Important Note Enter the cave entrance. Now we can concentrate on our Final hunt down. Cross the bridge again and walk northwards along that path and enter the cave passage. You can choose to play or skip introduction. Cross another bridge that you come across and walk up to the shrine. Here the teachers will teach you certain skill if youve reached a particular level. So when I say go back by two screens it means that starting from the current area (screen) you go back to the previous area and then to the previous of this area through the passages you have followed. Walk northwards, climb two ladders, avoid the hole and walk up to the cave entrance. Enter the other door to your right. The player can also buy pets from across the world. The journal is very helpful as it reminds you of what needs to be done next. You will need a dragon rider. GOD-This is the goody of all goodies. You will find Rhens level increased by 5 from her previous level. Press it and get back one screen. At least he still has Fang, his loyal storm wolf. Talk to the elven guy, he will give trigger another quest (side quest no.35). Find your way to Ghedahre through the Halloween Hills. Return to the druids shrine in Lands End. See what happens. Walk out of the wilderness to the world map and go to Wild woods. Enter the cave beside the dirt pile and find a chest containing auquifolium extora. Dont fight it; you are not strong enough yet. Follow the arrow direction in the map below to reach Veldt. It is recommended that you select the skills wisely as you can learn only five of them and level up so that you can learn the skills meant for higher levels. Exit highlands and go to lowlands, which is south of the highland on the western isle: Go to Brumwich first. From the world map enter the forest. Keep walking and enter the successive cavern. Enter the hole by crossing the small bridge inside the cave, you will transported to the base of another cave. Talk to the woodman and see what happens. Enter the Sandstone cave. Now walk back to the point from where you exited the wilderness and walk northwards. Keep walking along the road without taking any turns in the cave till you reach this cave exit: Go through the passage marked by the white circle. Miserably. Keep walking to the west past the waterfall and enter another cave that you see towards the north. Enter the ladder beside it to find another chest containing skull rapier. The dizzy doll will inflict madness on a single enemy. You will be given a choice- you can join Dameon or fight Ahriman, the consequences need not be discussed as it is crystal clear what do they mean. Keep walking northwards till you find the harpy. After hitting the wall you will find two paths one going north along the dirt path and the other going south. Upgrade your partys armors. Thats the snow queens castle. Talk to Wilbert, he will give you a quest (side quest no.21). For the time being you can talk to the fairy prince and the little girl-tiny. Now we need to go to the Ghedahre. You can now make Teijal/Galalad wear it as an accessory, it will increase her attack and defense by 50%. If you want to chat informally with other gamers who are playing Aveyond & other games like Aveyond, head on over and join us! Exit the cavern, climb down the ladder, cross the bridge, climb up the ladder and enter the cavern. Walk till you reach the dead end and open the chest to find a salmon. Make your way to the blue circle marked on the map. After you get the wax get back one screen and enter the middle passage. Go up north and on your right the chest will yield a truffle for the chef. 2.If you want to play the game in full-screen mode, press ALT+ENTER on your keyboard. Anyways, Walk to the western road until you reach a cottage-its the wildwood tavern. Cross the bridge (the foes are stronger, lightening scrolls and spells does good damage, and so does Lars water orb). 2 leads to an area containing a red chest (Dark sword), walk along the arrow direction to reach the next room. Give it to the vampire. Use the magic clock, heal up again and the talk to Aesma- the next boss. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest; Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest; Aveyond 3: Orbs of Magic. Change to your new outfit. Enter the third hut and talk to the man behind the bars. Select the love potion from your inventory and see what happens! Go to the Memory Caverns in Aveyond and capture any one fairy in the empty bottle you have. You can talk to Danny in Sedona beach. Solve dozens of adventure puzzles and explore an enchanting world. Walk to your north this time. 3. Walk back a few paces from there and you will see a cave passage. Make Lars learn the decompose spell. The northern area yields a chest containing cutlass. Get the black hide whip and come back to the bridge. After getting out of the cave, you will see the mule express to Clearwater. Aveyond Studios on Discord Our Discord server has hundreds of active users. Make your way to the sword singer students dormitory inside (talk to one of the roaming students in the garden they will give you the direction). Carry on till you come across a mushroom creature sitting there. Here go directly to your east and enter the cave first. Talk to the ghost boy wandering around, he has nowhere to go. You are on the world map again. The fairies with you will join the others there and the prince will give you fairy dust in return. Proceed towards the north of the village and you will come across another chest containing haunch. Head outside the tea cup town and follow the northern passage to your left. We havent explored the area yet, so lets do it now. Refer the lowland map to find Oldwoods, we need to go there. In Aveyond Rhen's Quest where is the shovel so that I can dig in the spots that it says I need a shovel. She leaves behind a key on her throne. Walk towards the small shrine you see in the world map and you will find yourself in the Lands end. Talk to night elf who loiters alone and give him the root nectar. It has two flame spells. Explore this area. Give this golden goose to Lor in Dirkon and talk to him again. I wont say where they located but I will mention in which places you can find them. Go up to the northern area to retrieve a quail egg on the ground. but first you'll have to do a little quest for sedona's king. Pass through the door to face another puzzle. This is your first quest which you will find in your journal (quest no.2). Cross it to the other side and enter the shrine. Go to your inventory (items) and select the student outfit to wear it. use as Battering Ram get 3 fire stick. Choose to fight to see the real ending. The vampires near the farm will ask for elephant garlic (side quest no.18). Give it to the thief who asked for it and he will say what you wanted to know. I am the founder of Ghedahre, I built these dungeons, what is my first name? Go through the cave passage onto a new area. Board your boat and sail to the western isle (refer world map). This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. Talk to everyone here and explore thoroughly. Enter the cat-Tidbits mushroom house and he will give you a quest (side quest no.10). Popular Latest Unanswered Top Questions Where can I find a bottle to capture a fairy with? Items that can be retrieved from the chests of this area are: 120 gold pennies, 45 gold pennies and 1 apple. You need a dreamers tear to turn on the rainbow bridge, this is for another quest (side quest no.47). She will give you an empty cask of ale. Take the bird seed on the upper right side of the cave and exit. It will also help Teijal get a soul for her soul pendant. You can select the party option from the game menu and choose your active party members. Now since you already know what she wants to know, your quest is solved. Return to Clearwater and talk to Danny and the game ends. Also some extra items and equipments will show in his shop. Since we dont have a pick lock we need not go there now. He unlocks the red chest, from which you get the merchant card. Report DMCA. You will receive vampire ash. For the time being, return to the entrance of the cave where you found the bone. 8584 aveyond-rhens-quest 1 0 2 4. Buy 90 of each item from the item shop if youve collected enough cash from the cash cow (dont buy 99 as you may get these items from chests, so the ones you bought will be wasted as there can be only 99 number of each items in your inventory). Return to Gretchen, she will reward you a shovel. Nick here. The caves with the Moon Druid. But before that we will explore the other doorways to hunt for treasures. Before leaving Sedona, visit the item shop. When you download this goodie, you can choose to use anime or non-anime faces. Now this cave and mountain system is quite complicated. That leads to the sun shrine. He will join you at the same level as Rhen is at. Choose your reward-gauss shield spell or the cloak of invisibility. Enter the cave to find a red chest. Ace_Anderson 13 years ago #1. Cross the bridge and keep walking till you reach a ladder. Return to Veldarah and then to the cursed city of Ejindro. If you choose the second option then you have to go to Thais with Dameon and talk to the old man in the palace. Then you can go back to New Witchwood and escort her child with you. Go to snow queen castle, which you had seen before while on your way to Aveyond in the northern isle. Now we need to complete a quest which should have been done long ago. Refer the map, first we will climb up the ladder near the central oasis to dig the dirt pile (referred as D in the map). It works fine that way). Its time to get some skills for him as well. Exit and now go to gentle childrens school. From the entrance, exit through the door on northwest. Talk to the one on the left, she will trigger a quest (side quest no.42). The spot marked as T in the map hides another treasure-dark helmet and dark armor. Keep it for the later times. Its quite linear so make your way to the temple. Rhen will not prefer taking him now, we will come back here later. Go to the wildwoods past the tavern till you reach the signpost. Stop an evil queen from turning the world into ice, capture a dragon and ride the winds to ancient lands, unite the kingdoms and discover your destiny. Now go to the cave in southern isles where you saw the dragon. Enter it and go to your right. Enter the Sour Ale tavern. Forced into retirement early, Boyle now spends his days arguing with haunted trees and scaring off the occasional knight. He inflicts weevils. The chests have 1 salmon, shield of madness, 450 gold pennies, 350 gold pennies and 8000 gold pennies. There is a manor for sale, and the contact person is inside the ballroom. Climb up the ladder and exit via the northern passage. Either you can give the statue to the elves in Oldwood which would help you complete three quests (return of the king, uncursing the city of Ejindro and bringing a ghost to haunt the vampress house at ghedahre). But I would recommend not to stake the ones who are useful (shop keepers, quest givers, etc). Gold-use it for 100,000 gold. You can also check the necromancer spell book to make Lars learn new spell (if he has registered for it). Take Eithera in your party and then return to Aveyond (Note: you cant use the runes inside lamp land, you have to walk back to the entry point). Dont enter the pet shop for now as you already have the red slippers with you. Check out our strategy guide and walkthrough for Aveyond. Date: December 2019. If you have troubleshooting issues, you can ping the community immediately. It would have yielded something else if you didnt dig up the rune in the wilderness of Eastern Empire. The priestess is captured there. Enter the rock keep cave to find the mountain king. This troop gives the max XP in this forest so it is recommended that you fight them if you are planning to level up your party after Elini joins you. Return to Velgerd. After you reach Dirkon, open the chest (see peninsula map) to get steel boots. Ascend another ladder and you will reach the shrine. From there go to Tea cup town. Now fight the main boss, Ahriman. I selected the later because it gave my party good protection against Ahrimans humungous damages (which most of the time wiped out the entire party at one go). Enter every house as you may find chests and talk to every one in any village as they give you important items, side quests or hints; I will not mention it always and assume that you do so. The east will lead to a dead end. Elini's indra, Rhen's Nightmare Flight spell and Lars' decompose works wonders. Walk along the path, you will see a chest on your way. : We need to fetch the cloak of undying loyalty if youve chosen the climbing guide when you rescued the last druid. See what happens. While exploring the caves you will also come across the dead city of Ejindro. Climb the ladder and keep following the path straight ahead till you are outside the cave. The name of the people and the quests they give or are related to are as follows: ADMIT THEODORE TO GENTLE CHILDRENS SCHOOL, RESCUE THE DWARVEN WOMANS HUSBAND FROM THE MINES. Return to Clearwater and give that to his mom. Quest complete. The answers to the note are: I hold the sun, the moon, twilight and day rise-Blue, I bring love to your heart, roses to your cheeks-Red, My light fills your days with warmth and joy-Yellow. Answers. Ahriman's Prophecy; Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest; Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest; Aveyond 3: Orbs of Magic. Exit through the passage and you will be out in the open. Aveyond 2 is packed with monsters, magic, and humor. The gauss shield spell can be learnt by Lars and gives protection against strong enemy spells. Take it and return to the art Dealer in Sedona. Buy a smoke bomb from the item shop of tea cup town as you will need it later. Walk to the signpost of the eastern isle and go south from there. And voila you will see no monsters in the stronghold temple! Enter it and talk to the man to your left. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest relies on either sequences of events or ending choices for its Party Relationships. Lets go back to see what is it. From there, walk to the bridge and cross it to the other side. The answers to the puzzles are-. Enter the thieves cave. The chest beside the harpy has 1 haunch. The chest in this area contains 650 gold pennies, the blue chest has 580 gold pennies, and there are three dirt piles in the peninsula which yield cheese, beast repellant and cheese. Climb up the rope (if you had fetched the climbing guide) and open the chest to get the Charmed orb for Lars. Talk to lambchop and he will say that he has bought a orb which he cant use and he is ready to sell the treasure map of it for 2500 gold pennies. Buy some traveling runes and ice amulets. This goodie is included in the later part of the game and need not be downloaded. Pick up the 85 pennies from the chest on your way. Together with a few allies, your character must face terrible foes on a regular basis, as well as meet fascinating people and help them with their problems. 3.From the Title screen, select New Game. After walking a bit, look to your left to find a chest containing 1 covey balm. 17). Get it in Aveyond. The music pack includes real flutes, harps, trumpets and more! Explore the Halloween hills to look for the stinkrot root. Get the acorn from the chest after you enter this area. You will land up at point 7 of map Y. You can also buy some other items there. You may be randomly successful to steal the soul, if so then you will see the creatures soul shown in the lower tab of creatures in the game menu: The creatures will remain with you as long as Lars has the cloak equipped. You are presented a ball puzzle. Heal and save before you enter the undergrounds. Marry off the characters if you wish to and watch the funny events! Enter it to get a chest containing auquifolium extora. You cannot make her wear it unless she captures someones soul. Cross it and head to the eastern direction, through the path between forested trees till you reach another ladder. Buy a spell each for Lars. Now return to veldt. Bring it back to mad Marge. You will see another chest. You can visit veldt and learn the dragon location spell from the old woman for 400 gold. Walk back to the entrance of the memory caverns and take the northern path, which will lead to another exit. Now go to the peninsula. Follow the passage, its linear. Watch the events and the game ends. After killing him you will get Dreamers Tear. He will give you a quest in return to reveal whom they are working for. Come back to the bridge, cross it and walk up northward and exit via the cave passage. Enter deep into the mine and you will find a man stuck with a stone. He will learn motion freeze, fast forward, trance, time storm, reality shift, gate extura and riptide from the time scroll; charm, backstab, poison, chicken curse, assassinate, rumor and whisper from elite mage book; implode, thermal storm, earthquake, bomb, absolute zero, annihilate and blast from annihilator book. a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:section_title;s:12:Aveyond Tips;s:12:section_body;s:111293:. There is nothing else in this area. Watch the conversation. Get out of the house, open the gate, get down the stairs and go down. The location of this goodie is same as the guild goodie. Talk to the boat dealer to buy a skudder. Heal up and save before you fight. The Elite Mage guild is located here, if youve not already joined the necromancer guild then you can join here. Remember the location of this area as Toad (for future ease of recall) because you will need to come back here later. Enter the library and a blue chest inside a small room will yield a treasure map. Wilderness Goodies: There are also some game goodies to be found from the wilderness. From there, walk south. Select the soul pendant in the inventory, see what happens! And also it would be better if you use the god goodie near the game ending because leveling up at higher levels are time consuming and tiresome. What Ill do is put up the screenshots of where you should go and from which place. Exit via the other end. Enter the cave, its Mt Orion cave system. In your inventory click on the lamp to enter the Lamp world. Open the chest on the island to find a salmon. Sword of Silence - In the Icy Caves, Northern Isle. Return to Rona and report. If you chose weapon goody then you will find the best armors and weapons in you inventory, equip them on your characters. Buy some runes and exit the shrine. Walk to your right instead of entering any of these three passages. You need a ticket and ball gown to enter the ball room. Take him to Ghedahre. Now go to the entrance of Veldarah. Now return to the entrance of Dreamland and follow the white arrow. The alchemist is looking for a magic kettle (side quest no.44). 2/24/2008. In the gentle children school, go upstairs and talk to Theodore in the bedroom. The following area is Ahrimans Castle and is depicted in the map below: Point no. Walk south onto an open area. Collect you reward-either Mithril Rapier for pirate john/teijal or Red demon spell for Elini. Talk to him and watch the events. Take the southern passage of the cave. Climb the ladder and cross two bridges. If you didnt learn all the skills for advanced students (both for Lars and Rhen), get it now as by this time you must have reached at least level 15. Go through the door to his north and then take the right passage. Buy witcheye root, traveling rune to witchwood, toad amulets and some spell scrolls from the item shop. The house beside the weapons house has a second floor to it. Return to veldarah using the rune. Explore the area and you will be assigned a number of quests by the people here. The chest found here contains-1 leather boot and 1 black oak staff. He is pirate john. Return to the cave and Walk to your left and go down to the exit from where you entered. Now lets get some important things done first. Get back to the first small bridge and cross it. Heal up and save before you face Saurva, the fifth boss. The following area has no chests and the route is simple, just follow the arrow direction in the map below: On to the next area: Here point 5 harbors a red chest containing Blood orb for Lars, it is recommended that you retrieve this final orb for him. To your right is the mule express. Before that you can heal your party inside room 10 for free by talking to the fairy (the fairy at room 9 damages instead of healing). Ean's best friend Iya suddenly disappears, and his . Now go to the house behind the place where you met Lars for the first time. We need to go to the highlands. Exit, collect 50 pennies from the chest and then enter the cave to your right. The house beside the old woman has a book page lying on the ground in the inner room. Use the torch to melt the frozen magic clock and retrieve it. After the job is done return to Rona. Follow the arrow direction. Get out from there and enter another door beside it. Enter Rhens room and you will find that its size has increased. For leveling up, I personally found the troop of four rats inside the cave in the wilderness providing the maximum amount of experience points in that area; so you can level up fast. Get some cheese and traveling runes to Brumwich from the item shop. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest is a top-down role-playing game that challenges you to be a savior one more time and fight off all sorts of demons and monsters. Go up the first ladder and enter the cave-the next area has a chest containing 640 gold pennies. 15), Agnes Take her child to the gentle children school in Western Isle (side quest no. Cross the bridge, keep walking and exit through the passage. For the time being, youve not visited Veldarah yet, so you have to make your way to Veldarah through the wilderness. Enter the ice caverns and unlock the door with the crystal key (ignore the door to your left for now as that leads to the temple). Now we need to return to wildwoods to rescue the first druid. If no one has an answer while you're on, head over to Reddit to ask. The location of this goodie is same as the guild goodie. The chests from this area yields haunch, apple, 300 gold pennies and 150 gold pennies. Make Rhen sleep on her small bed in dads room. Please check the unanswered questions to see if you can help answer them. You will land up in no. Now go to the Dream Castle, we need to face Agas. Dig the grave in his backward to find an iron shield. On landing, check the signpost. Take the plant from her and offer it on the altar at Mt Orion cave system. Remember this place as you will need to come back here later. Our community has a wealth of knowledge pertaining to the Aveyond saga, and it's heartwarming to see those resources shared with the world. Lets complete the queens quest before we go for our main quest. You can also buy some salmons from the fish seller. Get back one screen and walk all the way down to point 7 in the map. Follow the route to the next tower. The pick lock for the blue chest can be found much later in the game. If he changes his armor, the creature will disappear from your party. Enter the snow forest you see before you. If you talked to the boar in the wilderness but didnt kill it then go to Veldarah to the necromancer Derez. Use the magic picklock to open it, you will find the sword of dreams. In Ghedahre enter the house just beside the church. The other walls will not yield any hi-fi item so I would recommend giving the statue to the elves. You will find a bone lying on the ground. Walk to your east till you see another ladder. Pick up the studded shield from the chest and follow the route directed by the arrow direction in the screenshot: Keep walking; you will notice a door on your way. Now lets go for our next quest: saving the second druid. You will find yourself at no. Get back by two screens, and then go down the stairs twice to get another chest containing the tornado spell. Follow the path and you will come across a bifurcation. See the various spots marked on the map to collect the following items from this area- magic kettle, 1 cover balm and 3300 gold pennies. They contain 1 covey balm and 850 gold pennies. There is a chest containing a salmon near the beach. First grab the two chests on the east to find 900 gold pennies and the belt of hippolyte. Featuring sections such as Location Questions, World Maps, Goodie Caves, a Mirror Mansion guide, a Spell Guide, a Party members guide, Battle strategies, where to find rest, where to find shops and much, much more! From one of the cracks you will discover the absolute zero spell). Collect the other items from the area which you couldnt collect before (example chest, book page, etc). We will get back to her later. Use the soul steal skill from Lars skill set before killing the creature. Follow the yellow arrow direction first. From the bifurcation head east and open the two chests to find covey balm and haunch. But when the moon arises, so does the beast, what am I? You will also find the other items from the chests scattered over there: 653 gold pennies and 1 beast repellant. Go to your left first and ascend the ladder into the cave exit onto the next area. Lands end- walk to your left from the entrance, the north path is a loop. Retrieve the fire axe and return by one screen. Enter the peninsula and refer the white arrow in the map to find your way to Sedona. The enemy troops are pretty strong here and some cast poison. Return to the apple cart, get down the set of stairs and enter another cave. Explore the Blasted Lands before reaching Thais. Then enter the door beside it. Go all the way north from Rhens dads house and locate the herbalist in the last house of the topmost part of the village. Go back to Eldredth and plant the seeds. Return to clear water- Rhen will marry Danny and live a peaceful and happy life at Clearwater. Hello traveler! Collect Rashnus soul and return to the church in Ghedahre. Do after someone joins your party shortly afterwards, you will know why. 3) Use your newly bought boat to travel to Lands End. Aveyond II: Ean's Quest is, strangely enough, the sequel to Aveyond I: Rhen's Quest. The Cooking Guide allows you to find meat after killing monsters. But there is no reward for it. You will be presented an in-game message. Since the walkthrough is quite big, you can use the Find command to instantly jump to any word or phrase in the guide. You will reach a sign post. If you choose the third option then you will find Dameon crying! Climb the tree and you will be presented a puzzle, reach the top without getting hit by the bird, or else you will have to start from the base of the tree again. One of the shelves in a house yields a book page. Time to go to Thais now. Walk up to the Sedona palace and then try to talk to the king. Press that switch and reach here: Observe the movements of the appearing and disappearing holes carefully, their positions are fixed so make your way through to reach the switch. The other members will remain in reserve. Sword of Shadows - Given after finding all the druids. Continue going north and turn south-east to pick up another chest (haunch). Make Lars wear the cloak of undying loyalty and then fight it. You are given some instructions and the location of Rhens dads house. 30) Who tried to assassinate the king-talk to the main thieve in blue robe in the thiefs cave. The locusts are roaming in the farm, press the action button or enter when you confront any of them and fight them. Now there are two uses of this statue. You can use any one of these, so I would recommend using the God goodie (since it includes everything). Enter the place. Talk to Dameon in the shrine, he will join you if you choose ask for help. We will enter the desert first. Wander down the stairs and you will find a red haired guy standing in front of the cave. 2. You will find Danny next at Sedona. You may get a quest from here later as well as one of the druids shrine is located here, so remember this place. Talk to the king, he will give you something. Enter the blackbone cave. Talk to the ghosts there, they will trigger a quest (side quest no.36). Talk to Tiberius and Alora, you will be given two quests, but you can accomplish either of them not both (will be discussed later). Refer the eastern isle map below: The goodies are: Traveling runes: explore the wilderness to locate it in the following area marked with a white circle. Simply hold down the Ctrl and F keys together, and enter the word or phrase youre looking for into the text box. He will reward you with lightning storm spell (you have already purchased it at Thais). Climb up the ladder onto the next area.
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