We are open to different partnerships and collaborations. These include, but are not limited to, the following: Our team oflawyers in Hong Kongcan provide more details on the difference between an apostille, a legalization and a notarization. Services include: authenticating documents, including: personal documents for marriage, adoption, succession or immigration. passport, ID document, address proof, Certifying a person's identity and photo likeness, Verify and confirm corporate identity e.g. company incorporation and BR status, Statutory Declaration for Passport Application, Affidavit of Financial Support / Letter of Invitation for Temporary Resident Visa. 2841-2211(office hours) Apostille. The person is required to hold a letter of no objection before the examination and a written notice. Notary Public, Charles Tse and Thomas Tse of Yip Tse & Tang. The Notarization Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 28, 2005, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of March 1, 2006. All U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau A passport or Hong Kong ID card is best. bearing the ID Card No of the How to Get it Notarized. public will be issued accompanying First, lets check what Apostille is, then move onto the other two. Office with the letter mentioned in For example, as a non-signatory, Canadian documents for use abroad must be certified by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in Ottawa or by a Canadian consular official abroad and subsequently by the relevant government office or consulate of the receiving state. U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau +852 2841 2211 +852 2523 9011 (after hours) ACSHK@state.gov Please note that remote notarial services may only be provided in accordance with the laws and regulations of the U.S. state that commissioned the notary public and the laws of the state or country where the document is notarized. in Examples: Notarial Services, Types of Notarial Services and Notary fees or charges | Permalink, Tags: The preparation of legal forms is typically the task of an attorney. By accessing the website of The Law Society of Hong Kong, you will be providing your consent to our use of cookies. Documents signed by a notary public or a Commissioner of Oaths in Hong Kong On the other hand, a notary public, being a certified and trained professional, verifies the authentication of documents. In Hong Kong a certified true copy provided by a CPA (Certified Public Accountant), a Hong Kong solicitor or a Notary Public will almost always be accepted by banks and other requesting organisations. Central, Hong Kong Documents signed by a notary public: these include a power of attorney, a certified true copy or a legalized authorized document translation; documents signed by a commissioner for oaths are also accepted for an apostille in Hong Kong (such as a declaration). Certificate in person or authorize someone with letter Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore - Notarial Services Different types of notarization finds their use in multiple . We can easily be accessed our notarial services by phone calls/ whatsapp (. Certified True Copy of document, notarization of the consistency between the photocopy duplicate and the original, and between the translation and the original version. List of Attorneys / Law Firms in Macau Last modified: December 16, 2022 Contact Us U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau 26 Garden Road Central, Hong Kong Tel: 2841-2211 (office hours) 2523-9011 (after office hours) Fax: (852) 2845-4845 Appointed by and registered with the High Court of Hong Kong and a member of the Hong Kong Society of Notaries, we provide fast, efficient services to Notarize, Apostille and Legalize documents for use overseas (except Mainland China). An Affidavit is a sworn statement made by an individual. The data is to be retained for at least 6 years. In this case, the inquiry can be discontinued without a further hearing. Phone (+852) 2526 5502. COVID-19 and the Potential Long-term Benefits of Electronic Notarization He is the one who has the capacity and the authority to certify that a certain document is genuine as well as authenticate a signature. The purpose of the procedure is to ensure that the document is authentic. Unfortunately we cannot perform a Medallion Signature Guarantee, which is a special type of signature acknowledgement sometimes required for the exchange of securities. U.S. Citizens with emergencies, please call +852-2841-2211, Outside of Office Hours, contact: +852-2523-9011, Outside of Hong Kong & Macau: +852-2841-2211. Hong Kong Judiciary - Appointment and Registration as a Notary Public In Hong Kong, all the Notary Public are Hong Kong solicitors of at least 10 years' experience. Apostille in any country is sufficient which follows The Hague Convention. 2014 EasyCorp Limited. person or authorize someone with letter of authorization, Some examples include: Affidavits / Affirmations / Declarations Power of Attorney Property transaction documents Company documents Board Resolutions Identification documents Birth / Marriage Certificates It is a manner of avoiding fraud and it is commonly requested by many institutions, either in Hong Kong or overseas. Notary Public | Sun Lawyers LLP Notarization is one of the most standard procedures for authenticating any certificate. With our Notary Public appointed by and registered with the High Court of the Hong Kong SAR and being. We employ cookies to improve user experience. When dealing with travel documentation and work permits, " a Notary is an internationally recognised legal officer who can authenticate signatures documents and facts. In their practice, they must not allow for the impairment of their independence or integrity, the duty to act in the best interest of the client, they are required to maintain a proper standard of work and their own reputation as well as the reputation of the profession. Examples of legal forms are available on-line (PDF 8.54 KB), but please keep in mind that the forms and their purposes can vary widely from one jurisdiction to another. We encourage you to keep checking the online appointment system if you do not immediately find an open slot. For documents to be certified by a legal institution that are required by oversea parties or authorities; To certify the official documents that are to be issued by authorizes of Hong Kong, ie Business Registration Certificate, Certification of Incorporation. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or Diners Club. Hong Kong Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service Legalisation by Consulate Simple notary starts with HKD900 Enquiries Tel/Whatsapp : 6888-9999 (Miss Law) Address: Wanchai, Lai Chi Kok and Tuen Mun For more information on Hong Kong Notary, please click to visit www.ytt.world of Yip, Tse & Tang, Solicitors & Notary It is a fraud deterrent process and certifies that a document is original whereas a notary public is the authoritative person. Theappointment as notary public in Hong Kongis made once following the review of the Chief Judge (who then issued a certificate of appointment). 159). For example, a notary public is not allowed to pay part of the profits to an individual who introduces a client. Having satisfied all the requirements, the Court Fast Response Enquiry. $10 per additional notarization seal. This certification confirms that a duplicate or copy of a genuine document is true and has an accurate transcription of original document. For example, when setting up a WOFE, a Chinese Notary is usually required. Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the High Court Accounts The notary offers solutions to those who need notarization and helps in keeping all certificates and documents authentic, valid and legal. A Notary Public may prepare, attest, authenticate and certify (for use anywhere in the world), deeds and other documents, under the signature and official seal of the Notary. We notarise documents to be used internationally: USA, Canada, European countries, Africa, Taiwan, Macau and other Asia regions/countries. Notaries are very experienced lawyers. You may need a Notary Public on the following. These are the most common types of notarization which a person might require depending on the situation. According to the Notary Public Practice Rules, these professionals need to observe a set of good conduct rules. Fast Same-day notary services: easy & fast We can easily be accessed our notarial services by phone calls/ whatsapp ( 68889999) or online form enquiry. Hong Kong Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service. in Hong Kong. A list of these scam reports is available on the Law Societys Scam Alert webpage. Our efficient notarisation ensures your documents remain valid, legal and genuine. But basically, it is often required by an oversea authority/party, involving your identity or the reliability of a document: To certify identity or documents e.g. 159). info@notaryhk.com(852) 9660-8058 (Call or WhatsApp). It is a criminal offence under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to use the personal data in this List for direct marketing without the data subjects' consent. Some of these are: It refers to the action where a signer affirms that the contents of a document are true. An original, unsigned document (Don't sign it before uploading! This procedure authenticates certification, signature or witness identity of a person. The notary has a duty of care towards individuals in any jurisdiction when these persons place their reliance on a statement contained in the notarial work provided by the professional. For example, (a) Notary Public - Power of Attorney - Certified true copy (b) Commissioner for Oaths - Declaration Fees Apostille service is provided at a fee of HK$125 per apostille. In Hong Kong almost all notarys are solicitors. WANT to learn more? What are the normal charges or fees for a notary public in Hong Kong? An individual is required to apply for certification as anotary public in Hong Kongand undergo the examination defined in the Notaries Public (Examination) Rules (Cap. Legalisation by Consulate. What is the difference between notarization, apostille and legalization They have a very experienced legal team. Here, one should appear before the relevant authority prior to signing the document. For example, (a) Notary Public - Power of Attorney - Certified true copy (b) Commissioner for Oaths - Declaration. Notarization of or witness to documents for insurance claim, and Proof of Loss Declaration, receiving pension, old age security payments. We have 3 full-time notaries public. A U.S. social security number for secure identity verification. This register needs to include information on the notarial work, most notably the following: the date of the work, the name of the client, the nature of the document and a short description of the work. already filled in. Apostilles are affixed by Competent Authorities designated by the government of a state which is party to the convention. Accounts Office on LG2/F., High As a Hong Kong Notary Public, we provide a full range of professional Notarial services in Hong Kong, These include the following: Our Hong Kong Notary Public can help you to notarize a variety of documents for use outside Hong Kong SAR (except Mainland China). *The above contents are for reference only and shall not constitute legal advice to anyone. he was suspended from practicing as a notary public or a solicitor; he was suspended from practicing in a foreign jurisdiction; he was convicted in Hong Kong or in another jurisdiction of an offence associated with fraud or dishonesty; he willingly provided the Society with false or misleading information for the application; suffers or appears to suffer from a mental health disorder (as described in the Mental Health Ordinance). The Law Society reaches out and maintains a wide local and global network for knowledge exchange, experience sharing and collaboration between our members and different sectors of both the local and international communities. The person is required to hold a letter of no objection before the examination and a written notice. Notarize is the simpler, smarter, and safer solution to get a notarization from anywhere. 2523-9011(after office hours) Apostille An apostille is. collecting the Certificate, please produce the receipt On the other hand, for non-Hague Apostille Convention countries or territories, documents which have been notarized by a Notary Public will need to be legalized by the embassy of the relevant country or territorory in Hong Kong before they can be used in that country or territory. Holiday / Special Temporary Closing Arrangement for Law Firms, Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Programme, Policy on Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Sexual Harassment. there were 293 individuals who applied for the examination in 2019; out of the total, 50 individuals passed both papers included in the examination; in 2015 the number of applicants was 240. Countries, such as the US, the UK and within Continental Europe, have brought in measures to carry out online notaries. Our Hong Kong Notary Public provides a range of Notarial Services to businesses and individuals. For legalization, one would require first to notarize and apostille the document. For the documents to be used in other countries that have not signed the Hague Convention require an additional process known as "authentication" or "legalization.". We also serve as an Apostille (under the Hague Convention) and Legalisation agents. Some examples include: Documents notarized by our Hong Kong Notary Public can be submitted for Apostille at the High Court of Hong Kong. How to Get a Notarized Minor Travel Consent Form, What Is an Affidavit? Notary Public or China Appointed Attesting Officer? Additional resources and information is available on the Hong Kong US embassy website. Documents signed by a notary public or a Commissioner for Oaths in Hong Kong. Check out these. Non-U.S. citizens or residents may only use our notarial services if the document being notarized is for use in the United States. For questions about notarial services, please contact the U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau via email ( acshk@state.gov) or telephone (2841-2211) from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except public holidays. Those excessively late will be denied entrance to the Consulate and asked to schedule a new appointment. Legalization is the ultimate way to authenticate a certification. About the Society Anotary public in Hong Kongneeds to offer ongoing compliance with the provisions of the relevant Rules and the set of good practices imposed for this profession. Such a certification is called an apostille (French: certification). A Notary public is a legal profession - usually, an experienced solicitor appointed and registered at the Hong Kong High Court. Our Hong Kong notary public services from easyCorp provides a painless way to obtain authentications by legal institutions. in Notary fees or notary charges in Hong Kong, What is the normal charge or fees for a notary public? Canada etc. Prepare the motion and all necessary documents What is the normal charge or fees for a notary public? Legalisation by Consulate. The notarial fee or notary charges start with HKD900 and varies with number of required signatures and nature of documents. The preparation of legal forms is typically the task of an attorney. Letter notifying you of the appointment as a notary Further, our fees are affordable and low. Several types of documents are issued by a notary public. A Notary Public in Hong Kong needs to first qualify as a Hong Kong Solicitor before he/she can take the notarial exam and be appointed by the High Court. Your application will be considered by the Designated Fax: (852) 2845-4845. U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau, Extension of current Hong Kong DED-related Employment Authorization Documents (EADs), Secretary Blinkens Call with Peoples Republic of China (PRC) CCP Central Foreign Affairs Office Director Wang Yi, Memorandum on Extending and Expanding Eligibility for Deferred Enforced Departure for Certain Hong Kong Residents, Consul General Gregory May Keynote Remarks at the CSIS, U.S. Consul General Hanscom Smith Farewell Remarks, The Administrations Approach to the Peoples Republic of China, Statement by President Joe Biden on Hong Kongs Apple Daily, Signature Guarantees: Preventing the Unauthorized Transfer of Securities web page, State Departments Office of Authentication, Chief Executive of the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Report Lost or Stolen Travel Document or Visa. At the time of The Law Society of Hong Kong Annual Report 2021, Conditions of UseSitemapPrivacy PolicyPolicy on Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Sexual Harassment. We have 2 full-time notary public, Thomas Tse and Charles Tse (above picture). Fill in the information here and expect our reply within one day. Notary fees or notary charges in Hong Kong - NotaryPublic.Asia - notary Experience a contact-free transaction. Email office@kwanandchow.com. Our scope of service: in Notarization & Declaration Service by Notary Public | Permalink. File affirmation of service within 7 days of service You may collect the Notarization of Power of Attorney Chow & Cheung, Hong Kong Notary Public & Solicitors & China Appointed Attesting Officers (CAAO) have substantial experience in providing notarization, apostille and legalization services for individual and corporate clients. Hong Kong Notary Public Addresses and Phone contact Notaries Public | The Law Society of Hong Kong Other notarization matters undertaken upon request and in accordance with international practices. Notarization of or witness to Power of Attorney, trust deed, assignment of property, letter of guarantee, contracts and agreements. Some of the situations in which a notarized document is required are many of the ones in which our team oflawyers in Hong Kongcan also assist interested individuals. Notarial Services - Tanner De Witt Solicitors, Law Firm Hong Kong For information on authenticating Hong Kong documents for use in the United States, please contact the Hong Kong High Court general hotline at Tel: 2825-4226, Monday through Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and see theirapostille service page for additional information. After having your documents notarized at a law firm in Hong Kong or Macau, please take your documents to the Hong Kong High Court or to the Chief Executive of the Secretary for Administration and Justice in Macau for an apostille, an attachment that will make the document recognized for use in the United States. Not all documents are accepted for Apostille service.Documents accepted for apostille service are broadly classified into the following two categories :Public documents bearing the true signature of an official party such as a Hong Kong SAR Government recognized officer. The List of Notaries Public is compiled by the Law Society based on the Certificates of Appointment issued by the High Court of Hong Kong. The United States, Hong Kong and Macau are all parties to the Hague Convention. Masters Clerks Office (Apostille Service Office). Simple notary starts with HKD900. Public Notary Office of People's Republic of China Yip, Tse & Tang, Notary Public. Card No of the authorized person to collect it on Our efficient notarisation ensures your documents remain valid, legal and genuine. For information concerning remote notarial and authentication services, we direct you to the following recently updated Department of Statewebpage. However, not all documents can be apostilled. Ready to get started? Hong Kong Judiciary - Apostille Service weeks from payment of the fee at the on the Secretary for Justice and the We shall not be held liable to anyone for any loss and/or damage incurred as a result of that persons reliance on the above contents. At Notarize, we're champions of bringing trust online 24/7 for life's most important moments. Scam Alert: From time to time, the Law Society receives reports on scam websites, emails or other means of communication using bogus law firms or solicitors / foreign lawyers on fake law firm letterheads with false contact details. In the numbered fields the following information is added:Country [country name]This public documenthas been signed by [name]acting in the capacity of [function]bears the seal/stamp of [authority]certifiedat [location]the [date]by [name]No [apostille registration number]Seal/stamp [of the authority giving the apostille]Signature [signature of authority giving the apostille]The information can be placed on the (back of the) document itself, or attached to the document as an allonge. Hong Kong Notary Public Addresses. We know the practice by each of the common consulate-general in Hong Kong and is glad to provide you with our professional advice on that. Chow & Cheung Solicitors Notaries We can help our clients to have their legal documents notarized and authenticated. Enquiries Tel/Whatsapp : 6888-9999 (Miss . NOTARIZATION & DECLARATIONS IN HONG KONG. To be eligible for an apostille, a document must first be issued or certified by an officer recognised by the authority that will issue the apostille. Each additional notary seal will cost $10 but most documents only require one. We also arrange legalization/ authentication at various embassies in the Hong Kong SAR (including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peoples Republic of China in the Hong Kong SAR and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office). Preparing for the documents to be accepted for Apostille by the High Court of Hong Kong. The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, the Apostille convention, or the Apostille treaty is an international treaty drafted by the Hague Conference on Private International Law. Documents Accepted for Apostille Service in Hong Kong, Taking an Affirmation, Affidavit or Statutory Declaration, Certified True Document eg. For us to notarize your documents, you must: The U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macau can notarize documents for any U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Notary Addresses, Phone and Office Hours: YIP TSE & TANG, Notary Service in Hong Kong, Types of Notarial Services and Notary fees or charges, Hong Kong Notary Public Addresses and Phone contact, Notaries Public: Thomas Tse and Charles Tse, Notary Service Enquiries : 6888-9999 (Miss Law), Apostille service under Hague Convention by a Notary, Notarization & Declaration Service by Notary Public, hongkongnotary.com. The United States, Hong Kong, and Macau are parties to the Hague Convention which abolishes the requirement of diplomatic and consular legalization for public documents originating in one Convention member and intended for use in another.
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