Neil will tell you that Dorr has lead you into a trap. Kill the fish monster that is by the chests for a Memory Gem. Go back to Palmacosta and head east to the plaza. There is a restriction that you cannot link two techs of the same tree and consecutive level. Titles: Titles are awarded for doing certain actions in battle, finishing some sidequests, or just part of the story. Now you fight a required battle to rescue Chocolat. In the sidequest sections are complete lists of dogs and women for Colette's Dog Lover title and Zelos's Gigolo tile. Go to Luin and ask the priest in the church about the key to the Tower of Mana. Grade can be used to purchase customization materials and EX Gems in some places. After over a year, I finally finished enough playthroughs of the PS3 release to get most, if not all, of the new content covered. After the cutscene, characters will come, Items: Diamond Shell Star Shield Enemies: Evil Orchid, Heimdall - The Hidden Elven Village (second visit), Speak with Colette in front of the inn when you're ready to sleep, and, Items: Stardust Enemies: Man-Eater, Heimdall - The Hidden Elven Village (third visit), Go talk to the elf elder in his house. Like disappearing. Q. So I'm a little confused what is the purpose of buying the NG+ things for a second playthrough? Go north up the path and examine the sack on the branch to get an Orange Gel. Within it, every enemy you've encountered will be recorded, with all of their stats. When looking for one specific piece of information and the table of contents doesn't look like it will bring you right to it, use Ctrl + F to search for the term you're after. Below is a list of changes in general: Accuracy: Accuracy is a stat that supposedly deals more damage to enemies with lower evade, but it's complete effect is unknown. Beast Hide is sometimes found in treasure chests and after battle with certain foes. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Tales of Symphonia Remastered (Nintendo Switch) at the best online prices at eBay! This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Use them at customization stations to make strong weapons, armor, and accessories. Shoot the top column on the left side of the room, then the middle column. Fight the 3 easy to defeat Cardinal Knights to save Raine and Genis, Items: Spirit Ring Enemies: Sewer Rat, Meltokio - The Imperial City (second visit), Go east from the inn, then north to enter the lab. Evade: Evade supposedly makes you take less damage from enemies with less accuracy, but it's complete effect is unknown. IF YOU WENT BACK TO PALMACOSTA TO INVESTIGATE NEIL'S THEORY, YOU WILL GET THE PASS AT THIS TIME. Francis wakes up as a girl named Francelette and goes on the journey. As for taking advantage of elements, nearly all the attacks used against you have a water element. It can give you some Gald and a title for Lloyd. Enter the tower and head to the, Items: Straw Hat Enemies: Evil Warrior, Items: Cool Orbit Enemies: Black Bat, Meltokio - The Imperial City (first visit), Sheena will leave you there and give you a letter. Tethe'alla Bridge - Red Light! Be sure to keep Regal as your Primary Avatar, and head to the Southeast portion of the House of Guidance this time, near Heimdall and Ymir. Return to Triet to get Raine's Sisterly Love title, then head east towards the mountains. Examine it to learn a new recipe. Upon arriving at the ranch the first time, Neil will take you into the bushes and discuss some important matters with you. Many of these changes are just minor additions that have little or no impact on the overall story or completing the game. In the next room, use the northern warp to arrive on an island in the room with the three bridges. To get to the Balacruf Mausoleum, head back to the House of Salvation, then south to the mountains. Equip it to your main fighter to cut water damage in half. For example, if Lloyd and Kratos both use sonic thrust in the U.Attack, they perform "Cross Thrust." #1 You can start the minigame by talking to a man in front of the Triet Inn, near Lloyd's wanted poster. How many pieces of equipment you have on with a given resistance will determine what your elemental defense is. Wait for him to attack so you can block or dodge it, then move in and attack. Examine the gate to open it and continue north and into the building. Orange Gels allow you, both in and out of battles, to restore 30% of a user's maximum TP level so that you can again commence in the casting of spells and execution of various techniques. Exit the cave the same way you entered and head to the southern exit. Don't worry, she'll, Sybak - The University Town (first visit), Enter the library north of the entrance and look at the weird book, Grand Tethe'Alla Bridge (Fooji Mountain second visit). When selecting it from the menu, you'll get to go through your items, weapons, armor, et cetera, and it'll show you the percentage of each type of item that you have. In this room, examine the weird machine near the door to make the Sorcerer's Ring shoot electricity instead of fire balls. Press the attack button while delaying a spell to charge it. Maybe that's what is making you get so much now? Activate the ring and use the teleporter on the north end of the room. The attack stat equals a character's strength stat plus the attack points of any weapons and armor equipped. I have never played ANY Tales of games before, so please be understandin. Although you won't get any extra boosts to your stats, it can be a refreshing change to see Lloyd all dressed up instead of the usual red. Enemies tend to fall over after 50 hits, but you can pick them back up with Demon Fang or Photon as they fall. The machine next to the lady accepts bets of 100 - 500 Chips. Orienteering minigame.. Exit to the north onto the world map. If you, Items: Golden Helm Enemies: Phantom Knight, Go south to the city part of Welgaia. On your way out, take the time to train some and leave when your health starts to get low. Let the yellow flower blow you across, and use the save point if you have a Memory Gem. Defeat the soldier patrolling the hall to get a Memory Gem, which will unseal a sealed memory circle. If you have a Red, Black, or Yellow Quartz, you can use it on one of your melee fighters so you will do elemental damage to him, but it's still a tough battle. Follow the path back down to the central area, then north. Rather, it is 10% of the character's max TP. Everyone was bundled up and freezing outside. Sure, just open the menu with Y (triangle), then press Z (start) to cycle through the available characters. Now, enter the house at the right, After crossing the sea, you'll arrive in a big town, Palmacosta. Use them at customization stations to make strong weapons, armor, and accessories. Go back to the main hall and into the door on the southern end. Go to the government building and go downstairs to see a disturbing scene, and then fight another boss. As soon as you get in the forest, turn east and head up the hill and go west at the fork. Some cause more damage, some recover HP, some boost your status, and all of them consume Technical Points, TP. Large HP or TP regen is the same as small, but 3% of the max HP or TP. I've added your info :) I wasn't sure on the timing for this and always just waited for Vinheim. Talk to the turban-wearing guy near the dog on the second screen, then speak to the guy near the item shop to learn of the worm. in the middle of a playthrough, but that part is probably obvious. Although you can fight him now, I highly suggest you wait until later. Some sidequests also affect affection. As far as I know, I've battled every enemy in the place. A. This is a doozy of a trophy. Fight off the desians and rescue Cacao. Go into the inn and up the stairs. Updated the Red Light! At the start of the minigame you will see which emotion is tied to which button. All Grade spent in the Grade shop returns to you when you start your next playthrough, so it can only go up. Great guide these mini games are brutal. Go back across the green bridge, activate the ring again, and examine the orb again to make the bridge disappear. When you wake up, you find yourself in jail. When you see him casting, back off and wait. Refer to the sidequest section of the FAQ for more info on them. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. ), use a guard tech to block it. you kill Rodyle on the Remote Island Ranch, Requires you to be at least at the part of the story where your group looks for Zircon, Collette is fully sick/ before 1st visit of Tower of Salvation/can't speak. After learning about Unison Attacks, exit to the south to the world map. Head for the east part of town. Watch out when it starts swinging twice in a row and wait for both attacks before moving in. She has left you a letter about the reasons of, Desians have been putting wanted posters all around town, but we're, Items: Beast Hide Enemies: Foot Soldier, You will all head for the inn. You can try to avoid it or block it with a self defense tech. Kratos will teach you how to use them before you enter the fire seal and characters that join later already know them. Once inside, walk, Items: Nagazuki Enemies: Murder, Watch the cutscene, then you'll have to fight Angel Swordian and Angel, Head for the doctor's house. I personally see no difference, though. If you don't have enough TP to use a tech, you're out of luck unless you can recover some TP somehow (see below). To, After going to Latheon Gorge, you can return to Sylvarant and help for, You can make a pact with the last summon spirit at the very end of the, To make character figurines, you will first need to get the Figurine Book. In the morning, head outside to join the rest of the group. You can choose who cooks what on the Cooking menu. I guess it's for being able to tackle Hard/Mania mode? Ozette - The Quiescent Village (first visit), Go up the slope, then go left for the inn. After defeating them and watching the following scene, continue north through the forest. Here there are four blocks that can only be seen when the ring is activated, but you don't have to have the ring on to move them. HP: Hit Points, your character's amount of life. The Yata Mirror gives you small HP/TP regeneration and the Yasakani Jewel prevents physical ailments. Acquire: Dropped by a specific enemy in each dungeon that features a sealed memory circle. . Jump up to the top left cliff to trigger another scene, after which you fight two desians. This is a small minigame available for Genis where you have to try and reach a Katz before other children. As with most other bosses, they go down quickly once their minions are gone, as does Magnius. Immediately following the first battle, you fight your first boss. Template:ToS Locations A Altamira Altessa's House Aselia Asgard B Balacruf Mausoleum C Camberto Caves Cape Fortress (Dawn of the New World) D Derris-Kharlan Dirk's House Dragon's Nest Dynasty Ruins E Exire F Flanoir Fooji Mountains G Gaoracchia Forest Ginnungagap Gladsheim Grand Tethe'alla Bridge H Hakonesia Peak Heimdall Hima Hot Spring The skit "To Fight the Strong" will start to show up about now. Some titles change the clothes a character wears, called costume titles. A note for anyone wondering why some information is incorrect. See the sidequest section for more about the Sword Dancer. Even failures help to raise your ability. While most food items can be bought in multiple locations, I will limit the shop list to only one per item (to make stocking and finding all food items as efficient as possible) which means, 42/50 of the food items can be bought in Sybak . Your character will notice something change about the balance. Please see the. On the second screen, open the chest for a Battle Staff. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Auto is complete AI control, Manual is complete player control, and Semi-Auto is AI assisted player control. Added images to the Katz Emotion minigame section. Before you leave town, you should know that there is now a quick jump option that will take you to the House of Salvation or Hakonesia Peak. Use Lloyd and/or Kratos to attack the assassin while the others keep the guardian busy. You are given the choice of going back to Palmacosta to investigate Neil's theory or continue at the ranch. When an enemy goes into overlimit, halt your attacks and tough it out until it ends. Added images to the the Waitress minigame section. This guide shouldn't be here. Hey man I have no idea I would google it I havent played this game since the GameCube. This is the Ossa Trail, your next stop. Continue south to the desert and the city, Triet. Get the Orange Gel next to the western warp, then take that warp. It is only visible to you. Go back across the second bridge, disable it, and go up the stairs, across the blocks you dropped in the holes, and through the western door. Lloyd will them him he, Iselia - The Village of Oracles (third visit), Go to Colette's house. To see what attack attribute a character has, go to the status screen from the menu and press down on the C stick. Check it out if you like, but you'll have to come back here later. Go back up to the bottom warp, take the item, an Apple Gel, and use the warp. There is a village a little to the south on the coast, and I suggest you head for this village, but you don't have to yet. Unseal it and save, heal up, then step onto the teleporter to face the boss. This is yet another memory-based minigame and it's found in the Palmacosta Academy cafeteria (Door at the end of the hallway on the first floor). Added requirements to purchasing the Forget-Me-Not and ???? Extra effects of equipment are listed here, along with elemental weakness/resistance and attack attribute. The PS3 version has an additional two; one after releasing the first seal, and the second shortly after releasing the final seal. On the world map, head north. Choose to head, Sleep at the inn, then go to the Governor's building. Defeat the enemies that enter the village. When you first enter Izoold, talk to the Katz standing near the wanted poster at the docks to start the game. If you win enough rounds in a row to cause your bet to go over 2000 you'll automatically take your earnings. Go back outside and enter the government building, the one with two guards standing outside it. Go into the building and speak with the receptionist and pay 200 gald to rent the boats. Watch it to get another entry in your training manual. Bring another block over and push it across the middle to fill the gap on the other side. Go down the southern stairs and west along the path and through the door. Go to Colette's house and receive the Collector's Book. You should have at least one Poison Charm. Now it's time to pass over Hakonesia Peak. Notes: TP allows your team to use magic and special skills/attacks, thus making it vital for many characters in the game, if not all, to have reasonable TP levels. Head northwest into Iselia Forest. Cross to find a machine called a refresher. When you arrive at the geyser, make use of the save point on the dock. required to obtain Sheena's "Treasure Hunter" title. Let's Play Tales of Symphonia - 12 - Elusive Memory Gems 665 views Dec 6, 2012 3 Dislike Share Allstarknight 2.87K subscribers Memory gems do the darndest things. Memory crystals are 100% drops from certain monsters in certain areas. The cafeteria is on the first floor on the east end of the hallway. Go through the eastern door along the southern edge now. I dont own copyright. Go outside and head east and north towards the exit. I've heard that once you've won 300k in a single sitting (without leaving the machine) your win chances skyrocket. Chosen One, a bit late, but, unless things changed with the port, it doesn't matter how many playthroughs you do. Shoot the robots that patrol the room when they are on top of the blue panels to make the door open. In fact, Tales of Symphonia Remastered largely seems to be nearly 1:1 with its PS3 port from many years ago, that came packaged with Symphonia: Dawn of the New . Go back through the pillars and use the Sorcerer's Ring to light the two torches on either side of the balance. Go back to the bottom platform and use the warp. ---------- Boss: Plantix Drops: Blue Sephira Then, check up the thingy on the other side and you'll switch to Raine's team. It is only a waste to buy EX Gems since you find plenty in chests. Continue down the stairs and go through the western door along the south edge of the screen. On your way out, take the time to fight a lot and gain a few levels: as soon as you exit the seal, another camp scene will take place, fully healing you yet again. When you're done, go to Colette's house. Memory Gem. This is the time to view the first of four training scenes with Kratos. You can bet between 1 and 500 Chips at the three different slot machines, however unlike the maximum payout for Blackjack, you can earn up to a maximum of 500.000 Chips in a single bet if you get three rows (3 horizontal lines and 2 diagonal lines) of 7's. I can't find one that gives the gem, yet there's a broken save point. If you want to get all the rewards from this game in one go I'd recommend waiting with it untill the very end of the game. Go through the nearby door and kill the bird enemy for a Memory Gem. On the next screen, grab the Orange Gel from the chest and prepare for a boss fight at the base of the mountain. Go down this hallway and open the chests containing Apple Gel, Life Bottle, and 250 Gald. None does not affect anything. are unfairly removed. Welcome to the 2.0 version of my guide to Tales of Symphonia. Smiling at the memory, he opened the lid of the box and nearly dropped it in surprise. Leave and re-enter, then speak with the priests about getting the Spiritua Statue.