Occasionally, People born with Mars in Sagittarius are also perceived to be haughty. Worldly, cultured, brilliant and bold are just a few descriptive words of a Sagittarius persons wardrobe. Muscular shoulders/arms regardless of my activity level. Barring other placements to the contrary, they don't 'comfort themselves with food' as some other mars signs are wont to do. Wearing pieces that come from natural sources and promote a grounded lifestyle are very important to these folks. If you have Mars in Sagittarius, you are aspiring, enterprising, idealistic, and forever following some bright and distant star, planning some new venture or investigating new potentials that will expand your horizons. Their need for adventure can make them sexually uninhibited and free. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope. While their honesty can be off-putting to some if you find a way to decipher their meaning, your Mars in Sagittarius woman will be a fun companion on any adventure you throw her way. Say the wrong thing or look in a wrong place and she will immediately become annoyed, distance herself, and raise one hell of a ruckus. Their speech also has a significant impact on society. These scenarios are mostly due to her pride. Their enthusiasm and sense of humor are limitless. Habitually, she finishes people's lines. A faster and stronger than normal walk (the horse). These spirited wanderers aren't anti-commitment but they'd probably rather burn their passport than become one half of a twee coupled-up whole. Eventually, though, she will become bored with this environment as not much is real. RyanHart.org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. The complexion is fair and the hair, thick and shiny. I look like a teenager. Astrology asserts that we are at the center of our own universes, and therefore the center of our relationships. Likely it wont even cross her mind. Mars in Sagittarius Woman She is far more independent than thousands of men combined. They are motivated by their views and principles, yet they recognize that between black and white there is an unlimited spectrum of grey. They're also less likely to 'let themselves go', so to speak. So 1) Asc sign2) Asc ruler aspects3) Planets in 1st house. Interpretation from the Astrology Profile for Women report: Mars is in a square aspect to your Ascendant, indicating a strong tendency to do or say things which put others on the defensive. Since the 1st house is the house that signifies a person's inner and outer self, Mars in 1st house gives the natives all its qualities: the natives are gallant, energetic, and driven, just like the planet itself. Because Sagittarius energy usually brings a sense of humor with an ever-present dash of drama, we can start to pick up on this with their extremely expressive faces. My skin is annoyingly sensitive. Mars in Gemini: Mercurial, fast, youthful looks and movements, fast walk, youthful appearance, talks with the hands, dexterity, good mimics of the face, slim, teenage-like, talks fast, more ethereal, youthful voice. They may also work with children. Various body types, I think, but could walk into a room without being heard, the ability to walk silently. The whole physique gives an impression of softness with some degree of strength at the same time. General traits of People born with Mars in Sagittarius. The Astrology of Selena Gomez & Hailey Bieber Explains Have you ever seen someone and thought to yourself Wow, that person looks like a Sagittarius? Think cotton, linen, wood and metal jewelry, straw hats, hiking shoes, work boots as well as leather. If a person is not trustworthy, though, they must disregard them since their place a high value on truth and honesty. Quiet, Sensitive, and Adaptable. You cannot out-shine a Sagittarius when it comes to humor or theatrics They will look, dress and behave the part! They must create memorable experiences and communicate effectively with their men. Sagittarius women are incredibly flirtatious and have a hard time taking anything seriously. He has a quick intelligence and investigative abilities. They may be very sexual and wild. Feel free to correct me or add your ideas.Does it fit with your Mars? For her, waiting will keep her involved in the relationship and bring an added sense of excitement to the experience. She seems forever cheerful and worshiper of great conversation. Venus in Sagittarius Fun, freedom and adventure rule the romance roost for Venus in Sagittarius - and woe betide anyone who tries to tie them down! The link between these two also provides the individual with the knowledge and determination to effortlessly complete any assignment. Mars in Pisces: good dancers, dreamy eyes, beautiful feet and legs, watery movements and walk, soft voice with feminine inflexions even in men, luminous skin. Shes independent and free-spirited, unwilling to let herself be subdued by others and societal regulations. For them, love is a moral and valuable emotion. They are typically spontaneous individuals who may meet someone and return home with them minutes after meeting. On the other side of the hips is the lower back. They do not allow their words and thoughts to simply sway them; they are good at presenting rational arguments. Due to its location, the people born with Mars in Sagittarius might obtain courage and strength. Although they are fire signs, Sagittarians enjoy feeling and looking grounded. Even with that outlook, she remains a positive, happy person. 2023 SheMedia, LLC. People must take precaution if they want to criticize this woman. That will make her Mars in Sagittarius energy to explode and ravage everything. The Nakshatras included in Sagittarius are Moola (Ketu), Purva Asadha (Venus), and Uttara Asadha(Sun). Transiting Mars in Sagittarius often intensifies whatever is happening in the chart, bringing extra force to our actions and reactions. The Physical Appearances of Sagittarius. The Mars in Sagittarius woman loves freedom, travels and adventure. Seductive voice. Better-than-average upper body strength for a female. The woman born with Mars in Sagittarius does have some traditional principles set in place, certain expectations from a relationship. On the one hand, these were times of prosperity, but at the same time . These men repel clingy and jealous women. It amplifies their you only live once edicts and can have a whole relationship play out in a day. Mars in Sagittarius means that you are energetic, enthusiastic and optimistic. They may be extremely sexual and feral. Luminous skin - no. Im here to bring some insight by explaining, Astrology is typically a great tool to understand the way that, Sagittariusa mutable fire signalso naturally governs the ninth house of higher education, travel, foreign matter and philosophy. Mars in Sagittarius woman enjoys romance. People born with Mars in Sagittarius are positive and see opportunity when others do not. But there are also issues that can come up during this time, stemming from overly optimistic expectations. Astrologers careful study can show that planets, their alignment, and when you were born can actually hold bearing on your personality traits, habits, and life overall. What does Mars in Sagittarius represent according to Sex Life? When someone has dominant Sagittarius placements (especially personal planets such as their sun, moon, rising, Mercury, Mars or Venus) they tend to embody their planetary ruler: Jupiter the planet of blessings, optimism, success and prosperity. She, of course, has a heart. Pretty much anything can ruin her fun and mood, so theres really no way you can prepare yourself for this. If a woman's Mars is in Sagittarius, she is most impressed with a man who is playful, fun, intelligent, and honest. Youll be more energetic and motivated to achieve your goals than at other times. Her pridefulness can be her downfall, as it can also lead to anger if she feels like she is being challenged. And with Centaurs being half-horse/half-man, we can see these physical features in Stewart as well with his oval-shaped face, strong nose and sizable eyes. SoI suppose it affects our physical appearance, to a degree. Money is a necessary chore, and they do not pause for a significant amount of time before spending it on something of genuine value. That would infringe on her freedom and free-will. I have Mars in Capricorn in 6th, and I have very toned, muscular legs but my skin is terrible, and always has been. The face is usually square or oval with a prevailing middle part, and the nose is round-shaped or turned up. Favors dark and red hues. I am very thin but not short, but also very muscular (wiry would be a better way of describing it), so "sturdy" would be accurate, but also somewhat petite due to the fact that I'm thin. In a debate or an athletic event this can be useful, but in relationship with others the same energy can be devastating unless you are aware of it. {{Natal, tropical}} Mars in Cancer: curvaceous{{very feminine}}, lack of muscles, white soft skin, nice breasts or nice pectorals, round and fluffy even if not fat, round face, a zig-zag walk Celestica described, maybe?? If you do not want to know exactly how she thinks or fuels, too bad, she will tell you anyways. She is likely to live alone since she is very independent. You were born with Vesta at 0 Sagittarius, Venus at 29 Sagittarius and Fortuna at 15 Sagittarius. They feel that partnerships are unique experiences, and occasionally they choose an alternative experience. Women with Mars in Sagittarius prefer men who have Sagittarius qualities. These individuals are also capable of achieving revolutionary change through their words and ideas. Mercury in Cancer is one of the shyest placements. I'm very much the water archetype. Mars in Sagittarius transit is a good time for you to start planning a long-term project. She will be drawn to the limelight since she likes praise for her talents. Thats how theyre built, dynamic and incapable of staying in one place for too long. Birthstone for November What Birthstone is for November? In your sexual relationships you desire someone who isn't inhibited with the earthy, lustful act of two bodies engaged in pure animal delight. They will feel more alive, vital, optimistic, religious, philosophical, and they will have an increased love of travel. The resitting of the exams is down to Mars Retrograde in Gemini, right opposite Sagittarius. They also receive excellent support from their partner. These pieces of information are usually the parts that get her into trouble with others. May date a variety of types of guys from all walks of life. And surprisingly, in committed partnerships, they may require a significant amount of time alone to investigate and accomplish anything they like. These ladies arent very concerned with a mans social standing; theyre looking for decent people whose self-images arent constrained by how they make a living or how they look. I always thought I looked like a Cancer ASC in many ways. I read once that Mars in Leo has a huge attractive physically . They have a go big or go home mentality and a constant need for change and spontaneity. They find sharing sexual experiences to be both enjoyable and instructive. She has a Mars Capricorn in her 10th House, trine her Saturn Taurus. Since Sagittarian women can be tone-deaf when it comes to social situations, she will often be mistaken for what she says. When the initial energy of Mars goes direct in Sagittarius, you are more likely to feel enthusiastic about the future. (I'm up to 13+ degrees now). Since she likes to travel so much, she may seem very distant from her family and not know them as well as you may think she would. A woman with this Mars placement is very energetic and adventurous. ), This is a video of Nancy. Like . If you want her to do something, all you need to do is ask. She is also very intelligent and has a broad interest, which means that she can be successful in many jobs like writing books, composing music or painting pictures. If you are have this placement, you are an adventurer, the one whos not afraid to take risks. When it comes to disagreement, people born with Mars in Sagittarius might be very aggressive and impulsive, particularly if they are feeling limited. The Sagittarius moon physical appearance includes bright eyes and a graceful appearance. They are often seize-the-day types who may meet someone and go home with them minutes later. There may be more obstinacy and rage among them. With my taurus rising my love of good food brings on a tendency to gain weight but even when I do I still have a curvaceous figure. Women with Mars in Cancer make excellent comforters and counselors. They are bright, vibrant and bring happiness to the people around them when they are free to be themselves. Posts: 18015From: Venus cornering NeptuneRegistered: Mar 2014. Few keywords to describe people having this placement are: Obsessive, Annoyed, Spontaneous, Joyful, and Competitive. Please leave a comment below and let me know. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. They fight by talking. Even though they are known for being blunt, Sagittarian women are also: However, due to their bluntness and devil may care attitudes, these qualities can go undiscovered. These individuals also know how to prioritize their happiness and delight, and they cherish family life. Voice and walk - yes, that describes me but they are what Mars would describe they are not physical appearance attributes! Additionally, People born with Mars in Sagittarius can excel in athletics. Personally, she might be an unorthodox and unconventional woman who wants to free herself from this bubble we all live in, to reach the edge of the abyss, but romantically, shes way different. This is the reason why the combination of Mars and Sagittarius in the workplace produces success. They are sociable and understand the value of relationships very well. They dislike being subject to the pressure of others. This native doesnt feel satisfied until she has exhausted a topic or wholly analyzed a given subject. As for body build, that's ASC. As a Mars in Sagittarius native, your fiery temperament makes you both a passionate lover and fighter.