You might want to invest in a donut ring, but thanks for sharing! Many women and men with this aspect are considered universally beautiful. If your Sun . But apart from all that I learned to use this gift positively. It gives you the strength that you are known for . b) Strong Venus : A person may not possess good . Sag Sun blechblasinstrumentenbauer deutschland. The Aries man is #fire. You may have a hard time showing your sexuality in daily life even though you are a very sexual person, but in career, you may feel more comfortable showing this side of you. Conjunct ASC means often square MC. The Aquarius woman is eccentric. Women with Mars in Scorpio find me as a groveling sex slave. is it? Is my sexuality maturely connected to my purpose and career? I have Mars Scorpio with stellium in 8th (Mars Jupiter conjunct in Scorpio, moon Pluto conjunct in libra), not sure about any of the minor planets. They have long arms and legs. He is more likely to cry during a rom-com than his girl, and thats something that might not be attractive to most. You can feel him, rather than see him. My analytical skills are pure Scorpio, not a trace of earth in my chart, or houses. Scorpios are passionate people with a driven outlook. Venus, Mercury, Pluto and Sun in Scorpio, in the 5th house. It's really that I don't like a certain placement personally if i've listed one of your placements as the worst placements.It's just honestly that these certain signs are very weak in those certain planets as it is with any sign in the zodiac or any planet in the zodiac Last edited: Nov 14, 2020 10 2 1 K kdot50 MVP Joined Jun 28, 2020 Messages He inhales it.He exhales it. Thanks for the offer! At the same time surround yourself with a diamond of white light that only allows a higher love to pass while reflecting back any negative energies. They tend to take a lot of time to open up to their partner because they don't trust people that easily. His style is relaxed and casual, just like him - board shorts and no shirt, he's a heartthrob and a total ten for what it's worth. He is decisive and honest, often using his emotional and mental strength to be real with those he loves or admires. A Cleaning Expert Explains the Best Way to Clean Cloth Face Masks After You Wear Them Good Housekeeping, 35 Delicious Pantry Recipes That Use What's Already in Your Cabinets and Freezer Good Housekeeping, The Amish keep to themselves. Add to this many planets in Scorpio, including Mars, that is conjunct Mercury and Venus. He is the prince charming of your girlhood and zodiac dreams. Sun favorable to Jupiter or Uranus in a woman's chart is extremely attractive to men. Thank you Amiann, I have to be honest but I dont entirely understand what that means? My ex has Moon square Mars and would always make random things about men vs. women which was so weird to me. As the greatest luminary in our solar system, the Sun is all about living vibrantly and authentically! The Capricorn man is ambitious and is someone who not only looks good but listens too. The Five Darkest, Sexual Aspects in Synastry, Venus Your Creativity. Hey I have Lilith quintile MC and lilih quincunx ASC also Venus conjunction lilith what does this mean??? You can show off your back by wearing a tank top and catch everyone's attention. Taurus and Libra suns are typically attractive as long as the rest of the chart supports it. What you say about the 5th house, about them being players, is disconcerting. I dont know how it works cuz I never did it lol but hopefully it will be easy. Out of these, the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) in particular tend to be the most active. Tell me your major placementsSun, Moon, ASC. What makes them attractive: Hair and self-confidence Brave, fierce, and brimming with confidence, Leos are the most indomitable of the zodiac signs. Im only sweet when it matters, and thank you. You might try grounding yourself to disperse/deflect your Queen-Bee energy. He care-free and calming. And in Cancer, Jupiter is all about spreading the good life through charity and compassion. Here is a list of the most attractive physical features of each zodiac sign. Women like men with a strong Mars, especially in Leo or Scorpio. While there tends to be a raw sexual expression here, much depends on the house/sign placement of these points and whether you are male or female. . So I dont know if I have the sexy aspect lol. On the other hand, I had my promiscuous phases, where sex was an addiction and had to exist plenty of them, now I found a more stable approach to it, with a serious partnership with a very nice man. Ultraviolet hair, lavender eyeshadow, moonbeam-white liner, and pink lips would look beautiful on people born under this placement. Generally, his inner strength is only paralleled by his physical strength. He gave up processed food and social media ages ago. i got eros in leo moon trine venus moon trine jupiter venus conjuntion jupiter and moon trine mercury. I wanted to know How does that placement effect my personality ? : Sevi(@seviiii08), rita(@ritamcdias), t o r i :))(@toriialexiss), rom(@melodromi), Anna(@annarysulova), Lynelisaa(@lynelisxx), #1(@icyhotsuave), Sam(@annoyingcherries), MAY(@maylikethemonthh . Men with large members generally need to be more selective as not all women can handle large sizes and it becomes more problematic with age as females can often become less elastic. Another issue is that condom breakage is more likely, and buying certain clothes that fit well can be a challenge. As an energy, Lilith continues to influence men and women everywhere who . Again ami, love your site. She is positive and upbeat and is generally a fun and happy person to be around. The planet. With all this 8th house scorpio and pluto it explains my constant need for sex. Does that work? This placement also makes a person very. Of course,. Id appreciate any feedback because I dont understand astrology to this extent too well haha! 5. Sources:,,, She is also small-framed and changes her hair with the seasons. and lilith square midheaven 1.84. Ya. I dont look at Houses, really. I bet its frustrating lol. 2.A Full 5th HouseThis is the sign of a player. Venus: Taurus (domicile), Libra (domicile), or Pisces (exalted). I have a 4 planet conjunction: sun in aquarius, mercury in pisces, venus in pisces, and Jupiter in aquarius Sun Venus & Jupiter is in 8th house (Venus on cusp of 8th) and mercury is in 9th. Lilith Aries, Ascendant Aries You are caught up in his web when all he does is breathe on you. Again, life is never boring with this fire sign, but the heat a Leo woman brings could leave a real burn. Which are both opposite my Mars in taurus which is trine Jupiter in virgo. Yes, Saturn has too much conscience to be a player! "People and things are . His humility makes him the shy guy in the room, hes quiet and a little hesitant to open up. Scorpio Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto in Scorpio 5th House. So how do i appear to everyone,shy and lacking sex appeal? The way they have a forgiving heart, but that is just a part of them. And if a planet is in a zodiac sign that feels similar to it but a sign that it doesnt rule, astrologers call it exalted. Have venus conjunct mars . Looking into their gorgeous eyes. A 5th House Scorpio Stellium lady here. Mars in Scorpio vibes sex. She posts pictures on social media of her walking cobblestone streets in Greece and wears mostly co-ords and palazzo pants. This man will make you feel it is all about you, you, you until he leaves you for the cutie across the room. Quite a feat. Im too intellectual to be sexy. Aquarius men are naturally good-looking; they seem to attract a fair amount of wanted looks. I would have to do a chart for you to answer specific questions, my Friend.I can answer general ones on here. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. It is of course a gift from God, but the negative side effects can be very annoying. I dont have any of these aspects except I have my sun & mercury in ths 8th house. They have beautiful hands with long and lean. Loved it btw. A Taurus man is comfortable in telling you that he wants to be yours, but until he opens up, it can be hard to know where you stand, especially while hes standing on his hands. Fiery Mars is in it to win it! And in emotional Pisces, Venus brings luck in creativity and matters of the heart. This water sign sticks his toes in to test the water before he jumps in. also 5th house mars conjunct ceres 4mins in Leo. Astro-Charts is the home of beautiful, free astrology charts. Personally, I dont see the appeal. Iv reread it, over and over, Shes delicate, almost pixie like and brings grace to everything she touches and everyone she knows. Table of Contentsshow 1What zodiac signs go well together? You have natural magnetism that simmers under the surface. Its 9.2in from top base to tip. Interesting that this aspect frequents such mentality. The depth of the vagina (from the opening to the tip of the cervix) can measure anywhere up to 7 inches, so you may often be limited to a closed leg style of intimacy! To the native with this stellium, he may mature late in life. Often times, that only makes the Taurus man more attractive. You might get some more answers by installing your own software like Starfisher (Windows free, not sure about Windows 10?) Did you make a new article in the Forum? She looks at the world in a realistic way and is practical in all matters of the heart. They may complain that men see them as sex objects. Comfortable with sexuality and a very sexual person, V. Wow, amazing! The Sagittarius woman is also afraid of commitment. I have suffered from emotional abuse from people in my own family so I know what its like, so I am very careful about crossing boundaries with others. Oh dear. Sorry lol. 1.Mars in ScorpioYou know I had to say this. my Friend! Pluto is at home in Scorpio because as its ruler, it teaches here that life is all about being reborn from the ashes and starting over. Stronger Moon makes a person beautiful with charming eyes. As for the reason for posting this level of detail is because I suffer from an above average member (Moon trine Pluto) and just want to clarify the reality behind this condition that society does not fully understand. She's a solid eight; she reinvents herself often, always bringing something new to the table. Iv been double checking my friends/fams charts against your philosophies and they definately check out. It vibes acceptance and we all need that. Thanks , Stuff your sexuality i.e push it away from you,but this is one small aspect in a chart. In a world where people have merely a few seconds on a dating app to make a first impression, we have to stand out. I think Im fat and ugly and Im not. All of this creates something ranging from a dog on heat to experiencing the tantra, but is outwardly suppressed by Saturn rising square my SunPerhaps this has saved me!!! My sun, mercury, venus, and mars are all conjunct and in gemini in the 6th house. Also, I am so glad you are here and appreciate my humor. The sexual elements you describe does sounds like you are not learning the true lesson of intimacy as it pertains to the eighth house. Some are trolls. Hes got a philosophical charm that will draw you in. Scorpio in. By house: The most crucial placements related to health are the sixth house of health and service; the eighth house of surgery, research, death, and rebirth; and the twelfth house of secrets and hospitals. Chiron brings pain to the house in which it resides. Sorry amiann i got so wrapped up in my chart i forgot my question. Kreptonite to me. Dont overlook the power of love. Learn more about your birth chart with Cosmo Unlocked. Hey, Im aware that its 3 liliths in astrology . We try to make ourselves more attractive, whether it be with extensions, makeup, or a new manicure; were willing to try it all to change the way we look and to be considered the perfect ten. Pluto/Mars (intense desire especially in the 1st house) The Cancer man is an emotional man. Maybe the mars is too intimidating. A vivid romantic day with special company. muffin ripieni di crema al mascarpone; comune di ribera ufficio anagrafe Moon: Cancer (domicile) or Taurus (exalted). With the eighth house of transformation, regeneration, joint resources, and sex, your inclination to be obsessed with sex, could indicate other traits like jealousy, possessiveness, manipulation, or exploitation. Sure, she knows what she deserves, but shes the first to tell you that she doesnt need you, or really care for you either. Im actually not really knowledgeable about astrology, but I have Lilith Asc and Chiron conjunct in Capricorn. lavoro baby sitter da privati. Shes an eight. Sure, you guys have a blast, but its not long term. Saturn brings restriction and self criticism, not player attributes.). A new topic based on this article:-). Mc, Is your birthdate 6/29/1992, around 4 PM? The Virgo woman gives meaningful advice, even if sometimes her delivery is a little insensitive. Do you take the True Black Moon Lilith or Mean Black Moon Lilith? I let a girl in on that level of trust and comfortability for it to ruin everything we have. Neptune is a notoriously mysterious and ethereal planet. hehe.. i have the stellium also.. with moon mars and black moon lilith conjunct themselves trining asc ceres conjuncts my asc frm the 12th.. ya. Lilith is the name of a dark, powerful figure whose history has been lost to time but who is still actively creating change. depth Pisces/12th House Stellium: Neptune, Jupiter, Venus, Pisces, 12th House, Water dominance Your Dominant Sign will also attract certain signs. Attractive features: hypnotic eyes and intense personality. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. If you see Sun or Mars in the 8th house, you will feel those vibes. The Sagittarius man is fun to be around, you might even find yourself catching feelings. Have you ever looked to your sign to find out if youre sultry or not? They want to touch and taste it, like a little child exploring his world. But i see them, You are so sweet B. Big Love AspectJupiter conjunct Venus makes the person love big. PSA: The planets all have their own personalities, and they can get into moods depending on where they are in the sky. Likewise to her male counterpart, the Gemini woman is the girl next door. My current ex boyfriend says whatever I do, I do it with love and with the intent to comfort, nurture, and sooth people. Youre astrologically blessed, bb! 10 /13 Sagittarius. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Kaalista 2 yr. ago. I have had a lot of people, both men and women comment that I was very sexy, but I have never really seen thatI guess because Ive seen others who I thought were sexy and could not imagine myself as suchthat and the fact that Im too into my own thing most of the time to even think about it or care.but it has made me curious as to why people have always commented on that. I am a Taurus Sun and Mars though, and I just think I have a good personality which most people tend to like :). but it really goes deeper than that. I was just wondering, do you think one could exude sexuality in the wrong way or in a wrong way, particularly when you really do not want to appear sexual at all, just a regular person? You will know Venus trine Moon when you see it. You feel special. Are you drawn to secret love affairs or humanitarian causes? According to this article, I have one of the ten sexiest astrological placements, my Sun conjunct Ceres (in classic astrology, Ceres is cazimi to the Sun. 9. The Capricorn man is a total catch. She keeps her nails long, just like the lion the Leo sign brings to mind. Hes gorgeous, and thats a fact, but its also probably pretty natural to feel insecure standing next to someone who looks good twenty-four hours a day, which is the only reason hes not the perfect ten. It would be good for you to do a reading on your chart, someday. She, again, doesnt like to commit, so she often chooses her freedom over having someone in her life, unless you want to be her traveling companion, you might be better off letting this fire sign spread her wings. For the astro newbies, its important to remember that each zodiac sign has a ruling planet thats a special fit with its energy. The Libra woman is balanced. Think Zac Effron beautiful. LOL. Water signs Pisces and Cancer like to stick with one partner for the long . . Sexy vibesEros conjunct the ASC or MC. You feel warm. readmore 04 /13 Gemini Her Instagram is filled with her sipping juice detoxes on the beach, with salty, sandy long blonde hair. When in Aquarius, Uranuss energy is all about rebelling against the status quo. Think of how everybody gets fired up when spring hits (aka Aries season) or starts living their best life in late summer (aka Leo season). Seriously??? You cant say that for a Comp. I have lilith trine MC, Eros trine MC, ceres trine venus I do detest being viewed from an objectively sexual perspective but what can you do. bt dnt knw what will happen if scorpio eros sextiles my mc neh? Known as the Great Awakener, Uranus is the quintessential lightning in a bottle planet. They are still far from being the most attractive. A lot of women wont say anything directly about a mans size. attractive zodiac placements. Hes honest and up front, and of course, courageous, and sure, life is never boring with a Leo, but this seven? The person I've found most irresistibly attractive had a Leo Sun with Leo Venus/Mars conjunction . BTW, having an above average member is not all that this is cut out to be, particularly in later years! Planets in these houses show up loudly and will definitely make a lasting impact. Mercury Your Words. H8: Sun Moon & Mercury. And if your Neptune is in Leo, it ignites your creativity, expression, and passion for romance. Hi Ami, how would Lilith trine the ascendant in Capricorn. Your email address will not be published. If it is a chart, I could do a better reading for you on my Forum and would be happy to do so! She is tall, like supermodel tall, and wears really flowy dresses, and rocks golden shadow, and perfectly winged liner because shes basically an ethereal goddess floating above the rest of us. The Ten Sexiest Astrological Placements 1.Mars in Scorpio-You know I had to say this. Only have 2 planets in 5th house: mars in sag & saturn n cap tho I question Pluto house placement. You have two Nodes, your North Node and your South Node . 2. Dont anything in the 5th house ..but i have a leo stellium. I have my jupiter, uranus, pluto, pallas, and DML all in my 8th house but they are in Virgo. Mars is in domicile when it is in the sign of Scorpio, allowing the energy to flow seamlessly. In Aries, Pluto allows you to forge a new path through action. He doesnt really care what anyone thinks of his appearance, hes a visionary, so if hes the first one wearing a male romper, its cool with him. The way she walks around at a social event is mesmerizing; shes charming, shes social, and everyone loves her. Generally, people would do anything to be considered more attractive. When I started loving myself is when I fell out of love with him and I know you know me or care but I wanted to thanks you for this post and shedding a little bit more light on why I was attracted to a guy that was never right for me to begin with. As per Vedic Astrology, planet Venus is responsible for a blessed love and married life. So ig Im as big around as the average guy is long? Shes got dark hair, and standout glasses, even though she doesnt need a prescription. flings. Mc, If someone tries to control you you may consider that to be a limit on your freedom, or you may perceive that big brother is trying to remove your individuality. The Taurus woman will tell you when she thinks youre wrong because she knows what she wants and isnt afraid to hurt your feelings. Mental shrewdness may be lost without emotional control. Oh so sweet and lovely Fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. These are two vital karmic placements in astrology. And if your Moon sign is Taurus, your emotions are grounded in a sensual, sentimental, and nurturing way. You may have your raw sexuality split off from yourself. Thank you Kenneth. Ceres does just that. The most well known zodiac traits for the Aquarius are creativity and a penchant for invigorating conversation. Not sexy, per se. Your back is your most attractive feature. Moon trine Venus is charm without any creepy or sleezey overtones. We all know that doesnt work. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. for instance, recently there was a man where my venus conjunct his ascendant and supposedly that placement means that i would find him physically attractive but i think he is hideously ugly. I just use the asteroid but I am sure all of them act pretty much the same, M. I have Mars in Scorpio AND the only thing my 11 degree Aries Venus touches is my 7 degree Aries BM Lilith, and both are sitting on my 11 degree MC. Ok so after looking at my chart like and trying to understand it I found the following: The energy just flows better. For him, its all about forward motion, and choosing the path of least resistance, which can be frustrating when you want someone to make a decision about where to go for dinner. Most Attractive Birth Chart. ( I also have mars square venus because of that). On one hand, it brings great depth and sensitivitywhether artistically, spiritually, or romantically. This series is to teach you to love every part of yourself and that no "placement" or "chart" is bad. 8th House people have an understated kind of charisma. Im only young and I dont think I would be a player, perhaps I might be one day but I dont want to be. My sun is gemini, my rising is capricorn, and my moon is pisces.
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