The district released the summary of an engineers report that indicates soil underneath the campus could be compromised in the event of a 6.8 magnitude earthquake. Maddison says that in October, the district disclosed that due to new agreements with its labor groups, the district would add $9.5-million to their deficit this year and $6- to $7-million to their deficit each year after due to a 3.75 percent salary increase. Find Construction Inspector Jobs with Bonus Pay in Torrey - Indeed Nuestra visin es la de que todos los estudiantes se graden de la universidad y estn listos para su carrera profesional, preparados para convertirse en ciudadanos responsables en la comunidad global y ambiciosos lderes del futuro. Twitter@deborahsbrennan. If an appropriate resolution is not reached, citizens can and should contact the district office and request to speak with a district administrator or member of the board of education. Superintendent; Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Directory & District Map; . District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education, District of Columbia Attendance Report, School Year 2018-2019 (November 30, 2019), p. 25, They have become misguided, corrupt, bureaucracies, without accountability. It is at this starting point that most situations are resolved quickly and productively. Mano a Mano Parenting Program, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Let's see. The visit took place just before the holiday break and was organized by the School Counseling Department. Contact Eleanor Evans Curated stories, fun places to hang out and top events. Bendz insists this recommendation is about student and staff safety. The continuation school students were moved to the Surfside Academy at Ditmar Elementary. Oceanside The Oceanside Unified School District has launched a search for a new superintendent to replace Duane Coleman, who will retire in June. Raquels husband has lived in Oceanside since the seventies and has gone through the OUSD school system graduating from OHS. "Several tests revealed soil liquefaction. Oceanside Unified School District's Prop H and Measure W Bond Projects He said he expects to receive about 30 to 40 applicants, and recommend five or six for interviews with the school board. parent Desirae Metoyer said. He was appointed to the position in March 2014. Classified Job Opportunities LinkCertificated Job Opportunities Link. Oceanside Unified has done so well, district superintendent Julie Vitale was awarded Equality California's highest honor. Ditmar stopped being used as a traditional elementary school in 2008 and is now called Surfside Educational Academy hosting some 600 continuation and independent study students. 2023 San Diego Reader. This is the disclaimer text. She is also an adjunct professor at Concordia University. Curriculum & Instruction / Transitional Kindergarten - Schoolwires Vitale currently servesas the superintendent of Romoland School District, a nearly 4,000-student elementary school district located approximately 22 miles south of the city of Riverside. Contact Stacy Begin Area 3). Allowing parents access to take tax (our) money dedicated to their student and choose the school of their choice would be a great start to righting this sinking ship. Accountant 5/2006 to Present. The Human Resources Department is committed to excellence by providing effective, efficient, and caring services to staff and the public in support of the Oceanside Unified School District mission. Dr. Duane Coleman is the superintendent of the Oceanside Unified School District. Privacy PolicyTerms of ServiceSign Up For Our NewslettersSite Map, Copyright 2023, The San Diego Union-Tribune |, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, County reorganizes child welfare services to prevent abuse, neglect, Supervisors explore ways to offset vehicle traffic from backcountry residential builders, Should backcountry builders fund city sidewalks and bike lanes? Substitute Teacher at Oceanside Unified | EDJOIN ', Sierra Snowpack Grows to Nearly Double Normal, Easing California Drought, San Diego Neo-Nazi Robert Wilson Suspected in Anne Frank House Incident, Tax Deadlines Extended to October for Most Californians Due to Storms, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. By establishing and implementing policy, the board is dedicated to ensuring the success of every student in the district through clear, concise direction to the superintendent. Tickets for January 20 & 21 performances here. Should the school close, students and staff would be absorbed into the districts other elementary schools. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the San Diego Union-Tribune. Rep. Mike Levin to Lead Virtual Town Hall with Oceanside Unified School Whatever happened to education in California? Eleanor Evans was elected to the OUSD Board of Education in November 2016. Oceanside Unified School District: LGBTQ books being challenged in city He brings to the board more than 40 years of experience in public service to the City of Oceanside and the North County. But here we are, getting targeted, booted to another campus. She says elementary schools in Oceansides more affluent neighborhoods arent faced with such disruptions or relocations. She has also earned a Doctoral degree in K-12 Curriculum and Instruction; and two Masters degrees in Special Education and Educational Administration. Students and adults are valued and will consistently show integrity, compassion, and respect. During this time frame he served the City and Oceanside community in a variety of positions. The deal to sell off schools was dead. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. Lilitte Grundstein, M.B.A. - Accountant - Carlsbad Unified School Coleman graduated from the district's Oceanside High School in 1979. Its students would be moved to Del Rio Elementary on the other side of town. If you spend just a few minutes surfing our site, you will learn that we are dedicated to the success of each and every student. As of Tuesday evening's school board meeting, those closure plans were unanimously rejected. Ms. Evans believes quality public education is the greatest asset and greatest equalizer for achieving equity and human rights. No one is talking about doing anything to Ivey Ranch. Superintendent; Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Directory & District Map; Our Schools" Directory of Schools; Bell Schedules; School Boundaries; . Ann GivensExecutive Assistant to the SuperintendentOffice: 760-966-4006. Strange stuff for sure. All the teachers here are awesome. Listing for: Vista Unified School District. Here's something you might be interested in. This leaves 16 elementary schools still operating in the Oceanside Unified School District. Contact Todd McAteer, Ed.D Associate Superintendent of Human Resources 2111 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92058 (760) 966-4000. After obtaining her bachelors degree, Licona attended CSULB to pursue a Masters in Counseling to become a school counselor and worked as a Career Coach for high school students in community, continuation, and juvenile correctional schools. And we will engage inpurposeful collaboration:we will create purposeful and collaborative learning environments that inspire students and adults to achieve their highest potential. They were always talking about rebuilding or fixing it. In addition, she has served students as a part-time counselor for the Migrant education program, and volunteer for the Chicano Latino Youth Leadership Project and Girls On The Run. The march to close and then sell off elementary schools in Oceanside has been compared to the game of musical chairs. Associate Superintendent, Educational Support Services. Begin is a labor management consultant for the California Teachers Association and works with school districts throughout San Diego County to support contract negotiations, allocation of district finances, and advocacy for the teaching profession. Additionally, she will be eligible to receive a $7,090 stipend for earning a doctoral degree. Weather. In the not-so-old days the OUSD board would rubber stamp just about anything that the supe proposed, ceding its authority to the hired help strongman/woman, and just blow off any and all concerns. Oceanside The Oceanside Unified School District has launched a search for a new superintendent to replace Duane Coleman, who will retire in June. Were seeing theres an interest in experience with budgeting and finance, because districts are facing reduced enrollment and reduced income, Farley said. Learn more about how we use cookies in our cookie policy. Ignore the No author Rev. The Oceanside Unified School District board of trustees will vote November 2 to approve one of two plans. Julie A. Vitale, Ph.D. - Superintendent - Oceanside Unified School Oceanside school district honored on National Coming Out Day In the end, either way someone loses out.. story in the Oceanside/Island Park Herald. Superintendent's Office - Oceanside Union Free School District Translate. The Oceanside Unified School District has launched a search for a new superintendent to replace Duane Coleman, who will retire in June. Why does the district need three people to work full time in public relations?. Teachers at Oceanside High School gave language learning students a full day to experience immersion and put their developing skills to work. Oceanside Unified School District pays an average salary of $191,412 and salaries range from a low of $165,795 to a high of $222,664. The district hired national search. When I tell other parents that they are thinking about closing Reynolds, they look at me like I five faces. Special Education - Oceanside Union Free School District Local. Welcome to the Oceanside Unified School District website. Location: Oceanside, CA Client: Oceanside Unified School District Demco Consultants: Shawna Ley, Learning Environment Consultant, Angela Loewecke, Interior Designer Completed Date: August 2022 15 schools. Individual salaries will, of course, vary depending on the job, department, location, as well as the individual skills . Lifestyle. She serves as an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California (USC) in the educational leadership program. A superintendent who currently leads a Riverside County school district has been tapped to head the Oceanside Unified School District. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Student Services / Interdistrict Attendance Permits - Schoolwires Estamos entusiasmados por lo que ser un ao de trabajo en colaboracin con usted para proveer las mejores experiencias educativas para su hijo. We will ensure our vision is actualized by making decisions based on our values. District Profile: Oceanside Unified (CA Dept of Education) Something needs to change. Special thanks to Oceanside historian Kristi Hawthorne, whose data is always invaluable. The Oceanside School District is a leader in educational excellence and student achievement, educating 5,500 students Pre-K-12. There is no park within walking distance. So there's this practice of being short of space, overbuilding, closing schools and then needing them again. Oceanside Unified School District Base Schools Recognized as California Purple Star Schools. If Ditmar goes and Reynolds stays, the district has said Reynolds needs to spend millions to upgrade Reynolds. Human Resources / Overview - Oceanside Unified School District Dr. (516) 678 - 1217. Meet the team behind the Oceanside Unified School District Facility Master Plan. IMnotsoHO, that would be truly insane That school district is amazing, as in amazingly poorly run. Yes, California needs the best education that it once offered. For example, San Diego's Oceanside Unified School District offers families a smartphone app, Edulog Parent Portal Lite, which uses . Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Revitalizing Oceanside Unified School District Learn more December 7, 2022 Blog Idea Gallery 65 Building Inspector jobs available in Torrey Pines Park, CA on OUSD policy prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Human Resources - Oceanside Union Free School District Pondremos a losestudiantes primero:nuestros estudiantes son nuestra ms alta prioridad. Los recursos se distribuyen de manera que erradiquen la persistente disparidad en desempeo y oportunidades. Learn more . Typical applicants have prior classroom teaching experience, as well as backgrounds in school administration in the role of principal, superintendent or assistant superintendent, Farley said. The way we look at it, student learning and well-being is everybody's job, not just the classroom teacher's. During an earthquake this could cause buildings to sink and incur other damages, Bendz explained in a statement. Dont miss out. For information regarding processing a COVID-related leave that occurred prior to December 31, 2022, please contact the following Human Resources staff members: CERTIFICATED STAFF to Priscilla.Fortson@oside.usCLASSIFIED STAFF (non-teaching) to When the sites are sold off, they are gone for good. parent Nick Thomas said. OUSD Board Meeting, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Oceanside Unified School District Dec 2018 - Present 4 years 3 months. Currently, Dr. They will hold focus groups and community and staff meetings to find out what qualities Oceanside families, teachers and others would like to see in the new superintendent. The board is responsible for hiring the superintendent and instructs him/her to focus every district staff member and all resources on the goal of improving and maintaining student achievement. Superintendent's Office - Vista Unified School District This month, Farley and Castruita will hold meetings with school district administrators and cabinet members and labor leaders. Registration Information / Forms - Schoolwires "It's important that our schools give students and staff a sense of pride," said Dr. Julie Vitale, Oceanside Unified School District's Superintendent. Ditmar stopped being used as a traditional elementary school in 2008 and is now called Surfside Educational Academy. Procurement & Bids - Oceanside USD A September 15 letter from the San Diego County Office of Education to Oceanside school Superintendent Julie Vitale said the district will be unable to meet its financial commitments after the 2021-2022 school year and that it is projected to be in the red by more than $8 million in 2022-2023. Fears of sinking school buildings could force Reynolds Elementary School in the Oceanside Unified School District to close. bassett unified school district news - The communication protocol starts with the staff member closest to the situation, as that person will usually have the most information. Lincoln Unified School Schedule - Teaching like nursing is a calling, and their reward is the results that happen. Associate Superintendent at Oceanside Unified School District Love & Logic Parenting Workshops, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Superintendent's Message . View the presentation from the November 2 Special Board of Education meeting. Dr. Lovie has focused on equity and inclusive instructional practices throughout her career. Theyve reunited with their friends and the school board doesnt really have a plan to keep them together," he said. Vitales leadership and proven track record is a welcome addition to our district, said OUSD Board of Education President Ann Corwin. Or public access station KOCT. is the Associate Superintendent of Oceanside Unified School District, serving over 17,500 students. Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). OCEANSIDE, Calif. Community members are calling on the Oceanside Unified School District to remove certain books from school libraries saying they are age-inappropriate. For the 2022-2023 School Year, children turning 5 years old between July 2, 2022 and February 2, 2023 are eligible for TK. Otherwise, we can continue to do the same thing (burn the people's money, and let the children fail) over and over and hope for a different result. In Oceanside, we are fortunate to have a community that values education and a staff that is second to none. She earned her a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics/social sciences for teaching and a Master of Science in counseling and administration at San Diego State University. At its November 7 meeting, the school board will announce which elementary school will be the next to be placed in asset management. And what gets me, is the associate superintendent of human resources Todd McAteer who just negotiated the new increase gets to be included on this new increase, says Maddison. The district hired national search. The crash was reported about 5 a.m. on San Vicente Road near Wildcat Canyon Road, said Officer Enrique Rivera in an email Thursday. We will create systems that provide foreducational equity:every student receives the academic, social, and emotional support needed to succeed. Oceanside Unified projects budget cuts due to enrollment, attendance . Si usted se toma solamente unos minutos en nuestra pgina, se dar cuenta de que estamos dedicados al xito de cada uno de nuestros estudiantes. Additionally, she supports educators pursuing National Board Certification throughout California in a strategic partnership with Stanford University and California County Offices of Education. The shared benefits of her experiences, expertise, and professionalism will enable all educators and all students to help achieve their maximum potential. Licona has served as a middle school counselor for 7 years, advocating for and supporting students' social-emotional, academic, and college/career needs. Updated: Feb 28, 2023 / 10:27 PM PST. bassett unified school district news. We heard you, said Begin who said the protests and other communication got through to the board and made its members rethink the asset liquidation plan options presented to them by staff. Weather. High School Students Spend A Day Immersed in Language, OHS Alumni Share Advice with Current Students, OSD Parent University Workshop Features Family Wellness Strategies, Schools #5 and #8 Once Again Named New York State Finalists in Nationwide STEM Competition. Each of our five members brings a wealth of school district and community experience to the governing table. even though nobody asked me, that they cool it on selling properties until they can be very sure they won't be needed again soon. Dr. Doyle is responsible for leading the design and implementation of the district strategic plan, the Blueprint for Educational Excellence and Innovation, in response to the State of California Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) provisions. Student Records & Transcripts General information regarding student records. As an involved parent, she is active in the OUSD District Parent Advisory Committee, serves on the OUSD School Site Council for Reynolds Elementary, is a member of the OUSD Local Control and Accountability Committee, and a founding member of the parent network called Oside Parents 4 Kids. Associate . Dr. Vitale will share her address on June 11 at the Main Stage in downtown Oceanside. . The $billions spent for the boondoggle high-speed rail project could have been better spent on education! The ECI conducted a report, which covered 118 of California's 343 districts. Superintendent; Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Directory & District Map; Our Schools" Directory of Schools; Bell Schedules; School Boundaries; School Accountability Report Cards; .
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