(7) Die fastening. (2) The opening in the table shall be kept as small as possible. b. formatting. Antirepeat is also called single stroke reset or reset circuit. (1) Boltheading. Overhead rope drive and block and roller-chain-drive guards shall be not less than six (6) inches wider than the drive on each side. 1910.180 Crawler locomotive and truck cranes. OSHA Machine Guarding Standards - Machine Guard & Cover Co. (xii) The clutch/brake control shall incorporate an automatic means to prevent initiation or continued activation of the Single Stroke or Continuous functions unless the press drive motor is energized and in the forward direction. It is recommended that old installations be changed to conform to this rule. This is especially true of wheel-sleeve or adaptor flanges. (1) Each hand-fed planer and jointer with horizontal head shall be equipped with a cylindrical cutting head, the knife projection of which shall not exceed one-eighth inch beyond the cylindrical body of the head. (b) Where passage is regarded as necessary, there shall be a platform over the lower run guarded on either side by a railing completely filled in with wire mesh or other filler, or by a solid barrier. (2) Cold trimming presses. (13) Gate or movable barrier device means a movable barrier arranged to enclose the point of operation before the press stroke can be started. 1910.140 Personal fall protection systems. (46) Press means a mechanically powered machine that shears, punches, forms or assembles metal or other material by means of cutting, shaping, or combination dies attached to slides. Press brakes, hydraulic and pneumatic power presses, bulldozers, hot bending and hot metal presses, forging presses and hammers, riveting machines and similar types of fastener applicators are excluded from the requirements of this section. Choosing an item from 1910.9 Compliance duties owed to each employee. (This may be through reference to published sources which describe the test methods or procedures used.). (i) Presses with flexible steel band brakes or with mechanical linkage actuated brakes or clutches shall not be used in the PSDI mode. (1) Determination of distance of travel. The driving flange shall be securely fastened to the spindle and the bearing surface shall run true. (14) Brake system monitoring. Consistency of braking action is enhanced by high brake torque. (iii) Air-lift hammers shall be provided with two drain cocks: one on main head cylinder, and one on clamp cylinder. Collars. 1. 5. Paragraph (f)(1) of this section does not apply to hand-operated gears used only to adjust machine parts and which do not continue to move after hand power is removed. The OSHA standards on general guarding of machinery and mechanical power transmission apparatus (29 CFR 1910.212 and 1910.219) are very broad and general minimum guarding standards, one of which was predicated on the 1970's version of the ANSI/ASME B15.1 standard, which itself had undergone several . 1910.177 Servicing multi-piece and single piece rim wheels. The validation organization's laboratory (which organizationally may be a part of the third-party validation organization): 1. All new mill installations shall be installed so that the top of the operating rolls is not less than 50 inches above the level on which the operator stands, irrespective of the size of the mill. The procedures shall be based on pertinent OSHA standards and test methods, or other publicly available standards and test methods generally recognized as appropriate in the field, such as national consensus standards or published standards of professional societies or trade associations. The purpose of the certification/validation of safety systems for presence sensing device initiation (PSDI) of mechanical power presses is to ensure that the safety systems are designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with all applicable requirements of 29 CFR 1910.217 (a) through (h) and this appendix A. 2. The test report shall be signed by a technical staff representative and the Technical Director. (iv) The following are some of the machines which usually require point of operation guarding: (4) Barrels, containers, and drums. These records shall be available for inspection by OSHA and OSHA State Plan offices. a. 1910.251 Definitions. (iii) A presence sensing point of operation device shall protect the operator as provided in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(a) of this section, and shall be interlocked into the control circuit to prevent or stop slide motion if the operator's hand or other part of his body is within the sensing field of the device during the downstroke of the press slide. (v) For cutting-off wheels larger than 16 inches diameter and where speed does not exceed 14,200 surface feet per minute, safety guards as specified in Figures O-27 and O-28, and in Table O-1 shall be used. Conveyors are safe when used correctly, but they can be dangerous, and even deadly, if workers fail to follow safety procedures when working on or around them. (6) Emphasis is placed upon the importance of maintaining cleanliness around woodworking machinery, particularly as regards the effective functioning of guards and the prevention of fire hazards in switch enclosures, bearings, and motors. If unitized tooling is used, the opening between the top of the punch holder and the face of the slide, or striking pad, shall be safeguarded in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section. (b) The device may not be used as a tripping means to initiate slide motion, except when used in total conformance with paragraph (h) of this section. (The operational and installation requirements of the PSDI safety system may vary for different applications.). (4) Mill roll heights. Guards for horizontal overhead rope and chain drives. The test specifications and procedures shall be made available upon request to the validation organization. 1910.146 Permit-required confined spaces. 1910.242 Hand and portable powered tools and equipment, general. (i) The operator training required by paragraph (f)(2) of this section shall be provided to the employee before the employee initially operates the press and as needed to maintain competence, but not less than annually thereafter. Bearings shall be kept in alignment and properly adjusted. above floor level. Certain exceptions are forging hammers made with frame mounted on the anvil; e.g., the smaller, single-frame hammers are usually made with the anvil and frame in one piece. The provision of a spreader in connection with grooving, dadoing, or rabbeting is not required. 1 Flanges for wheels under 2 inches diameter may be unrelieved and shall be maintained flat and true. (10) Snagging means grinding which removes relatively large amounts of material without regard to close tolerances or surface finish requirements. 1. A correlation of the brake and/or clutch degradation based on the above tests and/or estimates shall be made and documented. 1910.1030 Bloodborne pathogens. (13) Cutting off wheels means wheels having diameter thickness and hole size dimensions and are subject to all limitations of mounting and use listed for type 1 wheels, the definition in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph and paragraph (d) of 1910.215. (ix) Diamond wheels, except certain vitrified diamond wheels. Belts which of necessity must be shifted by hand and belts within seven (7) feet of the floor or working platform which are not guarded in accordance with this section shall not be fastened with metal in any case, nor with any other fastening which by construction or wear will constitute an accident hazard. This document is available in the following developer friendly formats: Information and documentation can be found in our 3. (e) Trip and emergency switches. SOURCE: 39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, unless otherwise noted. 1910.184 Slings. (x) Hand tools. (i) Prior to the initial use of any mechanical press in the PSDI mode, two sets of certification and validation are required: (A) The design of the safety system required for the use of a press in the PSDI mode shall be certified and validated prior to installation. Every saw shall be provided with a guard of not less than one-eighth inch sheet metal positioned to stop flying sparks. (1) Each swing cutoff saw shall be provided with a hood that will completely enclose the upper half of the saw, the arbor end, and the point of operation at all positions of the saw. Open frame hammers generally are so constructed that the anvil assembly is separate from the operating mechanism and machine supports; it rests on its own independent foundation. (f) Certain Type 1 and Type 27A cutting-off wheels. The clearance between the edge of the rear table and the cutter head shall be not more than one-eighth inch. The guard shall be such that it does not offer an accident hazard in itself. (16) Sweep device means a single or double arm (rod) attached to the upper die or slide of the press and designed to move the operator's hands to a safe position as the dies close, if the operator's hands are inadvertently within the point of operation. 1910.425 Surface-supplied air diving. (ii) Fixed or permanent lead pot installations shall be exhausted. (1) Guards. (56) Turnover bar means a bar used in die setting to manually turn the crankshaft of the press. (1) Each circular hand-fed ripsaw shall be guarded by a hood which shall completely enclose that portion of the saw above the table and that portion of the saw above the material being cut. They move large amounts of materials quickly and safely. (xv) Selection of bar operation shall be by means capable of being supervised by the employer. Means must be provided to prevent tightener from falling, in case the belt breaks. (i) Straight relieved flanges made according to Table O-6 and Figure O-32 shall be recessed at least one-sixteenth inch on the side next to the wheel for a distance as specified in Table O-6. The major parts, components and subsystems used shall be defined by part number or serial number, as appropriate, and by manufacturer to establish the configuration of the system. (i) Air valve and air pressure supply/control. (11) Hydraulic equipment. Appendix B to Subpart T of Part 1910Guidelines for Scientific Diving (ii) The ram shall be blocked with a material the strength of which shall meet or exceed the specifications or dimensions shown in Table O-11. a. PDF MNOSHA Instruction STD 1-12.9A Reissued in accessible format - Minnesota 1910.212 General requirements for all machines. Cranks and connecting rods, when exposed to contact, shall be guarded in accordance with paragraphs (m) and (n) of this section, or by a guardrail as described in paragraph (o)(5) of this section. a. (8) Point of operation means that point at which cutting, shaping, or forming is accomplished upon the stock and shall include such other points as may offer a hazard to the operator in inserting or manipulating the stock in the operation of the machine. Demonstrations that such adjustments as may be needed (such as to the brake monitor setting) have been accomplished with proper changes made in the records and on such notices as are located on the press and safety system. (3) Bolster plate means the plate attached to the top of the bed of the press having drilled holes or T-slots for attaching the lower die or die shoe. (iii) Paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section does not apply to presses that comply with paragraphs (b)(13) and (14) of this section. Suspended counterbalanced tighteners and all parts thereof shall be of substantial construction and securely fastened; the bearings shall be securely capped. (g) Swing cutoff saws. Brake design parameters important to PSDI are high torque, low moment of inertia, low air volume (if pneumatic) mechanisms, non-interleaving engagement springs, and structural integrity which is enhanced by over-design.