Its a matter of timing; when the US finds itself in a bind and has to focus on critical situations caused by things like war (Venezuela), mayhem at the southern border, stock market crash, racially motivated conflicts and riots, multiple devastating natural disasters which seem to be gaining intensity every year or a combination of these, Russia feeling that the US is exhausted will go ahead and make the move of acquiring these territories and probably along with other ones like Moldova. Having said that, I agree with Auslander, Americans dont need the central government and would do better, initially, in a highly chaotic situation and establish their own order in their communities and rig up a new set of arrangements very quickly. This is why they are pushing the anti meat agenda. Washington is filled with smart kleptocrats who understand they cannot afford to destroy the country that keeps on giving them the wealth and power they crave. It was these younger men returning from their training who not only made but put paid to the summer cauldrons along the Russian borders and in essence destroyed the orcs chances of ever winning. Show your support by disabling ad-block (How), Buy AD-FREE ACCESS here, for only $19 / yr. Disabling adblock for a specific site just takes a couple of clicks. First and foremost, it is a freak show, as attested by the content of Russian talk shows on which Ukrainian experts appear as clownish, indestructible cartoon characters: whenever their risible arguments on behalf of the Ukraine blow up in their faces, for a moment they stand there charred and furious, then brush themselves off and appear in the next segment fresh as daisies. Not a single buyer has taken an aircraft for delivery, despite 5000 orders outstanding for this model. Dmitry Orlov was born and raised in Leningrad, USSR and immigrated to the United States in the mid-seventies. genitalia, motherhood and God. Not bad for a Pole, mind you: Zbigs Grand Chessboard was published way back in 1997. Under Mao, despite natural disasters and political mistakes, China grew economically at about 10%p.a, but from the lowest base imaginable ie after 150 years of malevolent Western interference, Opium Wars, the Taiping Rebellion, Civil Wars and the genocidal assault of the Japanese Imperial butchers. It is symbolic that Russian jets arrived on the 20th anniversary of NATOs war against Yugoslavia Unlike in Yugoslavia. And once the fracking bubble is over and another third of the population finds that it can no longer afford to drive, that might force through some sort of reset as well. Dmitry writes on subjects related to economic, ecological and political decline in the West and argues that America is imploding. The thing is that there are so many constant annoyances with living in the USA that one would be glad never to have to deal with again!! I especially agree with your descriptions of Howard and Murdoch. Aus. Capitals' Dmitry Orlov: Dishes helper Tuesday. Whats the point of guesswork? Lt. Gen. Townsends we will defend ourselves if we feel threatened is a bald-faced provocation. The artificial, synthetic Ukrainian identity is too thin to give the country a sense of self or a sense of direction. Yet, in the face of these disasters, the regime and the Rightwing propaganda machine and hate-media still are infested with outright denialists, who assert that climate science is fraudulent. The rest of the orc lands east of the Dnepr? He is a 31 year old defense who was born on Jul. ", It's been 16 years since I published my article ". You agree not to use the Service in order to post, upload, transmit or otherwise disseminate information of any material that infringes the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other right of any party. I fear that in the new liberalist oligarchic Russia they have managers (generally trained in very expensive western universities/think thank) but not statesmen and overall statesmen with an original strategic view for a national independent interest like the old USSR had. I posted a response to the essay (below). The people are as good as anywhere, but only as trained as their culture tells them to be. For even more highly technical reasons, premium ClubOrlov content is now available at. too abstract and too technical to do justice to the visceral My premise in that book was that financial, commercial and political collapse are inevitable in many of the severely overextended countries around . So far at least they havent purged his wifes page,and she is still shown as Ukrainian. But dont force that stuff down our throats. RG: The only thing that Ill add, and it really isnt much, is that Americans (for the most part) do not have the skills nor the will to be able to survive a post-consumer world.. The other European people havent even been asked whether they wanyted to accept the rules of the EU. They arent enraged or even embarrassed by the fact that their country is pretty much run from the US embassy in Kiev. I helped win Reagans cold war in the mid 80s in germany mainly by drinking large quantities of good german and Czechoslovakian beer. Take this white More and more of what one hears from the likes of Michael Morell, John McCain, Gen. Robert Scales, Zbigniew Brzezinski and various think tanks suggests that that air has permeated Washingtons halls of power. As one told me just last week, come the downfall and collapse in Foggy Bottom, the very next day the petty criminals and drug dealers in their town will be gone, a combined effort of the local citizens and cops. It is available for download and install by clicking on the Google Play Store Badge above. Much of its population qualifies as Russian: linguistically, culturally and religiously they are perfectly compatible with the Russian population. The West Gets Russia Wrong Because the Media Are Peddling a Pack of Lies, Our Banner of Deceit is Leading the US to Failure, Russian Missile Tech has Made America's Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete, The Suicidal American Empire Is Collapsing Fast, But Its Death Now Would Cause Unacceptable Collateral Damage, Russia's Inland River and Lake Network Is the World's Largest - Excellent Recreation and Boating Prospects, Europe Commits Suicide by Importing Barbarians - Russia Watches With Great Sadness, Killing for the Sake of It: The Grisly Reality of the Failing US Empire, The West Resembles a Decapitated Rooster, Wings Still Flapping, Barely Flying, Russia's New Nukes Check-Mate a War-Happy US, Make the World Safer, The USA is Cracking Up Just Like the USSR Did - In Fact, They Are Related, America Should Borrow Some Tactics From Stalin and Mao to Become Great Again, The US Is a Financial Parasite on a Robust China. Russia should openly support the Russians in the southeast of Ukraine who want to secede and reintegrate with the Russian Federation. There they will fight it out with newcomers from Middle East and Africa while the natives take to their beds, hope for the best and think good thoughts about gender neutrality and other such worthy causes. BUT, would NATO launch an attack against Russia if they could completely destroy Russia and only have 50% of their cities destroyed? , , . What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. The Russian defenseman is likely to play on a few different pairings as head coach Jim Montgomery figures out which partner. Lather, rinse, repeat. Listen to audio about Dmitry Samarov. More than one has clearly stated to me that they have to get their children out of the ever more hedonistic populated areas and go back to the basics. Dmitry Orlov's salary is $3,300,000 and his cap hit is $5,100,000 for the 2022-23 season. The US media can make the great bulk of the people believe absolutely anything, if given enough time. The US has been kicking the financial can down the road for a long time. Dmitry Orlov (born 1962) is an engineer and a writer on subjects related to "potential economic, ecological and political decline and collapse in the United States, something he has called "permanent crisis". Most interesting interview of Dmitry Orlov - The Vineyard of the Saker Most interesting interview of Dmitry Orlov 11093 Views December 02, 2014 25 Comments I want to draw your attention to a recent interview of Dmitry Orlov by by Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity . One good read is Peter Phillips recent book and here is a recent interview: These are facts of life in Ukraine. There is little doubt that retirees, as a category, have nothing to look forward to from the USA: their retirements, whether public or private, have already been spent. After living through the Soviet collapse, Orlov identified five aspects of collapse for people to use as signposts to identify when the process had begun. Seraphim Rose, Day of Family Became an Official State Holiday in Russia, Closing "Pride" Month with a Golden Key, Russia Built 3 Churches Per Day, 1000 Per Year For 28 Years - A World Record, Young Couple in Remote Village Discovers Ancient Christianity, Gives Up Everything to Join Orthodox Church, Modern Christian Martyr, Shot In His Own Church, American Settlers in Rural Russia - Living, Praying, Dreaming (Video), 7th Century England Was Orthodox Christian - The Fascinating History, Putin Gets Emotional - Tells Story of His Secret Baptism (Video), Christian Movies From Russia - With English Subtitles, Capital Punishment for Homosexual Acts - Christian Reasons for Outlawing Illicit Sex, The Russian Warrior-Princess Who Captured a City With an Army of Birds, The Legacy of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire in Russia [Masterpiece Documentary], Atheists and Leftists Infiltrated Russia's Schools in the 19th c., Mortally Wounding the Country - a Lesson for America, Practical Ways to Avoid Lust - Answers from a Priest in Russia, Immediately After Ecumenism Came Homosexuality, The Lives of These Russian Christian Military Heroes Will Blow Your Mind, Why This Site Is the Very Opposite of Hateful - A Christian Letter to My Hometown of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Russia's Brilliant Realist Art Academies Open to Americans in 2022 - Glazunov Academy (Photos, VIDEO), Moscows Farcical Descent Into Compulsory Vaccination, 7 Reasons You Should Never Date a Russian Woman, Gloves Are for Sissies: Photographs Show White Helmets Are Immune to Sarin, Beautiful! Sigh. The great obstacle to the demise of the USA and EU will be the oligarchs. Continue reading [on Patreon] [on SubscribeStar], p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120% }. SSSR is dead. Folks in the West like that? Apologies if youve been asked this all too many times already. It is terrible for morale to have rockets falling out of the sky and exploding sporadically among your civilian population while your military stands by helplessly. Is hard to believe that we ate going to have any kind of soft transition. So, I understand why Strielkov sent the young ones to Russia for training. Dmitry Orlov, a presentation and an interview. It must be remembered that the Ukrainians, in spite of the decay of the last 30 years, still have something of the Russian fighting spirit in them, and will fight like Russiansuntil victory or until death.
ClubOrlov: Dmitry Orlov Gives an Interview - Blogger Your mileage might vary.
Dmitry Orlov Stats, Height, Weight, Position, Salary, Title | Hockey Wow. Dmitry Orlov: I believe that we will be subjected to more of the same, although some things cant go on forever, and therefore wont. . Sunday is full dress gig at 35th Battery. I would like to interview 2 professed patriotic and intelligent Russians , both living in the USA about their MOTIVES in their endless BASHING of everything European ( the part which concerns ME ) .. as well as their endless Bashing of Americans , the people among whom they choose to live , in both instances expressing Ridicule and Disgust bordering to Hate towards these 2 Areas of the World. From some of the previous interviews (including this one) Dmitry mentioned the dangers of glyphosates and non-ionizing radiation. Many Ukrainians are probably unhappy with the current state of affairs but dont see institutional mechanisms they could use to address the problems. That really was a harbinger article. This is a process that should take place and will be completed. Yum, Polish tears are delicious. (Many of these tribes were previously Mongol subjects who understood the meaning of the term.). They, the russian ruling class, simply wants to conform the country to the western culture and political, economical, social system. These words from Pages 125 and 126 of Dmitry Orlov's Re-Inventing Collapse: The Soviet Example and American Prospects leapt out at me as perhaps the most definitive in his marvelous new book in which Dmitry illumines the collapse of the American empire, now well underway, with his insights from living through the collapse of the Soviet Union. The way the ruling group in the US will turn a low level national insurgency to its advantage is to make it racial. They are both entitled Duped. For all his numerous failings, Boris Yeltsin did one thing right: he dismantled the USSR (although the way he went about it was beyond incompetent and verged on treason). Christian Husbands, Ditch the 'Honey Do' List! Stephen F. Cohen, NYU, Princeton University. British referendum voters have certainly tried to prod their government in that direction, and in response their government has been experimenting with various methods of rolling over and playing dead, but a different government might actually try to execute the will of the people. Dimitrys The USA isnt so much a country as a country club tells the essence. The following quotes (translation mine) are from Vladimir Putin's address and the currently running St. Petersburg World Economic Forum. Like I said, I am not arguing, just making a point. It really all began with the Rights insane reaction to the mild social democratic reformism of Whitlam.