. When an air base gets captured, planes automatically relocate to other air bases if available and won't be lost. Permanent link; Page information; Ad Space Strategic bomber. Shift-click on the 'exercise' button to let your troops train until they reach their maximum exercise level. Wings can be split or multiple wings of the same type merged into one in the air base view.
HOI4 BBA - How Should You Build Your Strat Bombers - YouTube Wings with this mission provide supply to assigned ground troops if land-based supply is insufficient. Valve Corporation. Some of them I'm sure they get from America but in the last patch they tweaked the AI so that it builds more fighters. open.spotify. I've been told that you should use either CAS or Strats. Typically, the ratio of attacking planes to fleet frontage is 1:1. Like their lighter counterparts, Heavy Fighters can perform Air Superiority and Interception air missions. Reply. 1. Use transport planes to supply your troops advancing into enemy territory: railroads require quite some time to repair themselves.
HOI 4 | Are Strategic Bombers Useless? - 01 - YouTube Nukes help a lot.
interservice rivalry japan hoi4 Hearts of Iron 4 division templates: how to manage your forces Strategic Destruction air doctrine branches: Night Bombing vs. Day This is a community maintained wiki. Note this is different from mission-specific modifiers like Air Superiority Mission Efficiency described below. At the same time I will . Use the attrition graph to determine how much reliability your variant equipment needs. It's a bit of a niche area. Air supply. Engages enemy fighters and shoots down enemy CAS/bombers. Once the American airforce is decimated, send in thousands of strat bombers. I sieged down the UK by using thousands of strategic bombers to destroy everything on the island.
Strategic Bomber II 1940 170 days Strategic Bomber I Bombing has proven effective at reducing the enemy's capacity to wage war. Each plane assigned to the attack rolls to hit a target. The maximum number of planes allowed to join a land battle is 3[2] times the used enemy frontage as a base value.
How does strategic bombing actually work? - Paradox Interactive Forums 50% more aircraft are involved in a port strike if you have the first "Base Strike" naval doctrine). In HOI4 you can't decide what to target and you potentially find yourself advancing into states that you just bombed into oblivion and run out of supplies and incur in attrition because of this. Strategic Bombers attack enemy buildings and infrastructure, starving them of precious industry. Attrition losses are also relatively larger for small divisions, and they are quite impractical to use, requiring lots of them. Unless anything has changed, the prime reason they are effective is because they bomb all the airfields in a strategic region first, crippling the defender's ability to respond with fighters and after that they just turn out free damage every month. Is there any data out there about how much damage bombers can do to their targets and how much of an effect that has on the nati9n being bombed? I love tac bombers. If the player does not control any bases within a region that they are attacking, then they are at a considerable disadvantage to their enemies, who do have control. The actual amount is a random value up to that portion (i.e. A wing with more planes than can join its highest priority battle can split to join multiple battles. Pilot exercises can be used to gain experience for the air wing and to gain national air experience. (Taking into account the minimum-of-1, the result is 1.84). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 1936 fighters and 1940 fighters) may be mixed in the same air wing. A logistics strike mission is an air attack against enemy trucks, trains and railways. It can be useful if your competing with the AI for war score as bombing gives a lot of it. To gather intel% on the industry/army/air of the country, the Scout planes can be assigned to any air zone and build up the intel bonus (to the intel tabs) over time. Bombing the enemy airports will cripple their airforce, and if you go for their civilian industry, they won't be able to repair them. This can lead to the UK being unable to produce enough aircraft to fend off a concerted strategic bombing campaign and serious industry problems.
If the enemy air region is heavily defended with fighters, the bombers may need to be escorted. Logistics strike. Only heavy fighters have enough range to escort strategic bombers deep into enemy territory, but they can be beaten by light fighters. They can attack enemy convoys carrying troops. Mission efficiency icon: Effects on mission efficiency of an air wing: Effects on mission efficiency in a strategic region: Missions will be conducted regardless of weather, but bad weather reduces detection and efficiency and increases the risk of an accident at take-off and landing. Each building level (maximum level 5 per state) removes 5[4] air power from the opposing side. Calculations on Infantry to Artillery ratio, General notes on infantry division designs, For many more beginner tips, I strongly recommend the. Doctrines can increase this penalty by multiplying the final air support penalty by 1 + the bonus from doctrine (ex. At least 30% air superiority is required to perform port strikes [15]. if you don't do it/for CAS, you should just turn off night missions, since they're not worth the AA losses. With 48 CAS present, the bonus would be +22.2%. Note: Strategic Bombers are only effective in large numbers (more than 1000), otherwise self-repair out-repairs your damage output. For example, with 60% air superiority the enemy will suffer a 7% penalty to . Wings with this mission will only participate in air combat if enemy bombers or transport planes are detected. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If the total number of stationed planes exceeds the capacity, every additional percent of planes causes a 2%[3] overcrowding penalty. They have become even worse after the piercing buff. Strats can completely cripple the enemy, but requires a lot of IC. When it is, the probability to generate an ace is [11], making 200-sized wings optimal for ace generation.[12]. Are tactical bombers worth it hoi4? Press J to jump to the feed. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. the night *cas* bombing modifier is -90%. Close air support mission [ edit | edit source] Available for: CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. Available for: Fighter, Heavy Fighter, Jet Fighter. Up to -30% movement speed to enemy divisions.
Hearts of Iron on Twitter: "Strategic Bombers can be capable of large If yes, then what's the point in picking the day bombing branch unless you really. Then invaded, and send in CAS. Tanks are very expensive, build planes first. Well, the main problem isn't that they're bad at what they do, but that you rarely need them. Excess breakthrough is useless, but luckily breakthrough is a cheap stat. When attacking ships, the probability is [13]. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. I take it it destroys factories, but how does it affect other players more than the AI? Available for: Strategic Bomber, Jet Strategic Bomber, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If no units have a supply deficit in the region, the mission doesn't do anything, but the planes will still consume fuel and possibly get shot down. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Do you like to use Strat bombers, . 66. Fleet frontage is calculated from the total hit points (HP or health) of the enemy fleet divided by 20. This means they can perform CAS missions against targets CAS aircraft can't reach, which is particularly useful in areas without lots of airbases, like Africa or Asia. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Tactical bombers have more versatility and can be just as deadly as Strat bombers to infrastructure provided you have enough of them. Targets are checked in each of the air zones assigned to the air wing, checking provinces within range of the air wing. It still gives +20% strat bombing compared to day bombing's +30%, which isn't that much less if you factor in the additional +20% from the final doctrine tech (so you're looking at +40% vs. +50%), while also giving you a -50% modifier to strat bombing during the night . It is possible to have a 1940 plane at the start of 1939! These planes will continue removing mines from their assigned strategic region until the region is fully clear of mines. If an air wing is disbanded, all of the planes will return to the equipment stockpile and will be available for deployment to other air wings. To perform multiple missions simultaneously, create multiple smaller wings and assign a wing to each individual mission. Situational (if you need lots of PP): State Serves the Military (Fascist). Testing out how effective ICBMs (guide missile 3s/rockets) are compared to strategic bombers to see if they are worth the research time and construction. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America),
Strategic Bombing - Hoi4 MP In A Nutshell - YouTube However, convoys auto-repair between each attack, and most aircraft are too weak to sink a convoy in one attack.
How to Use Nukes in HOI4 - SideGamer So having more support arty by having smaller divisions, boosted by SF (right) would be good. hoi4 isn't an easy game, people opt to play it . Are strategic bombers worth building? Does this work ? I didn't know they targeted Airbases first. Strategic bombers are very expensive to construct and in many cases a significant number are required to have any meaningful impact. (this information is out of date the By Blood Alone DLC completely changed air technology). I usually forgo strat bombing for that reason, but I haven't played an MP game, so maybe it's more valuable there than in SP. The only times they shine is if you allow the Allies and Soviet Union to fully mobilize against you as an Axis powerbut people around here have an extreme aversion to mid-war scenarios where the game actually presents something that offers more resistance than a dried-up old rubber band. Note that in the same way as naval bombers are better at killing ships than tactical bombers fighters are better at killing fighters than heavy fighters; the difference is primarily range. All this bomber does is Strategic Bombing, with modules on it that amplify its night-time effectiveness, and an armor plate (optional) to make it take fewer losses. Strategic bomber: Destroys enemy buildings, e.g. The increased numbers are shown in the Intel Ledger in the Diplomacy screen for a country. @Fortebrako Since heavy fighters have already low agility, I'd stack them full of Heavy MGs. Each type of an air wing has a defined air superiority power value that describes how effective it is in domination of the sky (see table below). Overwhelming firepower (Overwhelming Firepower). All planes in an air wing must be of the same type; it is not possible to mix fighters with bombers, for example. Interactive corporate website. common/modifiers/00_static_modifiers.txt night = { air_bombing_targetting = -0.5 } should mean aircraft don't hit the target. In this case, the resource and supply convoys can also be the target of an attack, and many different types of aircraft can be useful (i.e., not only NAV2 and NAV3). Support companies are typically very cheap and provide strong bonuses to your divisions.
Strategic bomber - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Moving to an allied or enemy province in bad weather or bad terrain. That is, the battleship will lose 1.5 hit points out of its total of 150 hit points. The reinforcement level of an air wing represents the amount of planes an air wing has at full strength. Press J to jump to the feed. What links here; Related changes; Special pages; Printable version; Permanent link; Page information; Ad Space Strategic bombing. In single player games, the UK is pretty much the only nation you'd ever need to bomb, since it can be non-trivial to get troops over there. If the plane from carrier hits, it does damage equal to the plane's naval attack (naval damage) value. The naval base itself will get damaged as well during successful attacks, but empty bases cannot get attacked. They can perform Close Air Support, Strategic Bombing, Naval Strike, and Port Strike air missions. 2019,, Defines NAir LAND_AIR_COMBAT_MAX_PLANES_PER_ENEMY_WIDTH = 3, Defines NMilitary AIR_SUPPORT_BASE = 0.25, Defines NMilitary LAND_AIR_COMBAT_ORG_DAMAGE_MODIFIER = 0.04, Defines NMilitary LAND_AIR_COMBAT_STR_DAMAGE_MODIFIER = 0.04, Defines NMilitary LAND_COMBAT_ORG_DAMAGE_MODIFIER = 0.053, Defines NMilitary LAND_COMBAT_STR_DAMAGE_MODIFIER = 0.05, Defines NAir ANTI_AIR_MAXIMUM_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_FACTOR = 0.75, Defines NAir ANTI_AIR_ATTACK_TO_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_FACTOR = 1.0, Defines NMilitary ANTI_AIR_TARGETTING_TO_CHANCE = 0.07, Defines NMilitary ANTI_AIR_ATTACK_TO_AMOUNT = 0.005, Defines NAir HOURS_DELAY_AFTER_EACH_COMBAT = 4 (double because of roundtrip), Defines NAir CLOSE_AIR_SUPPORT_EXPERIENCE_SCALE = 0.0005, A forum discussion on the effectiveness of naval bombers against convoys, Defines NAir PORT_STRIKE_ENEMY_SUPERIORITY_LIMIT = 0.3,, Articles with potentially outdated sections, Play