If a visual or other impairment makes this impossible, e-mail us at editor@EastHigh.org, Prior to his death, Bill Bjorklund was a participant with our alumni page. You'll have to mentally transfer the address to your e-mail composition page or address book to send the member a message. Alumni Edition
Public 9-12. Bob Jones University 1974
Michael was preceded in death by his father, Angel Nieves. Bob graduated from Salem High School in 1958 and earned his B.S. Tech in 1989 with an Associates Degree in Computer Science, and worked as a
Mendelson Media,LLC as well as Mississippi outdoor,LLC. Youngstown East High School Alumni Tributes She was known for her sense of style and naturally, she went on to work at McKelvey's and Strouss' department stores. calls me "Pam II". We (alumni) are stepping in to fill the gap., There are no words to express our gratitude to those helping to make sure these three days of events occur, Johnson said. information by those responsible for these web pages is based on the
View their 2023 rankings, test scores, reviews and more. Page 10: last names Chambers-Cog. The kids were disappointed and let down, she said. need? welcome and information as to the sport (i.e. Youngstown, OH: Mahoning County Chapter, Ohio Genealogical Society, 1995: Trigg Brothers Monument Company, 1878-1927 Ledger containing monument orders. Our paper won some Pulitizers this year for "The Thing" coverage but, lol, I had nothing to do with that cos I was in Memphis at the time. I was with
Made a name for myself in fashion illustration and when that died went on to win the "Oscar" of Sci Fi in illustration called the Hugo. East High School is a public school located in YOUNGSTOWN, OH. the Executive Vice President of Tanner Peck Outdoor over Sales. East High School is a public high school of the Youngstown City School District located in Youngstown, OH. daughter, Leslie. Justin Jennings, school district chief executive officer, on Tuesday told the Youngstown Board of Education there will not be a district-sponsored event this year. It has a student teacher ratio of 38.2 to 1. photographs copyrighted by K. L. Welch is prohibited. Life is good. The following was his last posting with us. Choffin Career & Technical Center 200 E. Wood . However, my children think the country is
A family of four needs to make an annual income below $31,005 for free meals or $44,122 for reduced price meals. I am now painting and showing my work when time allows. Wilson opened in 1928 as a junior high school. Founded in 1905 by the Ursuline Sisters , Ursuline was an all-women's academy until 1930. Been married now for almost 40 years .. I was saddened to read about the deaths in our class. I live in Atlanta.
Retired Military 1995, & V.A. Latest Obituary
Policies -
I have taught at the Mississippi School for the Deaf since 1970, except for the time I stayed home with my children. We represent both local and national businesses. Woodrow Wilson High School was located at the corner of Gibson and Indianola, on Youngstown's south side. We built and installed a 12'x30' lightd sign on Beale Street. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. 12. Includes sketches of stones, inscriptions, person ordering stone, location of placement. Tosend flowersto the family orplant a treein memory of Michael Brian Nieves, pleasevisit our floral store. Choose from the 20 yearbooks available for East High School below to start exploring the extensive Yearbooks collection on Ancestry.
The have each given us a grandchild - Brayden and McKenzie. Reunions update: June 5, 2022
For information, call 330-881-4623 or 330-501-3544. . CapFam Alumni Meet: Columbus, OH: 12/3: DC High School Kick-Off Classic: Defiance, OH: 12/3: Mount Union Toy Drive Open (College Only) . A television tribute will air Thursday, January 5 at the following approximate times: 7:10 a.m. on FOX, 12:22 p.m. on WKBN, 5:08 p.m. on MyYTV and 7:27 p.m. on WYTV. programmer/asst. Policy: it is the general policy to credit the person
playing it, please contact, August
It is a part of the Youngstown City Schools schools district / board of education , which is located at Po Box 550, Youngstown, OH, 44501. Deceased. Career-wise, I worked for American Express writing software in Memphis. the way, I changed from writing software to teaching how to write it, but still in private industry. Contents 1 History 2 Notable alumni 3 References materials/information regardless of the original source of the
After graduation in 1966 (East's class of '66 has lots of folks I fondly remember), I spent a year at Christian Brothers College (now a
The following is her last posting with us. I wish more people
But I am so proud to be associated with such brave people. As you can tell by the mention of several states, we have moved some thorughout our married life. Youngstown East High School Alumni Association 474 Bennington Ave . East High School is ranked 34th out of 812 ranked schools in Ohio, for total students on lunch assistance. Please see our obituary policy. website uptime monitor from basicstate.com. Later, Charlie. I've worked "from home" in Phoenix (for this and other silicon valley companies) for the past seven years. Actually, Sergent Coates, Jack Lord coming to East, Coach Brooks, Mrs. Seid (best teacher I ever had), Coach Pat, those movies that they used to show in the auditorium like The Good Humor Man, East High Cefeteria oatmeal cookies and hamburger buns, study hall, all the great looking girls, good friends and lots of laughs! The regular dinner meetings & other social functions of our 68 class has been really helpful & healing to me. Name High School Grad Year Mik Aar Cardinal Mooney High School Class of 1986 Dave Abair Wilson High School Class of 1985 Kenny Abass Ursuline High School Class of 1984 Carol Abbott Chaney High School Class of 1979 Kim Abc Wilson High School to
I live and work in the Memphis and mid-south area selling and
Want to submit your profile, update it, or change your e-mail address? major media research company in need of a turnaround. The East High School Class of 2021 Senior Weekend, May 14-16, is being sponsored by alumni of East High not the school district. Roundup - Alumni Edition update: July 1, 2010
in Art Education from Mississippi College. I'm a creative director for an advertising agency, and also do book design and covers on a freelance basis. An obituary is available.
This may indicate that the area has a higher level of poverty than the state average. Note: As an anti-spam measure, e-mail addresses in profiles are graphics and are not links which can be clicked upon nor can they be copied and pasted as text.
We are aggregating all the significant stories on a special East STEM page. Married
more like our band played it, or have a recording of the East band
Bonnie Guthrie ('66),
Memories: I'm thinking, but I just can't remember. Note: As an anti-spam measure, e-mail addresses in profiles are graphics and are not links which can be clicked upon nor can they be copied and pasted as text. . Last edited on 5 September 2022, at 02:51, "Search for Public Schools - East High School (390451602082)", "East High to return to Golden Bear mascot, team name", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=East_High_School_(Youngstown,_Ohio)&oldid=1108556709, This page was last edited on 5 September 2022, at 02:51. They actually grew up in Iowa (that is why they are both Hawkeyes). In the meantime, Kimberly Johnson and Octavia Cosper, both East alumni, also were concerned about the schools seniors not having a traditional prom for the second year in a row. I don't remember) for those long 5 weeks in September. I retired from FedEx in December 2003 and now enjoy golfing and traveling. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001 and have dealt with cancer in some form since then. [posted February, 2009]
Per Pupil Expenditures: $21,143. Acceptance of such
View alumni from East High School at Classmates.com. I still spend a good deal of time with my grandson, Randy, and attend lots of physician appointments. Click here to read the obituary. all
The East High Alumni Page's listing for the Class of 1969. YSU Office of Veterans Affairs 633 Wick Ave . School District 1544 E HIGH AVE Youngstown, OH 44505 Juvenile Justice Center (J Hi Alumni. Glenn, a native of Youngstown, Ohio, was the youngest of three children . I'll attend one whenever I'm there! The East High Alumni Page web pages are designed and
Thanks, David. Youngstown Rayen Early College High School is 1 of 3 high schools in the Youngstown City. While I'm
Sale price: $49.99. Anyone with documentation to confirm the report or with information to refute the report is strongly encouraged to contact the editor of The East High Alumni Page at editor@EastHigh.org promptly. Chaney High School Alumni. I am the manager at the Methodist Healthcare Radiology & Mammography Center in Germantown. Chaney High School Alumni Class List. (I am still waiting
The East High Alumni Page presents: The East High Class of 1965 East High School, Memphis, Tennessee Snapshots of the June 4, 2022, multi-class special reunion luncheon posted Want to submit your profile, update it, or change your e-mail address? Scholars Teachers Show submenu .
Went back to Europe for the first time in 45 years last winter, travelled with my son, still speak passable French! Check it out at www.actualrealitystudio.com. I married a Central High graduate, Anita Dean, in 1970. Register to let other graduates of East High School find and contact you. Welcome to
I married Dennis Winders in 1972 and he remains my best friend (36 years later). Note: As an anti-spam measure, e-mail addresses in profiles are graphics and are not links which can be clicked upon nor can they be copied and pasted as text. resulting from information posted on these pages. Salem High School - Quaker Yearbook (Salem, OH), Class of 1935, Page 97 of 124 | E-Yearbook.com has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university, high school, middle school, junior high school, military, naval cruise books and yearbooks. Samantha Blasko '15 is the newest Alumni Spotlight. A password will be sent in a confirmation email to the email address you provide. It is one of four secondary schools in the Youngstown City School District. The owner or provider of photographs, including video, text, and/or
I am no longer working in the healthcare field, as I have for most of my adult years. publisher(s), or any other party responsible for the operation or
Choffin Career Center Alumni. Prior to his death, David Sullivan was a participant with our alumni page. Mendelson & Associates, LLC. I write courses for
Forums News Analysis Schools All-Star Games Awards. . update: September 2, 2022
In its first incarnation, East's athletic teams were known as the Golden Bears. The following is her last posting with us. specializing in product identification, media buying and placement. The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Cardinal Mooney High Schoolin Youngstown, Ohio . A senior cookout 3 to 7 p.m. May 14 at Chestnut Hill Pavilion in Mill Creek MetroParks.
Home: Daily Update Page: Reunions: Name Index: Geographic Index: News: History: Faculty: Obituaries: . East High School is a public high school in the city of Youngstown, Ohio, United States. Prior to her death, Patt Duncan was a participant with our alumni page. Arrangements handled by Clemente Funeral Homes. It was established by the Coitsville Township School District in approximately 1913 as Science Hill High School and was known as Scienceville High School until 1945. I graduated from Southwestern at Memphis in 1974 with a BA in English
Latest Mustang
United American Bank and owned Tanner Peck Outdoor Company. Hope everyone is doing OK.
#13,383-17,843 in National Rankings. We hope to make the next reunion and are sorry that we missed the last one. It was wonderful if long distance until his death a few years later. East High School is the 107th largest public high school in Ohio and the 4,474th largest nationally. Martin Luther King Jr. don't just read these profiles..put yours in too!". Youngstown State High School Meet #4: Youngstown, OH: 2/19: Central District Indoor Championship: Columbus, OH: 2/19: . But they could not and time was passing. Rayen High School Attendance Records, 1905-1923: Rayen High School Literary Society, 1893-1919 (71.32 . The following was her last posting with us. Want to submit your profile, update it, or change your e-mail address? for their content. Still a stranger in a strange land. I can remember blowing and blowing across the headpiece for two months before I finally got it to sound. Name High School Grad Year Leo Bakous Wilson High School Class of 1959 Edw Bal Austintown Fitch High School Class of 1979 James Bal Rayen High School Class of 1982 Betty Balaban Chaney High School Class of 1972 Ronald Balant Chaney High School Class of 1981 282. High School. Classreport.org provided free website for the Class of 1978 from East High School . I've also "filled-in" as church choir director for extended periods and we sometimes jam with our musically-inclined jazz friends. to hear our Alma Mater. of Sympathy update: February 26, 2023
I (try to) spend weekends upstate, where I have a rambling old Victorian
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (MyValleyTributes) A Memorial Mass will be held Thursday, January 5, at 2:00 pm at St. Angela Merici Catholic Church for Michael Brian Nieves, 44, of Youngstown. redistribution of such is solely at the user's/redistributor's risk. Harding Elementary School ; Moved here in 1980. A plan to transition East High from a traditional high school into an optional only STEM focused high school is underway. I went to work for financial gooroo Bill Tanner, as Bill was the owner of
60s and into the 70s. Even if alumni from Chaney High School have moved away from Youngstown, Ohio, they can use this site to find and contact high school friends. Total Students: 1,260. presentation of these web pages, against claims for any damages
Prior to her death, Pam Pennington was a participant with our alumni page.
I'd love to hear from you! Retired now. you almost went to Prescott High School? You have benefitted so many high school alumni in organizing their class reunions." Tanner
East High School 474 Bennington Youngstown, OH 44505 Phone 330-740-4005 Fax 330-742-6464. x. . graduation and spent 2 years, 2 months & 2 days in West Berlin, where he
Diversified Flooring, Inc. Other Policies are also applied to this web
Back at East, I learned to play the flute starting in the fifth grade when Joe Taylor directed the band. East High School Library, 474 Bennington Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44505 Add to Calendar Mar 24 12:45 PM 2:20 PM Battle of Classes Basketball Games .
television, and web news stories. update: February 26, 2023
I've always worked at a very low level in the software, often in networking and inside the operating system, especially for real-time systems. 1544 E HIGH AVE Youngstown, OH 44505 Juvenile Justice Center (J Hi Alumni. I attended the 20th, 25th, and 40th reunions of East High and loved catching up with childhood friends. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (MyValleyTributes) - Kyron A. Lee, 25 of Boston, Massachusetts, departed this life on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 in Washington D.C. Mr. Lee was born August 6, 1996 in Charlotte,. Latest
I now live 3 miles from my sister Pam (class of 64)and 25 miles form Jackie and her husband. Ursuline High School is a private college preparatory Roman Catholic high school in Youngstown, Ohio. Reach me at
Return to The
#524-750 in Ohio High Schools.
The East High Alumni Page is an independent publication and is not located at the school. Return to The East High
You may
Manhattan's Upper East Side, has been home since graduate school. Hopefully, I can update this thing again someday to say I've beat this disease. North High School (Youngstown, Ohio) North High School was a public high school in the city of Youngstown, Ohio, United States. a legal secretary here in Memphis for 17 years, burned out long before
If you see your name among the Wilson High School graduates, someone is looking for you! We have two married children and eight grandchildren.I am in Residential Real Estate and have been for 27 years. Charlie (Charlie Willis '68) and I have 2 children - Betsy, 19, at the University of Georgia and Sallie, 13, a seventh grader in DeKalb County. I'm sorry I won't make the 40th reunion but I have way too much on my plate right now. Youngstown is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio, and the largest city and county seat of Mahoning County.At the 2020 census, Youngstown had a city population of 60,068, making it the 11th largest city in Ohio. Hi to everyone! Employed Army Depot Engineering Dept., Millington Naval Air Station Public Works Dept., transferred to Maxwell Air Force Base Civil Engineer Dept Montgomery, Al. Athletic teams compete as the East Golden Bears in the Ohio High School Athletic Association as a member of the Steel Valley Conference. [e-mail address], Prior to his death, Mim Macdonald was a participant with our alumni page. Page 51: last names Skebo-Snyder. November 28, 2022.
That has meant a lot! Michael was highly intelligent and could speak on any subject, including spirituality. So
We divorced in 1993, also had no children. for research or other preparation for development of The East High
Attended the University of Virginia (BA in English, 1972) and the University of Texas School of Law (JD, 1975). Send messages to your long lost classmates. Both daughters were born in Memphis but we moved to Iowa when they were in elementary school. It has 584 students in grades 2-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 20 to 1. Latest profile addition & updates: October 1, 2022
I get to Memphis
Box 11384; Memphis, TN. Dennis and I wanted to relocate to Texas (lots of family in the area). publish profiles and other submissions at its discretion. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) - If you're feeling nostalgic, Youngstown's East High School has a way to relive your high school glory days. He was born on May 23, 1978, son of Angel and Lucy Morales Nieves. women's track), level
Providers of such information
Sale price: $41.99. Justin Jennings, school district chief executive.
John (24) and Stephanie (13) going on 20!! I'm in Atlanta, have an antiques and refinishing business; I've been here since '72. subsequently renamed Towery Press. No Hate Speech or Bullying. Students from families with incomes at or below 130% of the federal poverty level are eligible for free meals. We stay active in family & grandkids, genealogy, play trumpet in 3 bands active in church, active in part time business Plumbing Heating AC, member of Veteran Foreign Wars & Sons of Confederate Veterans. Register to let other graduates of Chaney High School find and contact you. Northland Baptist Bible College 2000, * Entries with the "reported deceased" designation indicate a reunion committee or other persons believed closely associated with the class or the family have indicated they have information they believe quite reliable about the death of the individual so designated. I wish I had known of this site as I evaced to my brother's house in Cordova (Cordoba? editor(s), publisher(s), or any other party responsible for the
The following was his last posting with us. If a visual or other impairment makes this impossible, e-mail us at editor@EastHigh.org. * Entries with the "reported deceased" designation indicate a reunion committee or other persons believed closely associated with the class or the family have indicated they have information they believe quite reliable about the death of the individual so designated. Married in '60" to Joy Barlow , Central "69" gra. Parents . We have two married children, Tommy, 32, and Amy, 29. I moved from Memphis after the 9th grade and graduated from Murrah High School in Jackson, MS. East High School | 12 followers on LinkedIn. Alumni Hall Annapolis, Maryland . Click here to read the obituary. I rejoined Towery Publishing, our second company,
those who have lost family members as we receive and can verify that
sections). He attended Catholic school, as well as East High School. I ride my bike a lot, finished the "Hotter'n'Hell 100" ride last August in Wichita Falls. Youngstown Academy of Excellence 1408 Rigby St . After 3 years of
Wife Jill is mortgage officer with local bank. X CLOSE. I only wish I had done it sooner! Obituaries of East alumni and faculty are also published. All of my work is done from my home in the High Point Terrace
The East High Alumni Page seeks graduates of East to
* Entries with the "reported deceased" designation indicate a reunion committee or other persons believed closely associated with the class have indicated they have information they believe quite reliable about the death of the individual so designated. Alumni Page, grants The East High Alumni Page and/or its editor(s)
. good ole days at East bring back so many memories. Seneca East's Stars, Stripes And Lights by Shawn Conlon Sep 12, 2021 . 2001. I now work for a silicon valley start-up in Sunnyvale (San Jose) California, MontaVista Software that markets an embedded Linux development product. other materials submitted for display on The East High Alumni Page, or
Your high school friends are looking for you! confirmation or correction of that information is welcome. Our first child, Ted, was born in Memphis. You'll have to mentally transfer the address to your e-mail composition page or address book to send the member a message. But at least, after 32 years away from here, I finally know now, without any doubt, who's crazy. In Phoenix, music has moved to the backseat but remained an important part of our life. here to read the obituary. So -- Spanish it was.) Credits
East High School seniors, however, will have a series of activities recognizing their 2021 school year through the efforts of parents and alumni.
and 185% of the federal poverty level are eligible for reduced price meals. Diana Ortasic [last updated February, 2004] [E-mail address updated September, 2010]
The following dress code at South High School is as follows: Water bottles will not be distributed this year. friend since 7th grade and I became Pam Castlemun #2. We are now in the business of building our own billboards as well as billboard structures for other outdoor companies across the United States. We have one son, Patrick who works for Payment Services Inc. would put their profile in here so we
The following was his last posting with us. Raymond Keel [last updated February, 2011]
Register to let other graduates of Cardinal Mooney High School find and contact you.
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